Trump Meets Grinning War Criminal In White House

Is your favorite war criminal still grinning?

Old Lefty.

What's his name again?

Sinbad? Sindead? Sintwat?
FINALLY! After 90 years of perpetual misery, destruction and death Trump is proposing COMMON SENSE. Of course all the anti-Americans here and around the world are freaking out.
Here’s a Jew that will enlighten you, but I fear your ignorant hatred prevents you from thinking.

He’s likely a sociopath, or maybe a psychopath.
No, that would be you.
Shit happens when you invade villages and murder 1200 and kidnap 250 more.

People like you and buttercup express no sorrow or empathy for those victims and those still being held.

You are among the psychopaths posting here.
No, that would be you.
Shit happens when you invade villages and murder 1200 and kidnap 250 more.

People like you and buttercup express no sorrow or empathy for those victims and those still being held.

You are among the psychopaths posting here.
It’s hard to believe you’re really this ignorant and inhumane.
You are the Nazi and these days you don't even try to hide it, in fact you are proud of it.
In Carl’s empty head, it’s the Palestinians committing genocide. He know nothing otherwise.

It’s impossible to level yourself to his level of ignorance, as this Jewish guy says….

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