The Progs will DENY SCIENCE when it comes to record snowfalls, that havent happened like this over 100 years.

Poop isn't CO2. It does have carbon locked in it but it has to be broken down to be useful.

CO2 is usable without processing.

I think you have that backwards ... the carbon in CO2 is said to be fully oxidized, see the two oxygens? ... that is it's lowest energy state at environmental temperatures ... poopy carbon is bonded to other carbons, hydrogen, some nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, few other things ... this carbon is said to be reduced, which is a higher energy state ...

Reduced carbon is a precious resource ... 3rd Law of Thermodynamics predicts this higher energy carbon will seek it's oxidized state and lower energy ... and a pile of poop is chuck full of reduced carbon ... we can smell it ... what atmospheric oxygen don't get, the bacteria will ... a pile of poop is a seething mass of microbes ... "One man gathers what another man [poops]" ...

Oxidized carbon must first pass through the photosynthesis pathway ... CO2 + sunlight --> reduced carbon + O2 ... only then is it vital and can be joined to other carbon atoms into proteins ...

Carbon is poop is already unlocked and available for use ... it is CO2 that must be processed to be usable ...

( ... and you don't know shit ... )

Carbon, at ordinary temps, is very unreactive. It's very difficult to oxidize, and is non reactive with acids or alkalies. At high temps it will bond with S to form carbon disulfide, and it will also combine with Si and certain metals to form various oxides. This is all basic chemistry. I don't remember the exact amount but something like 15-20% of the make up of all living things is made up of carbon compounds. Makes sense, it IS the fundamental building block of life. Once again i don't remember the exact amount but there are over 1 million carbon compounds, and new ones are invented or discovered every year. It is quite literally, everywhere.

To declare it a pollutant is wrong. There are certainly compounds of carbon that are highly toxic, HCN, and CCl4 are two examples, but they don't apply to this discussion. Pollution is defined as "the presence in, or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing, that has harmful or poisonous effects. CO2 clearly doesn't meet that definition.
Right, but they want to regulate CO2 so there it is. Politics trumping common sense.
CO2 is already regulated as it is a pollutant
Wrongly so is my point.
The effects of 400 ppm in the atmosphere.

View attachment 410362
Is obsessive compulsive delusionary disorder fun?
Is that what you have?
I have Apple Google Netflix and around 800 others

I'm retired. :lol:

I am too young to be retired, when I do I will be a full time trader when not in triathlon training

Enjoy rotting
I guess your investments aren't as great as you think they are then. :lol:
Neither is your cooks pension from Taco Bell, but if it keeps you in beans.............................

Eventually everyone gets out out to pasture.

So is waiting to die fun?
You need to see it that way because you are feeling beaten.

You couldn't even figure out how to put air in a tire with a presta valve.
Nah, the presta valve adapter that I used has no return pin to power a gauge, so air could go in but not be adjusted. I bought a French unit and rode nearly 100 miles in 90 degree heat while you rested your rotting retired flesh.


Not even sure how the fuck that is true, but it is
I suspect your life is pretty shitty. I never met anyone who lived a good life who had your shitty disposition.
LOL coming from a weed farmer who thinks stoned qualifies as the good life
You are confusing me with Treeshepherd who is 100 times a better person than you.

Everyone is laughing at you.
Nope as there is only one ring ding
You will die alone.
Death is of no consequence, as it is how one lived that carries the message forward.

LOL and you call me bitter

he he he
You will suffer to the last breath.
Nah as the doctors can not even begin to reconcile my VO max numbers, but I am considering fucking with a cardiologist telling him that my heartrate ranges from 47 bpm at night to 173 bpm on the largest hill in my county
Thanks for proving my point.
What is your resting heartbeat on an off day? I know I could get myself rushed into an ICU as no doctor sees anyone my age with my numbers. 47 bpm in a hospital would set off the bells, but then some eager beaver would run in with shock paddles and fry me.

You can have it all, I'm gonna ride 150 miles
Proving my point, Mr. Insecurity.

Tell me more how about how great you are.
Sorry kid, it's not my fault that you are a dilapidated fool. But I do understand your frustration, as few actually do 100 mike cycle rides, even fewer at my age. Don't give up hope though
I'm not impressed with your need to impress others. It cries of insecurity. First you argue you are too young to retire now you argue that for your age your feats are impressive. I don't buy your narrative. I only buy your insecurity.
Poop isn't CO2. It does have carbon locked in it but it has to be broken down to be useful.

CO2 is usable without processing.

