The Racist TEA Party Racists are being Racist again because they are Racist.

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May 12, 2011
Herman Cain seems to be one of the TEA Party's favorites. How can this be? Aren't the TEA Party members just a bunch of racists?


Herman Cain's website
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Democrats forget their racists easily.. but then so do African Americans and give them a pass for more... just sayin...
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That's the first time I've seen the word "racist" used four times in one sentence.
That's the first time I've seen the word "racist" used four times in one sentence.

Oh come on... Jessie Jackson.. Al Sharpton and all the other race master baiter's.. you've never listened to them...:eusa_whistle:
thats two threads proving my point.

odd how i was called a racist for pointing this out.

Cain is the GOP/teaturds excuse to say they are not racists, and here we have this op.

And YOU just proved what a total moron you really are. Cain got their support because of what he SAID, not his skin color. And there is a very easy test to be able to figure that out -even for a moron such as yourself.

Are you really so stupid as to believe that if Cain had walked in and said he supported Obamacare and believed taxes needed to be raised that the Tea Party would have supported him -even if he said everything else just the way he did?

What if Cain had walked in and made it clear (as he did) that his positions were the closest to the Tea Party members of all candidates and no one else was even close - and they DIDN'T support him? Oh gee, wouldn't THAT have somehow also proven what "racists" the Tea Party was? Isn't it nice when you can pretend no matter what they did, it all somehow proves what "racists" they are? ROFLMAO! Did you even LISTEN to this guy in the debate? Clearly not -I could tell from what the guy was saying who were going to end up his biggest supporters. Not because of something so irrelevant as skin color, but because this guy IS the epitome of Tea Party positions. He only grabbed the attention of the Tea Party BECAUSE OF WHAT HE SAID -and the fact HE was the closest to all Tea Party positions over any other candidate at that debate! There was no close second in that debate to the Tea Party positions. If you are waiting for them to throw their support behind an eastern elitist RINO like Romney, don't hold your breath. If Cain had shown he was more in line with Romney, they would have put him in that same category and promptly forgotten about him as not being someone they can get behind. NOT because of his skin color -but because of his POSITIONS.

So why not admit -no matter what the Tea Party had done, you would still accuse them of making a racist decision somehow, right? Which makes YOU the total moron! Again.

I'd be letting you in on a secret about conservatives -except you probably already know this. If you want to convince someone on the right of the correctness of your argument -appeal to their REASON and not their emotion. If the reason and rationality isn't there in your argument - your emotions won't move them. But the left are not reason based -they are emotion based and they pride themselves on it. They just know what is right and fair because they FEEL it, right? You want to convince someone on the left of the correctness of your argument -appeal to their feelings and emotions. And it can succeed even if all reason and rationality is absent. That is because feelings are so often illogical, irrational and just flat out wrong and since the left places their value on FEELINGS first, it means they will go with it even when those feelings are illogical, irrational and wrong. The left values what they FEEL above reason and rationality. It is how they just KNEW Bush was trying to make his oil buddies rich -they didn't need any proof of that. Not when their FEELINGS told them all they needed to know. Because after all, he is a Republican. And the left just KNOWS Republicans only disagree with those on the left because they are bad, evil people -therefore no bad act is beneath them and we should all assume they are guilty until they prove they are innocent. And maybe not even then, right? The left always insists their political opponents ARE opponents because they are just bad, mean and evil people -therefore they will GLADLY and QUICKLY give the benefit of the doubt to a proven mass murdering dictator over a US President with an "R" behind his name. THAT is the leftist mentality in a nutshell. Irrational and emotion based who don't let things like "facts" ever get in the way of those emotions.

The left are the drama queens, those most likely to resort to violence in their political protests (as Chris Matthews once explained, its because they are just so PASSIONATE about the issue and shows how deeply they FEEL about it) and the most likely to make all sorts of overblown claims constantly going from one "crisis" to the next. The political agenda of the left demands they try to appeal to people's EMOTIONS -because it doesn't sell too well as a reasoned argument founded in the rational.

