The ProblemIs Not The Islamic State But Islamic Hate


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
They want to rule the world, what ever it takes, lying is part of their religion and the left suck it up like it was an elixir...:alcoholic:

Forget the symptom and consider the source for a moment.
May 10, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim


Thus, although ISIS claimed the Egyptian church bombing before Easter, it is everyday Egyptian imams who “preach hatred and violence against Christians to the public over loudspeakers”; it is everyday Muslims who persecute Christians “every two or three days”; every day Muslims who riot and kill whenever a rumor surfaces that a church is going to be built, or that a Coptic kid “blasphemed” against Muhammad, or that a Christian man is dating a Muslim woman. In short, it is every day Muslims—not “ISIS”—who cause Egypt to be the 21stworst nation in the world in which to be Christian.

Similarly, though the Taliban claimed 2016’s Easter bombing, it is everyday Muslims who discriminate against, persecute, enslave, rape and murder Christians almost every day in Pakistan. Thus it is everyday Muslims—not the Taliban—who make Pakistan the fourth worst nation in the world in which to be Christian, that is, a non-Muslim infidel. And, though Boko Haram is always blamed for the more spectacular attacks on Christians and their churches, it is everyday Muslims, including the Muslim Fulani herdsmen, who make Nigeria the 12th worst nation in which to be Christian.

This is the real issue. While the media may name the terrorist groups responsible for especially spectacular attacks, few dare acknowledge that Muslims in general engage in similar acts of violence and intolerance against non-Muslims all around the world. Indeed, Muslims—of all races, nationalities, languages, and socio-political and economic circumstances, hardly just “terror groups”—are responsible for persecuting Christians in 40 of the world’s 50 worst nations in which to be Christian. Accordingly, what “extremist” “terrorist” and “militant” groups are doing is only the notable tip of the iceberg of what Muslims are doing all around the world. (See “Muslim Persecution of Christians,” reports which I’ve been compiling every month since July 2011 and witness the nonstop discrimination, persecution, and carnage committed by “everyday” Muslims against Christians. Each monthly report contains dozens of atrocities, most of which if committed by Christians against Muslims would receive 24/7 blanket coverage.)


In short, the problem is not so much the “Islamic State” as it is Islamic hate. The former is but one of many temporal and historical manifestations of the latter, which, as an integral part of Islam, transcends time and space.

The Problem Is Not The Islamic State But Islamic Hate
Dude, so does christianity....

Islam is just more violent about it....

Anyways both hate gays and trans people and want to stomp on our rights......

I'll agree with you that religion of islam is bad for this world and should be stomped into the ground.
Dude, so does christianity....

Islam is just more violent about it....

Anyways both hate gays and trans people and want to stomp on our rights......

I'll agree with you that religion of islam is bad for this world and should be stomped into the ground.
Anyways both hate gays and trans people and want to stomp on our rights......
Really? In Iran recently, they hanged four teenage boys and young men for being gay. Where, in the Christian world, is there anything even remotely analogous?
Dude, so does christianity....

Islam is just more violent about it....

Anyways both hate gays and trans people and want to stomp on our rights......

I'll agree with you that religion of islam is bad for this world and should be stomped into the ground.
Dude, so does christianity....

Islam is just more violent about it....

Anyways both hate gays and trans people and want to stomp on our rights......

I'll agree with you that religion of islam is bad for this world and should be stomped into the ground.

Notice how these killers have their faces covered?

  1. We are ready to die for our religion
  2. Kill. Halal Blood
  3. Boom
  4. That's not us. It's engineered Drama.
  5. Police shoot terorists
  6. Engineered drama
  7. Terrorist die.
  8. Barbaric cops. Oppressing religions.
  9. Terrorists caught and put on trial
  10. We help defending them
  11. Terrorists got death penalty
  12. The blood is fragrant. Welcome syuhada
  13. We are oppressed by cops. Let's defend religion.
  14. Go back to 1
Anyways both hate gays and trans people and want to stomp on our rights......
Really? In Iran recently, they hanged four teenage boys and young men for being gay. Where, in the Christian world, is there anything even remotely analogous?
Could you remind me about the practice of anathema?

Seriously, In what way is the cruelty of a slow and painful death reserved for anyone who does not go for the edible three in one mangod story any better?
Anyways both hate gays and trans people and want to stomp on our rights......
Really? In Iran recently, they hanged four teenage boys and young men for being gay. Where, in the Christian world, is there anything even remotely analogous?
Gays are executed in Russia? They are still recovering from the Bolsheviks, then.
Not only is there a crackdown on gays in Russia itself, but Chechnya is part of Russia.
"crackdown" is hardly public mass executions, and Chechnya, which is Muslim, is the source of the anti-gay effort in Chechnya. Yet you want to blame Russia. Are you Jewish, by any chance? I'm trying to get a handle on Jewish racism.
California imam is very sorry for his "hurtful" call to "annihilate the Jews."
August 9, 2017

Ari Lieberman


The reality is that Ammar Shahin and the ICD are mired in xenophobia and harbor deep seated hatred toward Jews, gays and anyone else espousing views that are not consistent with their readings and interpretations of the Quran and the Hadiths. Shahin’s apology was not a product of sincere contrition but was in fact, a public relations stunt aimed at damage control. It was the result of extreme pressure brought to bear on the ICD and its imam. The only real remorse Shahin felt was remorse over being caught and exposed. Once exposed, there was instant outrage, mostly from conservative and Jewish media but it was enough to generate sufficient worry within the ranks of the ICD.

California lawmakers expressed outrage and the Simon Wiesenthal Center wrote a letter to the Justice Department and Homeland Security asking for an immediate investigation of Shahin and the ICD. Even the Anti-Defamation League – not known for having a backbonewhen confronting Islamic antisemitism – issued a somewhat generic denunciation but a denunciation nonetheless.

There are some important takeaways from this unfortunate incident that should be a source of worry for most Americans. First, what occurred at the ICD on July 21 was not unique to the ICD. Many Islamic centers throughout the United States (though certainly not all) serve as breeding grounds for antisemitism, extremism and xenophobia. Indeed, on the very day that Shahin issued his July 21 sermon, another California imam, Mahmoud Harmoush, delivered a sermon similar in both tone and vitriol to Shahin’s, to congregants at the Islamic Center of Riverside.

This pressing problem of ingrained and systemic Islamic antisemitism is all too often ignored or downplayed by the left for a myriad of reasons, which leads us to the second takeaway. Imam Shahin’s anti-Semitic screed received scant coverage from the establishment, left-wing media. For example, it took the New York Times a full week before publishing the story and when it finally did, it was in the context of Shahin’s apology. Moreover, the New York Times’ brief article whitewashed Shahin’s anti-Semitism omitting some of his most offensive statements while attempting to contextualize Shahin’s Jew-hatred within the broader subject of the Temple Mount disturbances, as if this somehow excuses his rabid xenophobia.


A Hollow Apology For An Anti-Semitic Rant

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