I think you have that backwards ... the carbon in CO2 is said to be fully oxidized, see the two oxygens? ... that is it's lowest energy state at environmental temperatures ... poopy carbon is bonded to other carbons, hydrogen, some nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, few other things ... this carbon is said to be reduced, which is a higher energy state ...

Reduced carbon is a precious resource ... 3rd Law of Thermodynamics predicts this higher energy carbon will seek it's oxidized state and lower energy ... and a pile of poop is chuck full of reduced carbon ... we can smell it ... what atmospheric oxygen don't get, the bacteria will ... a pile of poop is a seething mass of microbes ... "One man gathers what another man [poops]" ...

Oxidized carbon must first pass through the photosynthesis pathway ... CO2 + sunlight --> reduced carbon + O2 ... only then is it vital and can be joined to other carbon atoms into proteins ...

Carbon is poop is already unlocked and available for use ... it is CO2 that must be processed to be usable ...

( ... and you don't know shit ... )

Carbon, at ordinary temps, is very unreactive. It's very difficult to oxidize, and is non reactive with acids or alkalies. At high temps it will bond with S to form carbon disulfide, and it will also combine with Si and certain metals to form various oxides. This is all basic chemistry. I don't remember the exact amount but something like 15-20% of the make up of all living things is made up of carbon compounds. Makes sense, it IS the fundamental building block of life. Once again i don't remember the exact amount but there are over 1 million carbon compounds, and new ones are invented or discovered every year. It is quite literally, everywhere.

To declare it a pollutant is wrong. There are certainly compounds of carbon that are highly toxic, HCN, and CCl4 are two examples, but they don't apply to this discussion. Pollution is defined as "the presence in, or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing, that has harmful or poisonous effects. CO2 clearly doesn't meet that definition.
Right, but they want to regulate CO2 so there it is. Politics trumping common sense.
CO2 is already regulated as it is a pollutant
Wrongly so is my point.
Why do all American submarines and manned spacecraft have CO2 scrubbers on board?

Do you even know?

The effects of 400 ppm in the atmosphere.

View attachment 410362
Is obsessive compulsive delusionary disorder fun?
Is that what you have?
I have Apple Google Netflix and around 800 others

I'm retired. :lol:

I am too young to be retired, when I do I will be a full time trader when not in triathlon training

Enjoy rotting
I guess your investments aren't as great as you think they are then. :lol:
Neither is your cooks pension from Taco Bell, but if it keeps you in beans.............................

Eventually everyone gets out out to pasture.

So is waiting to die fun?
You need to see it that way because you are feeling beaten.

You couldn't even figure out how to put air in a tire with a presta valve.
Nah, the presta valve adapter that I used has no return pin to power a gauge, so air could go in but not be adjusted. I bought a French unit and rode nearly 100 miles in 90 degree heat while you rested your rotting retired flesh.


Not even sure how the fuck that is true, but it is
I suspect your life is pretty shitty. I never met anyone who lived a good life who had your shitty disposition.
LOL coming from a weed farmer who thinks stoned qualifies as the good life
You are confusing me with Treeshepherd who is 100 times a better person than you.

Everyone is laughing at you.
Nope as there is only one ring ding
You will die alone.
Death is of no consequence, as it is how one lived that carries the message forward.

LOL and you call me bitter

he he he
You will suffer to the last breath.
Nah as the doctors can not even begin to reconcile my VO max numbers, but I am considering fucking with a cardiologist telling him that my heartrate ranges from 47 bpm at night to 173 bpm on the largest hill in my county
Thanks for proving my point.
What is your resting heartbeat on an off day? I know I could get myself rushed into an ICU as no doctor sees anyone my age with my numbers. 47 bpm in a hospital would set off the bells, but then some eager beaver would run in with shock paddles and fry me.

You can have it all, I'm gonna ride 150 miles
Proving my point, Mr. Insecurity.

Tell me more how about how great you are.
Sorry kid, it's not my fault that you are a dilapidated fool. But I do understand your frustration, as few actually do 100 mike cycle rides, even fewer at my age. Don't give up hope though
I'm not impressed with your need to impress others. It cries of insecurity. First you argue you are too young to retire now you argue that for your age your feats are impressive. I don't buy your narrative. I only buy your insecurity.
Yet you keep responding like an embarrassed simpleton trying to justify their PhD
The effects of 400 ppm in the atmosphere.

View attachment 410362
Is obsessive compulsive delusionary disorder fun?
Is that what you have?
I have Apple Google Netflix and around 800 others

I'm retired. :lol:

I am too young to be retired, when I do I will be a full time trader when not in triathlon training

Enjoy rotting
I guess your investments aren't as great as you think they are then. :lol:
Neither is your cooks pension from Taco Bell, but if it keeps you in beans.............................

