As far as I know no one has had a cancer treatment stopped in progress due to insurance being cut off. The problem occurs when the bill from the hospital comes due. So for example, if your insurance company has a 1,000,000 cap, and your bill is 1,500,000 your left paying the 500,000. If your doing your part, working ect, I have no problem helping you out, with my money. Given the fact that most hospitals want you to pay this amount off in 1 year, could be a sizable burden to you and your family. As to the value of life that is a different argument, one that deals both with abortion and war. One could argue that if your pro-life does that mean that you will use any method to prevent the death of a single individual and at what cost????? Does this mean that your also anti war??? Anti death penalty?????? On the other hand if this is all a wash then human beings are just dollar signs, some are worth more and some are not. I find it odd that most right wing individuals are against the health care reform bill, go to the tea parties, tell us that we are turning in to a socialist socitity, are pro war and then tell me they are Christians. I think that the argument about heath care reform comes down to just one thing, my money.