The REAL homosexual Agenda...

It was mandated by an individual who is gay, not gay people. There is no vast, homosexual conspiracy here.


Homosexual Agenda

Homosexual activist predicted takeover of nation

Randy Sharp
Projects Director
June, 2004

In 1987, gay revolutionist Michael Swift accurately outlined the homosexual movement in America. In less than two decades, Swift's predictions have come to pass.

When first published, American Family Association reprinted it in the October 1987, edition of the National Federation for Decency (NFD is now American Family Association (AFA)) Journal. Ironically, many in the Christian community scoffed at the contention that the homosexual movement could actually attain the article's outrageous goals.

In the text below are the ominous predictions by Michael Swift, "Gay Revolutionary," printed in bold type, from The Congressional Record, first printed in Gay Community News, February 15-21, 1987. Examples of these fortellings coming to pass follow each paragraph:

This essay is outre, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed dream of being the oppressor.

We shall sodomize your sons1, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools2, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups3, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses4 in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons will become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

1Although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.

2Over 1,700 Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) clubs exist in public schools in the United States. GSA is a project of the The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).

In 1996, homosexual activists organized a Day of Silence for the public school setting. More than 1,900 schools across the country participated in 2003. Students gained endorsements from school administrators, who allowed them access to PA systems, bulletin boards, and "Safe Rooms."

In August, 2003, New York announced it will open the first taxpayer-funded "gay" school.

3In July 2002, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America announced a new policy allowing homosexuals to participate in after school mentoring programs without parental notification.

4In 1993, President Bill Clinton signed an executive order, allowing homosexuals to serve in the military. Until the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law, homosexuals were automatically discharged from the armed services.
Women, you cry for your freedom.5 You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of men. Then go ahead and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand with depth and feeling the mind and body of another man.

5 The National Organization for Women is the largest feminist organization in this country working for lesbian rights. The day-in, day-out activism of NOW's quarter of a million members and hundreds of chapters strongly favors same-sex marriage laws.

The YWCA announced it hired feminist Patricia Ireland as its new chief executive officer. Ireland has admitted to engaging in lesbian activities.
All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked.6 Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men.

6 On June 26, 2003, the United States Supreme Court ruled sodomy laws were unconstitutional in its 6-3 ruling in the Lawrence v. Texas case. This ruling subsequently struck down similar laws in 16 other states.

Twenty-eight states and over 400 U.S. cities have passed laws protecting the homosexual lifestyle. In addition, 400 colleges, universities,and public schools now offer domestic partner benefits to homosexual employees, as does most of the Fortune 500 companies.

Currently, homosexual activists seek to legalize same-sex marriage.
All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy.7
7CBS reality television show Amazing Race 4 introduces two gay men as "The Married Couple." When questioned about the "married" men, CBS responded, "They're married and they're gay. Is there an issue?"
Food Network, HGTV, PBS programs introduce homosexuals as “married” or “domestic partners.”

Network programs regularly feature homosexuals at main characters.

Hollywood produced and highly promoted “Brokeback Mountain,” a movie about gay cowboys. CNN Headline News network gave the “acclaimed” film ample doses of free promotion.

If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead puny bodies.8

8In 1999, a Temple University junior was involuntarily committed to a state mental hospital after he initiated a Christian response to a blasphemous play performed on campus. The play, Corpus Christi, portrayed Jesus Christ as a homosexual.

In 2002, a 19-year-old homosexual savagely beat an elderly woman to death simply because she questioned him about his orientation.

Numerous college and university codes prohibiting "hate speech" have been struck down by the courts. Yet several state-passed hate crimes bills will allow speech to slowly creep into them.
We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man9; we will make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold athletes which will be placed in your parks, your squares, your plazas [public funding of homosexual pornography by the National Endowment for the Arts, National Public Broadcasting Service]. The museums of the world will be filled only with the paintings of graceful, naked lads.

9The National Endowment for the Arts gave a grant to a New York group called Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Inc. and that part of the funding was used to create an obscene play called Broadway Bares XII: A Comic Strip. This play featured homosexual super heroes who stripped off their clothing during the play.

In 2003, Philadelphia, Seattle, and Arlington were named as cities which would host "Puppetry of the Penis performances, in which males manipulated their genitals on a public stage.