Eventually everyone gets out out to pasture.

So is waiting to die fun?
You need to see it that way because you are feeling beaten.

You couldn't even figure out how to put air in a tire with a presta valve.
Nah, the presta valve adapter that I used has no return pin to power a gauge, so air could go in but not be adjusted. I bought a French unit and rode nearly 100 miles in 90 degree heat while you rested your rotting retired flesh.


Not even sure how the fuck that is true, but it is
I suspect your life is pretty shitty. I never met anyone who lived a good life who had your shitty disposition.
LOL coming from a weed farmer who thinks stoned qualifies as the good life
You are confusing me with Treeshepherd who is 100 times a better person than you.

Everyone is laughing at you.
Nope as there is only one ring ding
You will die alone.
Death is of no consequence, as it is how one lived that carries the message forward.

LOL and you call me bitter

he he he
You will suffer to the last breath.
Nah as the doctors can not even begin to reconcile my VO max numbers, but I am considering fucking with a cardiologist telling him that my heartrate ranges from 47 bpm at night to 173 bpm on the largest hill in my county
Thanks for proving my point.
What is your resting heartbeat on an off day? I know I could get myself rushed into an ICU as no doctor sees anyone my age with my numbers. 47 bpm in a hospital would set off the bells, but then some eager beaver would run in with shock paddles and fry me.

You can have it all, I'm gonna ride 150 miles
Proving my point, Mr. Insecurity.

Tell me more how about how great you are.
Sorry kid, it's not my fault that you are a dilapidated fool. But I do understand your frustration, as few actually do 100 mike cycle rides, even fewer at my age. Don't give up hope though
I'm not impressed with your need to impress others. It cries of insecurity. First you argue you are too young to retire now you argue that for your age your feats are impressive. I don't buy your narrative. I only buy your insecurity.
Yet you keep responding like an embarrassed simpleton trying to justify their PhD
I keep responding because someone has to stand against your failed behaviors.
Poop isn't CO2. It does have carbon locked in it but it has to be broken down to be useful.

CO2 is usable without processing.

I think you have that backwards ... the carbon in CO2 is said to be fully oxidized, see the two oxygens? ... that is it's lowest energy state at environmental temperatures ... poopy carbon is bonded to other carbons, hydrogen, some nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, few other things ... this carbon is said to be reduced, which is a higher energy state ...

Reduced carbon is a precious resource ... 3rd Law of Thermodynamics predicts this higher energy carbon will seek it's oxidized state and lower energy ... and a pile of poop is chuck full of reduced carbon ... we can smell it ... what atmospheric oxygen don't get, the bacteria will ... a pile of poop is a seething mass of microbes ... "One man gathers what another man [poops]" ...

Oxidized carbon must first pass through the photosynthesis pathway ... CO2 + sunlight --> reduced carbon + O2 ... only then is it vital and can be joined to other carbon atoms into proteins ...

Carbon is poop is already unlocked and available for use ... it is CO2 that must be processed to be usable ...

( ... and you don't know shit ... )

Carbon, at ordinary temps, is very unreactive. It's very difficult to oxidize, and is non reactive with acids or alkalies. At high temps it will bond with S to form carbon disulfide, and it will also combine with Si and certain metals to form various oxides. This is all basic chemistry. I don't remember the exact amount but something like 15-20% of the make up of all living things is made up of carbon compounds. Makes sense, it IS the fundamental building block of life. Once again i don't remember the exact amount but there are over 1 million carbon compounds, and new ones are invented or discovered every year. It is quite literally, everywhere.

To declare it a pollutant is wrong. There are certainly compounds of carbon that are highly toxic, HCN, and CCl4 are two examples, but they don't apply to this discussion. Pollution is defined as "the presence in, or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing, that has harmful or poisonous effects. CO2 clearly doesn't meet that definition.
Right, but they want to regulate CO2 so there it is. Politics trumping common sense.
CO2 is already regulated as it is a pollutant
Wrongly so is my point.
Why do all American submarines and manned spacecraft have CO2 scrubbers on board?

Do you even know?

Are you suggesting the EPA determined CO2 is a pollutant because of air quality on submarines?
The effects of 400 ppm in the atmosphere.

View attachment 410362
Is obsessive compulsive delusionary disorder fun?
Is that what you have?
I have Apple Google Netflix and around 800 others

I'm retired. :lol:

I am too young to be retired, when I do I will be a full time trader when not in triathlon training

Enjoy rotting
I guess your investments aren't as great as you think they are then. :lol:
Neither is your cooks pension from Taco Bell, but if it keeps you in beans.............................

