The politics of 'canes - is the "US" media lying about canes to hype "global warming?"


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
We were told last year that a storm in the Pacific that ended up hitting Mexico was the strongest storm ever, with the lowest pressure ever....

but it really did no damage the "US" media could show us...

Today, the "US" media is desperately hyping Irma... but it can't show big time damage.... and the winds on shore are 80-100, not Cat 3 (115) or higher, which would mean that Irma doesn't break the 200 year record setting hurricane drought in the Atlantic - no Cat 3 or higher has hit the US since 2005, when every "US" media outlet was telling us the strong cane year of 2005 was "only the beginning." The prior record was 9 years, we are at year 12 and counting...

Mr. Trump, to drain the Swamp, you must first drain the hyper fudgers at NOAA...
Science doesn't need "hyping".

Real media needs to do a better job of vetting so-called experts and quit pretending that there are two legitimate sides and the "debate continues".

Media likes to hype or portray conflict, e.g. an expert from NASA vs. paid front group spokesperson who happens to have phd. after his name -- these people are NOT equals. But the media portrays them as such.

The legal system has procedure and standards for allowing and accepting "expert testimony".... News media and congress should do the same with regard to matters of science.
Science doesn't need "hyping".

Fudging data is not science
Fraud is not science

You are not about science. You are about parroting left wing lies and claiming that is "science" when it isn't.

You cannot even answer the FIRST QUESTION of Earth climate change

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other, the Arctic???
WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other, the Arctic?
That's easy. One has water flow(Gulf Stream) evening out temps and the other doesn't. The real fraud comes into play when AGW opponents pay flacks who do no research to lie about those who do.
We were told last year that a storm in the Pacific that ended up hitting Mexico was the strongest storm ever, with the lowest pressure ever....

but it really did no damage the "US" media could show us...

Today, the "US" media is desperately hyping Irma... but it can't show big time damage.... and the winds on shore are 80-100, not Cat 3 (115) or higher, which would mean that Irma doesn't break the 200 year record setting hurricane drought in the Atlantic - no Cat 3 or higher has hit the US since 2005, when every "US" media outlet was telling us the strong cane year of 2005 was "only the beginning." The prior record was 9 years, we are at year 12 and counting...

Mr. Trump, to drain the Swamp, you must first drain the hyper fudgers at NOAA...

You come and take my place, flooding and evacuations up the Georgia line, boy.
Science doesn't need "hyping".

Fudging data is not science
Fraud is not science

You are not about science. You are about parroting left wing lies and claiming that is "science" when it isn't.

You cannot even answer the FIRST QUESTION of Earth climate change

WHY does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other, the Arctic???

Science and the practice of science is done in a conservative (cautious, using tried and test methods) manner. The notion that science is "liberal" or prone to anything goes thinking is idiotic on its face.

The consensus on Global warming in 2000s took nearly 3 decades of peer-reviewed research to arrive at. But some dick senator from OK knows better than MIT, NASA, or any major legitimate scientific research body? Get the fuck outta town!

As for "fudging of data" and the rest -- your conspiracy theories are old and tiresome. Yawn. Let one faux "scandal" or another become a reason to dismiss it all -- that's as stupid as thinking a blizzard disproves global "warming" because, you know, snow is cold. (the RW, Fox News talking point playing on peoples ignorance of the difference between weather and climate.)

Admitting that science had it right on global warming and climate change would be a blow to your ego, admitting you were wrong for so long, fooled by the RW radio and media you trusted for so long. No on likes to admit to being a "sucker".

The professional shills got paid to work for big energy and fossil fuels! Most deniers online do it for free. Suckers.

The tides are shifting -- guess which billion dollar industries believe in GW and CC?
Big Agriculture.
And Big money gets the policy it wants.

The deniers succeeded in muddying the water for a time, convincing people there were two sides, causing confusion etc. But it's over Johnny. With every storm, every bad season, every dollar that goes out the window, people get wise to who the liars are.
The "MOTHER OF ALL HURRICANES!!!! ARGHHH!!!!" has already dropped to a Cat 3.

The presstitutes are hoping and praying or a few dead bodies floating face down before this is over.

Definitely hyping it for future political purposes. They seemed depressed because it was downgraded to a 3 when they were hoping for a 5.
Is Irma the strongest hurricane? No unless you create a meaningless way of measuring it:

"This is the case for Irma being described as the 'strongest' hurricane ever in the Atlantic. This is the description that should be used: Hurricane Irma has the strongest sustained winds for any hurricane in the Atlantic, excluding any hurricanes in the Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico."
"Now there are several different ways to categorize the strength of a hurricane. Maximum sustained wind speed is the most popular method. In this case, Irma at 185 mph would be tied for second, with Gilbert (1988), and Wilma (2005). If you count hurricanes before 1950, you would have to throw in the Florida Keys Hurricane of 1935. Hurricane records are often referenced starting from the point in which we started naming tropical storms. Hurricane Allen in holds the record with 190 mph winds in 1980."

"Another way to rank hurricane strength is with the lowest measured surface pressure. This is often described as hurricane intensity. Irma's minimum pressure so far, is 914 millibars. That ranks it 10th in history, with Hurricane Wilma holding that title with a pressure of 882mb in October 2005."

Is Irma really the strongest hurricane ever?

So much hype, so few facts.

The "MOTHER OF ALL HURRICANES!!!! ARGHHH!!!!" has already dropped to a Cat 3.

The presstitutes are hoping and praying or a few dead bodies floating face down before this is over.

What an asshole you are. If Irma had not slammed into the mountains in Cuba, and hit Miami as a strong Cat 4, Miami would be looking like some of those islands with 95% of the building destroyed or seriously damaged. The press and the various government agencies and personnel, including Governor Scott did a very good job. That it is less a disaster than it could have been is something to be thankful for, not be bitching about.

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