Sunni Man
Diamond Member
Here, I will narrow it down to just 1 question instead of 2Again, Jack Fate,Christians do not live under the law or the 10 commandments. Jesus told us that all the commandements were summed up in one commandment. Do you know what jesus said that commandment was?
As a Christian do you believe in the Ten Commandments?
As a Christian do you live according to the Ten Commandments?
A simple Yes or No would be nice.
You're confused. I'll try to explain it as simple as I can. The NT states that the law and the commandments were nailed to the cross with Jesus who took all our sins. All of our sins were judged on the cross. Jesus died for every sinner and that means you. I died when Jesus died. By having my faith in Jesus and his ressurection, I am free. No one has to try to live a perfect life to find eternal life. We still make mistakes and we still sin, but the penalty for sin was put on Jesus. That is bible teaching. You can accept that or not. It's your choice.
Yes or No
Do you Jack Fate "Believe" in the Ten Commandments???
(btw just about every Church seems to have a copy of them hanging on the wall or carved into their building)