Terrence McNally’s Corpus Christi depicts Jesus as a homosexual who has sex with his disciples, and then is crucified for being ‘king of the queers'.
In 2005, the Georgia Council for the Arts approved a $15,000 tax-payer funded grant to help produce a play called Love Jerry, about a pedophile who abuses his nephew.

The movie, Brokeback Mountain, a homosexual love story about two homosexual cowboys, received widespread support and promotion from the liberal media. The theater movie won four Golden Globe awards.

Our writers will make love between men fashionable and de rigeur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the devices of wit and ridicule which we are skilled in employing.10

10By obtaining control of mass media markets, homosexual activists have succeeded in removing "negative" language from American society. Queer has become "gay," homosexuality has become "sexual orientation" and "alternative lifestyle," and sex-mate is now "domestic parter."

In July, 2003, NBC/Bravo introduces all gay programs Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Boy Meets Boy. Normally sensitive corporate advertisers like Procter & Gamble jump on board because of the show's high ratings.

Prime-time shows like Dawson's Creek and Will & Grace project homosexuality as a normal lifestyle.
We will unmask11 the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you learn that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when you speak of homosexuals because we are always among you; we may be sitting across the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same bed with you.

11One website lists over 200 open homosexuals who have been elected to high offices and judgeships. They include Senators, Representatives, and court judges.
There will be no compromises. We are not middle class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less.

We shall raise vast, private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.
Gay pride parades and the "gay games" draw homosexual activists together. By the tens of thousands, they boldly force their lifestyle on the Main streets of our nation. They use these activities as launching pads for activism and unity.

Homosexuals Urge Scorched Earth Policy Against Pro-Family Groups. Homosexual militants are gaining momentum in a vicious effort to intimidate and silence any person who opposes their political and social agenda.

The family unit12 — spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence — will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.

12Lesbian film producers introduce "That's a Family!". This video redifines family to include homosexual couples. The National PTA, the Girl Scouts of America, and YWCA endorse its showing to children and in public forums.

By infiltrating public shools, homosexual activists continue their "scorched-earth policy to circumvent the definition of "family." In 2001, Homosexual targeted Massachusetts schools with a conference designed to indoctrinate children with pro-homosexual themes.

In 2002, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) insisted that new laws should be passed allowing homosexual couples to adopt children.

That same year, with the financial support of corporations, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America required chapters to allow homosexuals to serve as after-schools mentors without parental knowledge.
All churches who condemn us will be closed13. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated. Since we are alienated from middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free to live our lives according to the dictates of the pure imagination. For us too much is not enough.

13Swift missed the mark on this prediction. Instead of shutting down churches, the homosexual movement has infiltrated them. Some denominations now accept and celebrate homosexuality to the point of ordaining homosexual pastors and ministers. Most notably, the United Methodist Church and the Episcopal Church have ordained or appointed homosexual leaders.

In June, 2004, a United Methodist Student Leadership Conference served rainbow-colored bread at a communion service.
Homosexual activist groups now picket churches who speak out against homosexuality.

The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society will be indulgence in the Greek passion.14 Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men.15

14Catholic Priests, over the past several years, have been accused and charged with pedophilia and pederasty, a common "Greek passion."

15Homosexual groups attacked Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum for comments exposing homosexuality. So committed to their agenda, homosexual activists rabidly attack anyone who voices opposition to their lifestyle or agenda. Fear and intimidation have silenced many elected officials.
We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We shall portray the homosexuality of great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world.16 We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility, true beauty in a man.

16Many homosexual activists have "outed" great historians such as Abraham Lincoln, Walt Whitman, William Shakespeare, Eleanor Roosevelt, and T.S. Eliot.
We shall be victorious because we are filled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution.17

17Homosexual activist groups use a "scorched earth" policy to force their agenda on America. Groups like ACT-UP encourage members to "Earn Your Attitude" through public demonstrations, yelling, civil disobedience, and to be "united in anger." Another suggestion by homosexual activists suggests using "blood terrorism," the act of HIV-AIDs victims deliberately donating blood to the American Red Cross.
Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.
And who loves the fags and lies to them telling them they're alright? Liberals. One is just as screwed up as the other.

All I really got from that was that one guy made some predictions that came true and that it is unfortunate that a disproportionate number of gay people happened t abuse children physically. These are just random acts of abuse. There is no organized gay agenda to commit evil.
And who loves the fags and lies to them telling them they're alright? Liberals. One is just as screwed up as the other.