Eventually everyone gets out out to pasture.

So is waiting to die fun?
You need to see it that way because you are feeling beaten.

You couldn't even figure out how to put air in a tire with a presta valve.
Nah, the presta valve adapter that I used has no return pin to power a gauge, so air could go in but not be adjusted. I bought a French unit and rode nearly 100 miles in 90 degree heat while you rested your rotting retired flesh.


Not even sure how the fuck that is true, but it is
I suspect your life is pretty shitty. I never met anyone who lived a good life who had your shitty disposition.
LOL coming from a weed farmer who thinks stoned qualifies as the good life
You are confusing me with Treeshepherd who is 100 times a better person than you.

Everyone is laughing at you.
Nope as there is only one ring ding
You will die alone.
Death is of no consequence, as it is how one lived that carries the message forward.

LOL and you call me bitter

he he he
You will suffer to the last breath.
Nah as the doctors can not even begin to reconcile my VO max numbers, but I am considering fucking with a cardiologist telling him that my heartrate ranges from 47 bpm at night to 173 bpm on the largest hill in my county
Thanks for proving my point.
What is your resting heartbeat on an off day? I know I could get myself rushed into an ICU as no doctor sees anyone my age with my numbers. 47 bpm in a hospital would set off the bells, but then some eager beaver would run in with shock paddles and fry me.

You can have it all, I'm gonna ride 150 miles
Proving my point, Mr. Insecurity.

Tell me more how about how great you are.
Sorry kid, it's not my fault that you are a dilapidated fool. But I do understand your frustration, as few actually do 100 mike cycle rides, even fewer at my age. Don't give up hope though
I'm not impressed with your need to impress others. It cries of insecurity. First you argue you are too young to retire now you argue that for your age your feats are impressive. I don't buy your narrative. I only buy your insecurity.
Yet you keep responding like an embarrassed simpleton trying to justify their PhD
I keep responding because someone has to stand against your failed behaviors.
LOL, you keep responding because you are trying to justify the money you wasted on an education and because logically I should slip up at some juncture.

Well that would have happened a long time ago, and you are never going to see me in the wrong, but keep hoping as I wan your life to have meaning

Wanna tag along an a bike ride? I got a 36 mile lap that I am using?
I keep responding because someone has to stand against your failed behaviors.

Poop isn't CO2. It does have carbon locked in it but it has to be broken down to be useful.

CO2 is usable without processing.

I think you have that backwards ... the carbon in CO2 is said to be fully oxidized, see the two oxygens? ... that is it's lowest energy state at environmental temperatures ... poopy carbon is bonded to other carbons, hydrogen, some nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, few other things ... this carbon is said to be reduced, which is a higher energy state ...

Reduced carbon is a precious resource ... 3rd Law of Thermodynamics predicts this higher energy carbon will seek it's oxidized state and lower energy ... and a pile of poop is chuck full of reduced carbon ... we can smell it ... what atmospheric oxygen don't get, the bacteria will ... a pile of poop is a seething mass of microbes ... "One man gathers what another man [poops]" ...

Oxidized carbon must first pass through the photosynthesis pathway ... CO2 + sunlight --> reduced carbon + O2 ... only then is it vital and can be joined to other carbon atoms into proteins ...

Carbon is poop is already unlocked and available for use ... it is CO2 that must be processed to be usable ...

( ... and you don't know shit ... )

Carbon, at ordinary temps, is very unreactive. It's very difficult to oxidize, and is non reactive with acids or alkalies. At high temps it will bond with S to form carbon disulfide, and it will also combine with Si and certain metals to form various oxides. This is all basic chemistry. I don't remember the exact amount but something like 15-20% of the make up of all living things is made up of carbon compounds. Makes sense, it IS the fundamental building block of life. Once again i don't remember the exact amount but there are over 1 million carbon compounds, and new ones are invented or discovered every year. It is quite literally, everywhere.

To declare it a pollutant is wrong. There are certainly compounds of carbon that are highly toxic, HCN, and CCl4 are two examples, but they don't apply to this discussion. Pollution is defined as "the presence in, or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing, that has harmful or poisonous effects. CO2 clearly doesn't meet that definition.
Right, but they want to regulate CO2 so there it is. Politics trumping common sense.
CO2 is already regulated as it is a pollutant
Wrongly so is my point.
Why do all American submarines and manned spacecraft have CO2 scrubbers on board?

Do you even know?

Are you suggesting the EPA determined CO2 is a pollutant because of air quality on submarines?
That did not answer the question. So do you know?

