The REAL homosexual Agenda...

I don't think it's about whether homosexuals get to have homosexual sex or not. It's about preserving marriage as a separate and special state, specific to men and women. It's the cornerstone of the family, and as such the cornerstone of society. That's not to say the few who step out of the norm should be persecuted, but it is wrong to mess with the cornerstone of family and society, thereby diminishing the specialness of a male/female union and disrupting society.

I don't think it should be illegal, but I don't think we should be forced to acknowledge it as the same situation as male/female unions.

How does some other couple's specialness of union interfere with your specialness of union with your chosen partner? You're specialness of union mush be pretty fragile if it does. Equal rights for gays does not disrupt society but suppression of their rights does.
I don't think that anyone here or elsewhere would argue that in order to maintain the species - a male must mate with a female.

But as an evolved species, Pale Rider, you will surely agree that humans have found numerous reasons to do things that exceed or even go against their biological purpose.

Well see Gem, there's two things wrong right there with your train of thought. One, you're making an excuse, much as homo supporters and enablers do, for men and women to commit unnatural sex acts on one another, and two, you're basing it on an unproven theory.

You can't second guess mother nature and grand desing of how things are intended. You can only foolish dreaming up lame excuses for sick and deviant behavior. Give it a rest, and accept the truth.
Good post! It may not be normal to be homosexual but as long as they are not harming you, why are people so obsessed with hating gay people?

Could you please point out where the word "hate" was used? I'd like to see it.

What I do see here is you trying to spin a normal persons *disgust* of perverted behavior off as hate, but it ain't workin'. You're twisting, spinning, lying, and it's plain as day.
Sir I hope your skin will crawl enough ,to drive you to seek help to cure you
from any Homosexual activity, that you may engage in.
Any civilized person will realize, that allowing Homosexuality in any society,
can ultimately lead to the decay and decline of that society.It happened in Greece, and in Rome.Homosexuality is a perverted destructive act,that must
be banned in America.

It is also very unhygenic and bilogically unsound.
The human reproductive essences must never be squandered or discharge unless deposited
in the proper place.Sperm in female Vagina, not in rectum, or another man mouth.
We must adhear to the rules of human reproduction.

Paranoia will destroy ya.
America must criminalize Homosexuality.All Homosexuals should be imprisoned, and removed from society.
Sir I hope your skin will crawl enough ,to drive you to seek help to cure you
from any Homosexual activity, that you may engage in.
Any civilized person will realize, that allowing Homosexuality in any society,
can ultimately lead to the decay and decline of that society.It happened in Greece, and in Rome.Homosexuality is a perverted destructive act,that must
be banned in America.

It is also very unhygenic and bilogically unsound.
The human reproductive essences must never be squandered or discharge unless deposited
in the proper place.Sperm in female Vagina, not in rectum, or another man mouth.
We must adhear to the rules of human reproduction.

If anyone doubts my theory that most people fearful of gays are really basically fearful of all sexuality, reading the above should set you straight about their hidden agenda.

These people want the right to tell us ALL when and where how and with whom we can have sex.

Simply as that.
If anyone doubts my theory that most people fearful of gays are really basically fearful of all sexuality, reading the above should set you straight about their hidden agenda.

These people want the right to tell us ALL when and where how and with whom we can have sex.

Simply as that.

We must move to ban this sick mentally deranged act you people call Homosexuality.It must be made a criminal act, a crime against humanity.As it is illegal in many countries already throughout the rest of the World.!
We must move to ban this sick mentally deranged act you people call Homosexuality.It must be made a criminal act, a crime against humanity.As it is illegal in many countries already throughout the rest of the World.!
Middle East countries have a cure for homosexuality that works every time..:eusa_angel:
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really sunni man..and what is that, pray tell...?

you think you're doing a fine job "representing" muslims in this way?

It is called a "Death Penalty" for any one identified as being Homosexual.
This removes the perverse deranged individual from the society permanently.
It is called a "Death Penalty" for any one identified as being Homosexual.
This removes the perverse deranged individual from the society permanently.

all civilized people everywhere believe that those who want to kill other human beings just because of who they choose to love - they are the the real "perverse and deranged individuals".

so, where does that leave YOU?

hint: uncivilized and inhumane :eusa_whistle:
Middle East countries have a cure for homosexuality that works every time..:eusa_angel:

It is called a "Death Penalty" for any one identified as being Homosexual.
This removes the perverse deranged individual from the society permanently.

Now that's sick.

Exrpess your disgust. Try to get the laws changed. That's fine.

But suggesting killing people who have not themselves killed and who are not at war with you - who, in fact, qua the characteristic you idendify them by have not necessarily hurt anyone at all? Talk about deranged.

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