It is obvious that you are a gimmick poster. Pale Rider? Thats a bit excessive dont you think? If you wanted to get attention using as little brain power as possible you could have just asked. The absurdity's of you and Lieberalisms ideological rants make it clear that you are not true supremists, we all know that true white supremists dont know how to use computers. Everyone knows that. Let alone type a sentence that midly resembles a coherant thought.

If we wanted to play games we would take you seriously, but we dont. Therefore you can say whatever you want as the bill of rights indicates. But the bill of rights does not force anyone to care about your malicious rhetoric.

It is an astronomical waste of time to converse with this man, so please your brain energy for someone with a substantial amount of contemporary thought. As in, dont feed that animals.
If I say anything that isn't true please enlighten me.

I often find that people who are obsessed with things like race, and sexual orientation have serious personal issues. You are a very proud bigot, you've even bought the t-shirt. 40 some odd years ago, people like you were saying the same thing about civil rights. Then it was womens' rights, and now it's gay rights. Damn, its too bad your kind weren't so committed to class rights, health care for all American citizens and fighting the good fight. Instead, in my personal opinion, talking heads like yourself of anger, resentment, fear and hate continually get a forum to exploit the basic instincts of the misinformed, inexperienced, and or uneducated human being. Hate is basic, fear is basic and stupid is as stupid does.

I don't know you personally. So don't take what I'm going to say next as an assumption, belief or personal attack on you.

It's my belief that people who hate gay people in this day and age are often discovered to be homosexual themselves. What we find irritating about other people will often reveal something about ourselves we don't like.

I'm certain that homosexuality is a genetic result verses a learned behavior. As a straight man, the argument that it's a choice baffles me. I could never comfortably and honestly choose homosexuality as my orientation. If that were at all debatable to me, than maybe I should start truly evaluating myself. Or better yet, I'll just blame other gay people for my homosexual inclinations. That way, I won't have to deal with myself.

Pale Rider, are you truly part of a white power organization? You don't have to answer that. But if you were, it would be ill conceived to assume that everyone that believes as you believe condones acts of violence against that which you stand against. So consider this. The hate you preach comes from a source of hypocritical, fear mongering, good guy badge wearing right wing "conservatives". You and your group could be considered a terrorist when what you believe is honorable and could be treated the same way many other Americans have been treated throughout history for standing up for what they believe in.

These people would never PUBLICLY embrace you and your group so why would you by doing them the favor spittin their ideology? :eusa_wall:
we need to put fagots into prison camps because they are freaks of nature. a fagot is not normal. it is a disgusting aids ridden piece of garbage.
I didn't realize Pale Rider was such a big fan of Barry White.

Do you have shogun on "ignore?" Tsk tsk ... man up , buddy ... man up.

is that against the rules?
afraid of my opinions? Perhaps you would be best to ignore me then, tough guy.

as for you doniston, go suck on a shotgun.
An opinion cant be right or wrong.
The homosexual community is responsible for corrupting the youth of this country. Its been well documented, only the ignorant losers dont want to face reality.
Its not PC to speak the truth.
All I really got from that was that one guy made some predictions that came true and that it is unfortunate that a disproportionate number of gay people happened t abuse children physically. These are just random acts of abuse. There is no organized gay agenda to commit evil.

There's far more proof that there is than your opinion that there's not mister incest.
It is obvious that you are a gimmick poster. Pale Rider? Thats a bit excessive dont you think? If you wanted to get attention using as little brain power as possible you could have just asked. The absurdity's of you and Lieberalisms ideological rants make it clear that you are not true supremists, we all know that true white supremists dont know how to use computers. Everyone knows that. Let alone type a sentence that midly resembles a coherant thought.

If we wanted to play games we would take you seriously, but we dont. Therefore you can say whatever you want as the bill of rights indicates. But the bill of rights does not force anyone to care about your malicious rhetoric.

It is an astronomical waste of time to converse with this man, so please your brain energy for someone with a substantial amount of contemporary thought. As in, dont feed that animals.

Say something I can sink my teeth into or shut the fuck up moron.
If I say anything that isn't true please enlighten me.

I often find that people who are obsessed with things like race, and sexual orientation have serious personal issues. You are a very proud bigot, you've even bought the t-shirt. 40 some odd years ago, people like you were saying the same thing about civil rights. Then it was womens' rights, and now it's gay rights. Damn, its too bad your kind weren't so committed to class rights, health care for all American citizens and fighting the good fight. Instead, in my personal opinion, talking heads like yourself of anger, resentment, fear and hate continually get a forum to exploit the basic instincts of the misinformed, inexperienced, and or uneducated human being. Hate is basic, fear is basic and stupid is as stupid does.