So while the left is constantly screeching and insisting their political opponents on the right are even more guilty of their own worst sins, they fail to realize something of significance. Racism is emotion based and it is emotion driven. It does not appeal to someone's reason and it is not based on any rationality. Because it is emotion driven -is why the LEFT obsesses about race in a way the right never does. The left lives and breathes racism, everything they see, think and especially FEEL is filtered through their racism and because they do, they will excuse the most blatantly obvious racist statements of their own while insisting innocuous but inartfully expressed comments of their opponents are GASP - unforgivable proof of their "racism". Robert Byrd, former KKK poobah said the "N" word more times in a single interview just a few years before he died than I've ever heard spoken in any home of mine. The left was.......DEAD SILENT at hearing a former KKK poobah of their own unequivocally PROVE that the "N" word was as much a part of his vocabulary as it was when he was donning his white robes. But hey, that was ok because he was a Democrat and we all just KNOW the filthiest and most blatantly KKK joining racist Democrat isn't a real racist, right? Even Clinton speaking at his funeral claimed he ONLY joined the KKK because he HAD to in order to get elected so he could HELP the people! He joined out of LOVE, right? (And we'll ignore his disgusting hate-fill rants against blacks he was still writing even after he claimed to have left the KKK.) The left is largely IRRATIONAL, EMOTIONAL and above all total HYPOCRITES. And because they are, they not only assume everyone else is too -but since they think they are superior human beings, they assume that whatever their own faults, their opponents MUST be even worst! Because their own are just all so superior and ....and....and FEELING and all.

Because they value what they FEEL about something above reason, they need no reason at all to obsess about race while pretending it is impossible that they are actually the real racists. But they are. They perceive racism where it doesn't exist and ignore where it really does -and they are irrational on the subject. All while they accuse their political opponents of being the irrational ones as the "real" racists! And cannot understand why those on the right just roll their eyes at them anymore because they cannot be reasoned with. One side IS racist -but it is the one constantly screeching "racist" at their political opponents, so stupid as to believe that somehow makes them NOT racist if they scream "racist" at others. They NEED it to be true in order to justify their own nonstop obsession. But the truth is they are horrible racists, absorbed with and justifying wallowing in the worst soul killing kind of racism. They push a paternalistic racist agenda. And it makes them FEEL better when they do -while they insist those who refuse to wallow in it with them are somehow the real racists here. Bullshit.

YOU only proved it again dear -just one more liberal hypocrite who obsesses about race in a way the right never does and then think the fact YOU obsess about race and call opponents "racist" -it somehow proves those on the right are the real racists here. In your dreams puppy. It only proves the left are still the same total fucking morons they've always been. How do you FEEL about that?
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Democrats forget their racists easily.. but then so do African Americans and give them a pass for more... just sayin...

Oh... so once a racist, always a racist? Funny how all those Blue States gradually turned Red after the Civil Rights Act which brought about the 14th and 15th Amendments.

I don't call anyone a racist unless they deserve it.
You know, as an aside.... I don't think the Tea Party is a racist organization... never did. They are an extremist organization. The problem with right wing extremism is that they tend to attract the racists, the survivalist/militia types and people like the Westboro Baptist Church.

I'm not even saying that those types are a majority in the Tea Party, but they are there. Just look at the extreme lack of tact that's employed right here on this message board. I've seen it on others, not just here. The problem with you guys isn't your message, it's your anger and hatred.
thats two threads proving my point.

odd how i was called a racist for pointing this out.

Cain is the GOP/teaturds excuse to say they are not racists, and here we have this op.

You are an idiot!

We could just as EASILY turn that on your morons and say Obama is the liberals excuse to say THEY are not racists.

And I bet that never EVEN ONCE OCCURED TO YOU!

Liberals are such laughable hypocrites!

Democrats forget their racists easily.. but then so do African Americans and give them a pass for more... just sayin...

Oh... so once a racist, always a racist? Funny how all those Blue States gradually turned Red after the Civil Rights Act which brought about the 14th and 15th Amendments.

I don't call anyone a racist unless they deserve it.

Dude you are full of it!

The Blue States that turned Red, did so over issues like Taxes, not Race.

