The Presidential Transition from Hell


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
This is what I have been wondering about. The writer describes it as something that Trump will do when in what is probably the truth, outgoing Democrat administrations have done this . . .
. . . expect a slew of pardons — for Trump himself, for his family and staff, for his Cabinet and other officials facing possible charges of corruption and malfeasance. This alone will empower them to act in a reckless fashion, with no possibility of legal backlash, through Jan.19. This group could include the people at several federal agencies carrying out Trump's harsh immigration policies. It could also cover people who violate two laws intended to preserve records, the Federal Records Act and the Presidential Records Act. The desire to cover their tracks by deep-sixing incriminating or embarrassing documents will be strong, from the White House to the State Department to Homeland Security, Commerce and Education.
No doubt in my mind that Obama tried this on Trump, and it appears that Trump honored it, anyway.
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Its like a non-disclosure agreement that Trump is used to giving his Ex-wives; and it certainly explains a lot of the avoidance of the Trump Administration to prosecute the Obama Administration's criminal acts, especially the revelation of Biden threatening to withhold funding to another country for investigating his son's corrupt business ties with that country.
The pardons for Donald's corrupt buddies will be issued by the dozens. Of course that won't protect them from NY (and other) state charges sure to come.
Yes, Fauci and probably Chris Wray will be fired - But that won't matter because President Biden will rehire them.
We shouldn't wait a month and a half to inaugurate new presidents.
Normally 6 weeks works out fine, but in Trump's case we can all expect the very worst. A WEEK would be better.
Gonna be Mr Toad's Wild Ride! :omg:
Just wondering, and I'm not going to waste my time researching this issue. Does anybody know if someone can be pardoned when they have not been indicted or convicted for a crime . . . yet. Or does a person have to be indicted and convicted first?

Of course, then there are state-law crimes.

I wonder if trump will ever dare set one paw back in the state of New York again.
This is what I have been wondering about. The writer describes it as something that Trump will do when in what is probably the truth, outgoing Democrat administrations have done this . . .
. . . expect a slew of pardons — for Trump himself, for his family and staff, for his Cabinet and other officials facing possible charges of corruption and malfeasance. This alone will empower them to act in a reckless fashion, with no possibility of legal backlash, through Jan.19. This group could include the people at several federal agencies carrying out Trump's harsh immigration policies. It could also cover people who violate two laws intended to preserve records, the Federal Records Act and the Presidential Records Act. The desire to cover their tracks by deep-sixing incriminating or embarrassing documents will be strong, from the White House to the State Department to Homeland Security, Commerce and Education.
No doubt in my mind that Obama tried this on Trump, and it appears that Trump honored it, anyway.
Biden needs to be treated with the same respect that Obama/Biden showed Trump.

IT WAS EXACTLY LIKE SEDITION: The Obama-Trump Transition Was More Like Sedition.
At the very moment Barack Obama welcomed Trump to the Oval Office on November 10, 2016 for a kumbaya photo op, his FBI was spying on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, and by extension, Donald Trump.
Obama's Most Evil Act
Barack Obama’s FBI, under the corrupt leadership of James Comey, used fabricated political opposition research to convince a secret court that Page was a Russian agent and had conspired with the Russians to rig the election. Comey and Sally Yates, Obama’s deputy attorney general, signed the initial FISA warrant on October 21, 2016.
Comey’s FBI also was investigating three other Trump associates including his former campaign manager and Lt. General Michael Flynn, the incoming national security advisor.
Time to Pardon Long Suffering American Hero, Flynn
After Trump won, Obama continued to stoke the fantasy that Trump’s election was illegitimate due to Russia’s “attack” on our democracy. On December 9, 2016, Obama amplified the farce by instructing his intelligence community to conduct a “full investigation” into the 2016 election.

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