The Racist TEA Party Racists are being Racist again because they are Racist.

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Democrats forget their racists easily.. but then so do African Americans and give them a pass for more... just sayin...

Oh... so once a racist, always a racist? Funny how all those Blue States gradually turned Red after the Civil Rights Act which brought about the 14th and 15th Amendments.

I don't call anyone a racist unless they deserve it.
The dimwit democrats deserve it!
Dude you are full of it!

The Blue States that turned Red, did so over issues like Taxes, not Race.

Further they did so LONG AFTER the Civil Rights Movement.

When I was a kid, the South was BLUE, BLUE BLUE. It didn't start turning Red until the late 70s and 80s.

Are you telling me that happened over Jim Crowe?

You libs with your lies about this.

George Wallace never changed parties.

Robert Byrd never changed parties.

ALL THE LEADERS of Segregation STAYED DEMOCRATS including those who filibusted the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

But liberals keep telling the lie they all became Republicans.

Too bad there are those of us old enough to remember the truth.


two words

Strom Thurmond

you lost a bit of your memory there TPS


Yeah, nice try!

Number one, Strom was not a leader of Segregation.

Number two, Strom is the ONLY NAME YOU LIBS CAN COME UP WITH.


I wait with baited breath while you libs come up with even ONE MORE NAME.

I know you will have to do A LOT OF DIGGING ON THE OLD FAKE WIKIPEDIA FOR THAT ONE! :lol::lol::lol:


Oh gosh.

You people didn't have any problem with him until he started protesting military funerals.

But he was doing the same thing at Gay funerals..and no one on the right made a peep.
So? Phelps was a Democrat. He obviously believed his hatred, intolerance, and extremism fit right in to the Democratic Party.


Tim McVeigh was in the military. Are we now to believe that everyone in the military is plotting to blow up federal buildings?

You make this shit to easy.:lol:
Congratulations. You just demonstrated the stupidity of your own assertion about Phelps.

Good job, dumbass! :clap2:
thats two threads proving my point.

odd how i was called a racist for pointing this out.

Cain is the GOP/teaturds excuse to say they are not racists, and here we have this op.

You are an idiot!

We could just as EASILY turn that on your morons and say Obama is the liberals excuse to say THEY are not racists.

And I bet that never EVEN ONCE OCCURED TO YOU!

Liberals are such laughable hypocrites!


well no you really cant because its not a common stereotype that liberals are. The only place where your idea works is here or on other right leaning places.

It never occurred to me, because its stupid, and used by hacks like yourself.


How could I ever think that liberals should be suspect to the same STANDARDS THEY SET FOR OTHERS!

What laughable preposterous hypocrites you all are!

So looking at this skree it appears pretty clear that you read the leftest talking points and that's about it. Because what you've said here bears no resemblance to the truth about the intent of the Tea party so either you are completely misinformed or a complete idiot.
which is it?

Here we go again.... "leftist" talking points.

I know... throw the word "Freedom" and "American Exceptionalism" into the rhetoric and it isn't a right wing talking point... it's what we stand for!!!

Really? Inform me. Let me guess... you are against all the spending and taxation that goes on. You want those damned deadbeats to stand on their own two feet. You want smaller government.

I know the POSITION... But your position isn't reality. The reality is... as long as we keep supporting billionaires in their "American Dream", ours dies a slow death. Hey... one thing I've always said about the Tea Party... I admire your conviction. I just think your being duped by powerful people's interests that don't give a rat's ass about what happens to you when the smoke clears.

Yes, some of the stuff that the Tea Party stands for makes sense. But much like Ronald Reagan's "Trickle Down" economics, it relies way to heavily on Greedy people to do the right thing.... It ain't gonna happen.

LOL how typical you have absolutely no understanding of what those folks want yet you feel free to makeup crap to feed your preconceived notions.

The Tea party has no Leader has no agenda past controlling an out of control Government yes yes I know the horror of it all people wanting to take back the Government Of the People by the People.

What really amazes me are the people that seem to think the federal government is there to grant your every whim and wish and do so on the backs of others take you from cradle to grave. Got new's for you groups like the Tea Party are sick of footing the bill for this crap as are the majority of the people of this nation.

The Tea party is holding one side of the political party accountable for its actions while the other side is quite content bankrupting our nation congratulations for not caring.
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I'm going to break down and do the typical Conservative post.....

You're an idiot.