I don't know you personally. So don't take what I'm going to say next as an assumption, belief or personal attack on you.

It's my belief that people who hate gay people in this day and age are often discovered to be homosexual themselves. What we find irritating about other people will often reveal something about ourselves we don't like.

I'm certain that homosexuality is a genetic result verses a learned behavior. As a straight man, the argument that it's a choice baffles me. I could never comfortably and honestly choose homosexuality as my orientation. If that were at all debatable to me, than maybe I should start truly evaluating myself. Or better yet, I'll just blame other gay people for my homosexual inclinations. That way, I won't have to deal with myself.

Pale Rider, are you truly part of a white power organization? You don't have to answer that. But if you were, it would be ill conceived to assume that everyone that believes as you believe condones acts of violence against that which you stand against. So consider this. The hate you preach comes from a source of hypocritical, fear mongering, good guy badge wearing right wing "conservatives". You and your group could be considered a terrorist when what you believe is honorable and could be treated the same way many other Americans have been treated throughout history for standing up for what they believe in.

These people would never PUBLICLY embrace you and your group so why would you by doing them the favor spittin their ideology? :eusa_wall:

You could not have exposed your liberal text book perfect response more if you tried.

"Oh you HATE fags... you must be one."

You know how many times I've heard that sorry ass shit? Too many. It's old, and it doesn't work. It only makes you a LAZY poster with nothing more than fossil old, liberal hand book, crap responses for posting. Get real. Find something new to say. This "you must be a queer" shit is so old it reeks. Your originality is in the toilet.

So do this, go back to anything I've posted on this board, and I've been here for almost five years, and find ANYWHERE where I said "I hate queers." I've got $1,000 waiting for you if you can.

It's not my problem you fag supporters get your undies in a bundle every time a normal person points out the fag agenda, and relates to people their disgust with their perverse behavior. It's your problem.

And no, I am not part of a "white supremacist" organization. I do ride quite extensively, and have many good friends in motorcycle clubs, especially the Vagos. However, with groups in full operation and out in the open like La Raza and the Black Panthers, yeah, I might as well display white power. If they're all about taking over me, they may as well know it ain't going to happen without a fight.
Most of them are far better than you will ever be.

So... without any fucking knowledge what so ever who I am... you're response is... GRADE SCHOOL SARCISM?

Sheeezzuuzz... we got a winner here... :eusa_dance:
is that against the rules?
afraid of my opinions? Perhaps you would be best to ignore me then, tough guy.

as for you doniston, go suck on a shotgun.
An opinion cant be right or wrong.
The homosexual community is responsible for corrupting the youth of this country. Its been well documented, only the ignorant losers dont want to face reality.
Its not PC to speak the truth.

Ask doniston about the time he sat around and talked about dick size with a bunch of little boys.

He's another sick fucker just like kramer.
So... without any fucking knowledge what so ever who I am... you're response is... GRADE SCHOOL SARCISM?

Sheeezzuuzz... we got a winner here... :eusa_dance:

Actually your comments give me a general idea of who youy are. So actually I haves some knowledge of what a fuckwit you are. And by the way...its sarcAsm, not sarcIsm...dumbass.

is that against the rules?
afraid of my opinions? Perhaps you would be best to ignore me then, tough guy.

I doubt anyone here is afraid of your opinions. You seem to be unable to distinguish the obvious difference beteen an opinion that is obviously retarded and one that we are afraid of. You hold the former. Which is ok...we support your right to be a fucking moron. So go out into the world! And let the world laugh at you! Because while you are a fucking moron, you are a FREE fucking congratulations!!!!

as for you doniston, go suck on a shotgun.
An opinion cant be right or wrong.[/quote]
Ask doniston about the time he sat around and talked about dick size with a bunch of little boys.

He's another sick fucker just like kramer.
One more of your lies. the problem is that I don't really think you realize they are lies. You take an incident and blow it ip way out of proportion.

yes I know the incident he is referring to, and I did no such thing, I related a story and "concern" a young friend of mine came to me about and he totally distorted it.

YEP, he is indeed the Pale_Rider I detest. Just getting a second (or new) wind, I guess.

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