The Post-Boehner Congress and Washington’s Sense of Dread

It's time our representatives were fiscally responsible.

Yep, it is time for China to take over as the economic leader of the world. Screw you jackson.
LOL! You are such a drama queen, Matthew. There are plenty of cuts we could make that won't affect your cushy life or our place as an economic leader in the world. China is looking at problems, themselves. Think about their position when manufacturing comes back to the US.
In otherwords - expect this Republican-led Congress to accomplish absolutely nothing - not even necessary infrastructure repairs.
They haven't accomplished anything since Obama got in office, apart from harming veterans and shutting down the government.
They haven't accomplished anything other than letting Obama have his way.
Funny thing is jackass is the reality that infrastructure, science, r&d and education never caused a cent of this debt. Yet, it is the first to be cut. I wonder why!

Also these are things that drive our economy and do something for the American people...Not the nation building wars, not the stock market infusions, and not the bank bail-outs!!!

Must be nice to be wanting seconds on the fucking you gave the American people in 2008!!!
In otherwords - expect this Republican-led Congress to accomplish absolutely nothing - not even necessary infrastructure repairs.
They haven't accomplished anything since Obama got in office, apart from harming veterans and shutting down the government.

They're loons and fools that want to live in a third world country...Seriously, this is something a backwards nation like haiti would do!
In otherwords - expect this Republican-led Congress to accomplish absolutely nothing - not even necessary infrastructure repairs.
They haven't accomplished anything since Obama got in office, apart from harming veterans and shutting down the government.
They haven't accomplished anything other than letting Obama have his way.
Seriously? Which explains why obama couldn't pass many things.. :banned:
Funny thing is jackass is the reality that infrastructure, science, r&d and education never caused a cent of this debt. Yet, it is the first to be cut. I wonder why!

Also these are things that drive our economy and do something for the American people...Not the nation building wars, not the stock market infusions, and not the bank bail-outs!!!

Must be nice to be wanting seconds on the fucking you gave the American people in 2008!!!

No you already gave us seconds, thank God he'll be gone in a little under 16 months.
Let's review this liberal group think. More legislation has been passed with a republican house and senate than Was passed by Harry Reid in his last four years, he'll he wouldn't even allow a budget and all stuff that Obama wanted, but liberals whine,that repubs,are,against everything Obama wants. So once again, the libs just continue to lie, to lie constantly.

Secondly, the criteria for an extreme rightwingnuts is to not agree or be against something Obama wants to do. Absolutely nothing that Obama did not want has been passed. There has never been any compromise in his,part period. As someone recently said, there is no difference between republican leadership and democratic leadership, they do whatever Obama wants. This is not the way the country works and it does not,represent the last election at all.

Attach no,funding for planned parenthood to the budget bill and let Obama veto it. If he wants his legacy to be an unfeeling baby killer have at it. I'll back that action all day. Let him defend,that butchery in order to,shut down the govt. McConnell won't let,it happen but he is the next one that needs to go.

Just,stop with the false narrative of obstructionism. The facts don't support it and it doesn't pass,the smell test.
It's extremely unlikely that those leaving will be replaced by anyone on the Far Right.

These far right politicians need to be hog tied and gagged until after the November 2016 election. I really hope they start losing their seats in their districts because they are so bad, they really don't belong in any elected office representing anyone.

It's the same base that are supporting Donald Trump. They're just very stupid people. They elect people that can rant & rave all day long, but have no solutions to the problems. When someone else does--they can't seem to compromise, and their only solution is "to shut down the government"--which always backfires on the entire Republican Party--which makes it much harder for Republicans to win elections.

I really don't blame John Boehner for quitting, who wouldn't if you had to listen to these morons on a daily basis.

Mathew how,about coming up,for,air.your blanket statements are untrue. We already spend more money on education than any other country in the world and we have a trillion dollars in student debt to show for it. We waste,so much money on research like why are lesbians fat, or,how,do jewfish copulate.there is no,other country in the world that spends as much money as we do on innovation and seed funding in the private sector. Infrastructure is often times a huge boondoggle, check the big dig,in Boston. Govt. investment on the,clean energy front,has been nothing more,than a democratic slush fund.

I am with you on focusing more on science and engineering as career paths. I am absolutely with you on the space stuff, but more,because it fed our need to dream and imagine. i love your science posts and have learned a lot from,them, but your constant harping on science and r and d investment is just not the panacea you claim it to be. You are starting to sound like a K street lobbyist.
every matthew post- funding for infastructure.

het matt- barry got two huge stimulis'. whered that money go lib?

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