Further they did so LONG AFTER the Civil Rights Movement.

When I was a kid, the South was BLUE, BLUE BLUE. It didn't start turning Red until the late 70s and 80s.

Are you telling me that happened over Jim Crowe?

You libs with your lies about this.

George Wallace never changed parties.

Robert Byrd never changed parties.

ALL THE LEADERS of Segregation STAYED DEMOCRATS including those who filibusted the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

But liberals keep telling the lie they all became Republicans.

Too bad there are those of us old enough to remember the truth.

You know, as an aside.... I don't think the Tea Party is a racist organization... never did. They are an extremist organization. The problem with right wing extremism is that they tend to attract the racists, the survivalist/militia types and people like the Westboro Baptist Church.

I'm not even saying that those types are a majority in the Tea Party, but they are there. Just look at the extreme lack of tact that's employed right here on this message board. I've seen it on others, not just here. The problem with you guys isn't your message, it's your anger and hatred.

You libs with your "extremist" crap.

Any thing that is even a HINT this side of liberal is "extremist."

Any one who didn't think Bill Clinton was as innocent as the wind driven snow was "extremist."

Any one that didn't agree with Al Gore's kook ideas about Global Warming were "extremist."

Now we are "extremist" because we don't think Obama is the best thing since sliced bread.

Any one detect a pattern here?

Oh... so once a racist, always a racist? Funny how all those Blue States gradually turned Red after the Civil Rights Act which brought about the 14th and 15th Amendments.

I don't call anyone a racist unless they deserve it.

Dude you are full of it!

The Blue States that turned Red, did so over issues like Taxes, not Race.

Further they did so LONG AFTER the Civil Rights Movement.

When I was a kid, the South was BLUE, BLUE BLUE. It didn't start turning Red until the late 70s and 80s.

Are you telling me that happened over Jim Crowe?

You libs with your lies about this.

George Wallace never changed parties.

Robert Byrd never changed parties.

ALL THE LEADERS of Segregation STAYED DEMOCRATS including those who filibusted the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

But liberals keep telling the lie they all became Republicans.

Too bad there are those of us old enough to remember the truth.


You can LOL all you want to. At one time, the Democratic Party was similar to the modern Republican Party. Yeah, you can show me a couple of names of Politicians who didn't switch parties... so what? The fact is the people in those states stopped voting Democrat and started voting Republicans, and it started to happen after the Civil Rights Act. They were pissed at Johnson & Co for instituting it. I don't give a shit about the leaders... they come and go. It's the mindset and the voting block that matter.

I'm not even saying that it was the single motivating factor, but to say it didn't have a part in the switch is not being very honest, is it? Now we have People like Rand Paul who think that the 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional and wants it repealed.

Don't tell me that Racism doesn't play it's part.... it does. Hey, I fully admit that the Southern Dems of days gone by had a racist element. I know that. I don't deny history. Furthermore, I don't deny what I see going on around me.
You know, as an aside.... I don't think the Tea Party is a racist organization... never did. They are an extremist organization. The problem with right wing extremism is that they tend to attract the racists, the survivalist/militia types and people like the Westboro Baptist Church.

I'm not even saying that those types are a majority in the Tea Party, but they are there. Just look at the extreme lack of tact that's employed right here on this message board. I've seen it on others, not just here. The problem with you guys isn't your message, it's your anger and hatred.

That's the problem with trying to have an adult conversation about the topic. The Tea Party is extreme. Very extreme. And very radical. That tends to attract radical people. Some which are racist. Are all tea partiers racist? Of course not. Personally..I don't think it's the biggest problem with them.
You know, as an aside.... I don't think the Tea Party is a racist organization... never did. They are an extremist organization. The problem with right wing extremism is that they tend to attract the racists, the survivalist/militia types and people like the Westboro Baptist Church.

I'm not even saying that those types are a majority in the Tea Party, but they are there. Just look at the extreme lack of tact that's employed right here on this message board. I've seen it on others, not just here. The problem with you guys isn't your message, it's your anger and hatred.

They are an extremist organization.

Really and just what Positions do they have that make them "extremists"
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