Why do all American submarines and manned spacecraft have CO2 scrubbers on board?

Do you even know?

I keep responding because someone has to stand against your failed behaviors.

Poop isn't CO2. It does have carbon locked in it but it has to be broken down to be useful.

CO2 is usable without processing.

I think you have that backwards ... the carbon in CO2 is said to be fully oxidized, see the two oxygens? ... that is it's lowest energy state at environmental temperatures ... poopy carbon is bonded to other carbons, hydrogen, some nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, few other things ... this carbon is said to be reduced, which is a higher energy state ...

Reduced carbon is a precious resource ... 3rd Law of Thermodynamics predicts this higher energy carbon will seek it's oxidized state and lower energy ... and a pile of poop is chuck full of reduced carbon ... we can smell it ... what atmospheric oxygen don't get, the bacteria will ... a pile of poop is a seething mass of microbes ... "One man gathers what another man [poops]" ...

Oxidized carbon must first pass through the photosynthesis pathway ... CO2 + sunlight --> reduced carbon + O2 ... only then is it vital and can be joined to other carbon atoms into proteins ...

Carbon is poop is already unlocked and available for use ... it is CO2 that must be processed to be usable ...

( ... and you don't know shit ... )

Carbon, at ordinary temps, is very unreactive. It's very difficult to oxidize, and is non reactive with acids or alkalies. At high temps it will bond with S to form carbon disulfide, and it will also combine with Si and certain metals to form various oxides. This is all basic chemistry. I don't remember the exact amount but something like 15-20% of the make up of all living things is made up of carbon compounds. Makes sense, it IS the fundamental building block of life. Once again i don't remember the exact amount but there are over 1 million carbon compounds, and new ones are invented or discovered every year. It is quite literally, everywhere.

To declare it a pollutant is wrong. There are certainly compounds of carbon that are highly toxic, HCN, and CCl4 are two examples, but they don't apply to this discussion. Pollution is defined as "the presence in, or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing, that has harmful or poisonous effects. CO2 clearly doesn't meet that definition.
Right, but they want to regulate CO2 so there it is. Politics trumping common sense.
CO2 is already regulated as it is a pollutant
Wrongly so is my point.
Why do all American submarines and manned spacecraft have CO2 scrubbers on board?

Do you even know?

Are you suggesting the EPA determined CO2 is a pollutant because of air quality on submarines?
That did not answer the question. So do you know?

Why do all American submarines and manned spacecraft have CO2 scrubbers on board?

Do you even know?

It shows the absurdity of your rationale.
The only people that ding has ever slept with are his various personalities

I was directing my comment to YOU too ... child ... ding brings a open mind to the table, he's here to learn ... I read what he posts and learn myself ...

You, on the other paw, simply stay up all night defending yourself ... without learning ... stuck in the same failed understandings year after year ...

Oh, I did check the Wikipedia article on scalars ... pretty thick I guess ... I can see why you never answered that question ... such a shame, I wanted to school ya ...
The only people that ding has ever slept with are his various personalities

I was directing my comment to YOU too ... child ... ding brings a open mind to the table, he's here to learn ... I read what he posts and learn myself ...

You, on the other paw, simply stay up all night defending yourself ... without learning ... stuck in the same failed understandings year after year ...

Oh, I did check the Wikipedia article on scalars ... pretty thick I guess ... I can see why you never answered that question ... such a shame, I wanted to school ya ...
I figured that too, but the reality is that you can not penetrate my impervious psyche which makes you just another notch on my log

LOL all that higher education wasted just so you could be my internet pet

But hey now you got ring ding the schizzoid on your team.

I still got me, myself and I, but it's ok because since we are quantum entangled so we always know what state the other one is in

The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted.

Or to say it differently... failed behaviors naturally lead to failure just as successful behaviors naturally lead to success.
Have you watched "The Social Dilemma" yet?

Do you mean the Middle School girls at the school bus stop in the morning? ... yeah, in fact, I think it's funny the way they sneak around hiding from their parents and spit in each other's mouths ... this behavior has been banned at school ... apparently the entire social structure there is in free fall ... tribalism is dying ... no more sense of community, no more bonds of friendship, no one knows where they belong ... the spitting and licking poles are the very foundations of Middle School society ... I'm afraid that without this basic instruction on human society, these kids are going to grow up not knowing what it means to be human, of community, of society at large ... I fear our future, these unsocialized feral people will haunt the halls of Congress ... 2052 is going to make 2020 look like 1968 ... oh the humanity ...

I don't watch much TV ... SNF and NHL is about all ... can't pick up PBS ... but even that's not worth the cable bill ...

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