Snopes now verifies Ashley Biden's "showers with dad" story as being "True"

She never said she thought her dad molested her. He didn't molester her just because you're illiterate.

Stockholm Syndrome. Of course she's not going to accuse her father of molesting her, especially since she was a child, didn't remember the details, and loves her father.

Keep digging your hole deeper, defender of pedophilia.
Stockholm Syndrome. Of course she's not going to accuse her father of molesting her, especially since she was a child, didn't remember the details, and loves her father.

Keep digging your hole deeper, defender of pedophilia.

She never said her father molested her. Using your logic, Trump raped Eric.
She never said her father molested her. Using your logic, Trump raped Eric.

Trump's kids didn't grow up to be sluts, drug addicts, alcoholics, whoremongers, tax cheats, committers of incest, gun criminals, and influence peddlers.

Those are your president's kids.
You must think about that stuff a lot.

It's hard not to think about shit like that when it's a US President is doing those things.

Could you look away from a slow-motion trainwreck over a cliff? I know you don't want to accept the fact that the guy you voted for is a major pervert. But facts are facts and we'll keep shoving them in your face until you get it..
Trump's kids didn't grow up to be sluts, drug addicts, alcoholics, whoremongers, tax cheats, committers of incest, gun criminals, and influence peddlers.

Those are your president's kids.

Poor Eric.

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