The Real Grim Reaper is coming to get you! So says Karma!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007

So many vocal anti vaxxers and "Covid is a hoax, no worse than the flu" people seem to have met their match with this Delta variant of covid. Look out, the Grim Reaper is coming for you with a fury!!! :eek:

Please think twice about avoiding getting vaccinated. In the least, don't hang out in indoor, crowded places...protect yourself, pretty please!

I enjoyed entering the contest for getting vaccinated in Mizzouri...Please do not vaccinate and increase my chance of winning...

So many vocal anti vaxxers and "Covid is a hoax, no worse than the flu" people seem to have met their match with this Delta variant of covid. Look out, the Grim Reaper is coming for you with a fury!!! :eek:

Please think twice about avoiding getting vaccinated. In the least, don't hang out in indoor, crowded places...protect yourself, pretty please!


So many vocal anti vaxxers and "Covid is a hoax, no worse than the flu" people seem to have met their match with this Delta variant of covid. Look out, the Grim Reaper is coming for you with a fury!!! :eek:

Please think twice about avoiding getting vaccinated. In the least, don't hang out in indoor, crowded places...protect yourself, pretty please!

Zatrite Nazi?

You fucking hypocrites and frauds.
Apparently a quirky bunch of Texas democrats who decided to leave the state to evade responsibility for voting were fully vaccinated but came back from their trip infected with the virus. What's more, they infected the V.P. who was also fully vaccinated. If they were republicans they would be in jail but what's going on when the person a heartbeat away from the presidency tests positive for the disease after all the posturing and propaganda?
Apparently a quirky bunch of Texas democrats who decided to leave the state to evade responsibility for voting were fully vaccinated but came back from their trip infected with the virus. What's more, they infected the V.P. who was also fully vaccinated. If they were republicans they would be in jail but what's going on when the person a heartbeat away from the presidency tests positive for the disease after all the posturing and propaganda?

Reich members are not subject to the law.

They claim equal justice under the law is racist,
Zatrite Nazi?

You fucking hypocrites and frauds.
Apparently a quirky bunch of Texas democrats who decided to leave the state to evade responsibility for voting were fully vaccinated but came back from their trip infected with the virus. What's more, they infected the V.P. who was also fully vaccinated. If they were republicans they would be in jail but what's going on when the person a heartbeat away from the presidency tests positive for the disease after all the posturing and propaganda?
When did this become the Horseshit forum?!?!

So many vocal anti vaxxers and "Covid is a hoax, no worse than the flu" people seem to have met their match with this Delta variant of covid. Look out, the Grim Reaper is coming for you with a fury!!! :eek:

Please think twice about avoiding getting vaccinated. In the least, don't hang out in indoor, crowded places...protect yourself, pretty please!

It's sad, it's very sad, especially for their children and for those who are not really able to understand the situation, those who are not exactly competent. But, the others, those with full mental capacity: they are getting what they are asking for.
Apparently a quirky bunch of Texas democrats who decided to leave the state to evade responsibility for voting were fully vaccinated but came back from their trip infected with the virus. What's more, they infected the V.P. who was also fully vaccinated. If they were republicans they would be in jail but what's going on when the person a heartbeat away from the presidency tests positive for the disease after all the posturing and propaganda?
The difference is that these people will most likely not die or even get seriously ill. Virtually, the only people dying from Covid now are the unvaccinated.
The difference is that these people will most likely not die or even get seriously ill. Virtually, the only people dying from Covid now are the unvaccinated.

Ohhh look, another Nazi spreading false information about the Wuhan Designer Virus.

From a Nazi source....

Reich members are not subject to the law.

They claim equal justice under the law is racist,
A photo of the Texas democrats on the plane reveals smiling unmasked faces. You would reasonably presume that they were all fully vaccinated being influential members of the state government so they didn't need to wear masks, besides they were democrats. You would reasonably assume that the Vice President of the United States would be fully immune but she caught the virus from fellow democrats. That having been said, all we see from the media is propaganda about vaccinations and Christian sects and alleged right wing people who never infected a politician in their lives. So what is going on? Are crazy lefties so freaking crazy with hatred that they can't see that the vaccination scare is nothing but a political ploy to gain power?
The difference is that these people will most likely not die or even get seriously ill. Virtually, the only people dying from Covid now are the unvaccinated.
Six people in my family aged 3 to 69 have proven that wrong. I will take my chances after surviving my first bout with covid. The sky is not falling and I am not getting an experimental non-vaccine.
Just consider it freedom of choice and with your freedom of choice you must live with the consequences even if it results into your death, well then you wouldn’t be living with it any longer…
nothing but a political ploy to gain power
Mark my words, these fucking democrats are dancing to the same tune as they did in 2020. Piglosi has already started to pack the judiciary committee for a sham investigation of Jan. 6, shades of the first sham impeachment. We are also beginning to hear more about the dreaded Delta Variant. Look for another shut down between now and Feb. 2022 in order to distract from the midterm narrative and the democrat failures so far. That will be followed in the summer with some sort of BLM/Antifa disruption. I think we will be far more vigilant with the midterms though. You would think Piglosi would try using different arrows.

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