I said it before... I don't give a shit what those segregationist leaders did or didn't to with their party affiliation. Those Blue States turned Red once the Dems went from the "party of intolerance" to it's current ideology and the GOP turned less tolerant.

The ONLY people I see talking about those damned Muslims, the damned deadbeats, the damned Queers, the damned abortionists.... are the right. You side REEKS of intolerance, hatred and ignorance. Racism loves that kind of intolerance.



Your teachers told you something and you are convinced of it, regardless of the FACTS.

That's called your mind is made up, and you won't be confused by the facts.

Thanks for confirming that for us all!

two words

Strom Thurmond

you lost a bit of your memory there TPS


Yeah, nice try!

Number one, Strom was not a leader of Segregation.

Number two, Strom is the ONLY NAME YOU LIBS CAN COME UP WITH.


I wait with baited breath while you libs come up with even ONE MORE NAME.

I know you will have to do A LOT OF DIGGING ON THE OLD FAKE WIKIPEDIA FOR THAT ONE! :lol::lol::lol:


Oh gosh.

Notice you cut off the rest and you can't even refute the part you included.

Typical liberalism!

LOL how typical you have absolutely no understanding of what those folks want yet you feel free to makeup crap to feed your preconceived notions.

The Tea party has no Leader has no agenda past controlling an out of controlled Government yes yes I know the horror of it all people wanting to take back the Government Of the People by the People.

What really amazes me are the people that seem to think the federal government is there to grant your every whim and wish and do so on the backs of others take you from cradle to grave. Got new's for you groups like the Tea Party are sick of footing the bill for this crap as are the majority of the people of this nation.

The Tea party is holding one side of the political party accountable for its actions while the other side is quite content bankrupting our nation congratulations for not caring.

And it became "out of control", when exactly?:lol:
How can a party that fails to draw so small an amount of the American public that are of color think it has nothing to do with color?
why is the republican party so abhorant to the vast majority of black Americans?




LOL how typical you have absolutely no understanding of what those folks want yet you feel free to makeup crap to feed your preconceived notions.

The Tea party has no Leader has no agenda past controlling an out of controlled Government yes yes I know the horror of it all people wanting to take back the Government Of the People by the People.

What really amazes me are the people that seem to think the federal government is there to grant your every whim and wish and do so on the backs of others take you from cradle to grave. Got new's for you groups like the Tea Party are sick of footing the bill for this crap as are the majority of the people of this nation.

The Tea party is holding one side of the political party accountable for its actions while the other side is quite content bankrupting our nation congratulations for not caring.

And it became "out of control", when exactly?:lol:

Ahhh how cute give him a star he found a typo.... Good Shallow

Yeah, nice try!

Number one, Strom was not a leader of Segregation.

Number two, Strom is the ONLY NAME YOU LIBS CAN COME UP WITH.


I wait with baited breath while you libs come up with even ONE MORE NAME.

I know you will have to do A LOT OF DIGGING ON THE OLD FAKE WIKIPEDIA FOR THAT ONE! :lol::lol::lol:


Oh gosh.

Notice you cut off the rest and you can't even refute the part you included.

Typical liberalism!


Refute what?

"The Southern Manifesto"

Read it and weep.

You're toast.
How can a party that fails to draw so small an amount of the American public that are of color think it has nothing to do with color?
Because the other party tells so many lies about that party.

People just as stupid as you believe them.
LOL how typical you have absolutely no understanding of what those folks want yet you feel free to makeup crap to feed your preconceived notions.

The Tea party has no Leader has no agenda past controlling an out of controlled Government yes yes I know the horror of it all people wanting to take back the Government Of the People by the People.

What really amazes me are the people that seem to think the federal government is there to grant your every whim and wish and do so on the backs of others take you from cradle to grave. Got new's for you groups like the Tea Party are sick of footing the bill for this crap as are the majority of the people of this nation.

The Tea party is holding one side of the political party accountable for its actions while the other side is quite content bankrupting our nation congratulations for not caring.

And it became "out of control", when exactly?:lol:

Ahhh how cute give him a star he found a typo.... Good Shallow

Wasn't pointing out a spelling error. I asked a direct question.

When exactly did the government get "out of control"? Because, maybe it's a memory leak or something..I don't seem to recall all the tea party protests during the 8 years of the Bush administration. There were huge protests by the way..against the Iraq war..which recieved little or no media coverage..but tea party soirees..
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