The reason and creation of Zionist enemies


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Israel, first and foremost... a settler colonialist entity that was created both by British imperialism and Political Zionism inside Palestine, which was populated by the indigenous Palestinian Arabs.
And as such, Zionists had to create an enemy in this land. A boogyman to create this good vs evil conflict in which Zionists were the good and the indigenous Palestinian's were the bad. No where is this better understood, than in the following...

...the most pernicious aspect of a political philosophy like Zionism that masquerades as democratic is that it requires an enemy in order to survive and, where an enemy does not already exist, it requires that one be created. In order to justify racist repression and dispossession, particularly in a system purporting to be democratic, those being repressed and displaced must be portrayed as murderous and predatory. And in order to keep its own population in line, to prevent a humane people from objecting to their own government’s repressive policies, it requires that fear be instilled in the population: fear of “the other,” fear of the terrorist, fear of the Jew-hater. The Jews of Israel must always be made to believe that they are the preyed-upon. This justifies having forced these enemies to leave, it justifies discriminating against those who remained, it justifies denying democratic rights to those who later came under Israel’s control in the occupied territories.
Have you noticed the people that support and defend Israel, do everything in their power to make people hate Jews. Because they must have this enemy at all costs. No where in this entire forum do any Israeli supporters speak of Palestinian's without hostility. No where!
Israel, first and foremost... a settler colonialist entity that was created both by British imperialism and Political Zionism inside Palestine, which was populated by the indigenous Palestinian Arabs.
And as such, Zionists had to create an enemy in this land. A boogyman to create this good vs evil conflict in which Zionists were the good and the indigenous Palestinian's were the bad. No where is this better understood, than in the following...

...the most pernicious aspect of a political philosophy like Zionism that masquerades as democratic is that it requires an enemy in order to survive and, where an enemy does not already exist, it requires that one be created. In order to justify racist repression and dispossession, particularly in a system purporting to be democratic, those being repressed and displaced must be portrayed as murderous and predatory. And in order to keep its own population in line, to prevent a humane people from objecting to their own government’s repressive policies, it requires that fear be instilled in the population: fear of “the other,” fear of the terrorist, fear of the Jew-hater. The Jews of Israel must always be made to believe that they are the preyed-upon. This justifies having forced these enemies to leave, it justifies discriminating against those who remained, it justifies denying democratic rights to those who later came under Israel’s control in the occupied territories.
Have you noticed the people that support and defend Israel, do everything in their power to make people hate Jews. Because they must have this enemy at all costs. No where in this entire forum do any Israeli supporters speak of Palestinian's without hostility. No where!

The cut and paste “settler colonist entity” slogan is false. Similarly, the cut and paste “Palestinian Arabs” is a false description.

Nothing you cut and pasted is accurate.
Israel, first and foremost... a settler colonialist entity that was created both by British imperialism and Political Zionism inside Palestine, which was populated by the indigenous Palestinian Arabs.
And as such, Zionists had to create an enemy in this land. A boogyman to create this good vs evil conflict in which Zionists were the good and the indigenous Palestinian's were the bad. No where is this better understood, than in the following...

...the most pernicious aspect of a political philosophy like Zionism that masquerades as democratic is that it requires an enemy in order to survive and, where an enemy does not already exist, it requires that one be created. In order to justify racist repression and dispossession, particularly in a system purporting to be democratic, those being repressed and displaced must be portrayed as murderous and predatory. And in order to keep its own population in line, to prevent a humane people from objecting to their own government’s repressive policies, it requires that fear be instilled in the population: fear of “the other,” fear of the terrorist, fear of the Jew-hater. The Jews of Israel must always be made to believe that they are the preyed-upon. This justifies having forced these enemies to leave, it justifies discriminating against those who remained, it justifies denying democratic rights to those who later came under Israel’s control in the occupied territories.
Have you noticed the people that support and defend Israel, do everything in their power to make people hate Jews. Because they must have this enemy at all costs. No where in this entire forum do any Israeli supporters speak of Palestinian's without hostility. No where!

Where are these quotes from?

The same happened simultaneously in all of Jewish holy cities: Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberia and Hebron.

Zionism was a response to Arab pogroms that occurred simultaneously across the Ottoman Caliphate against the local Jewish communities. No Zionist shot a bullet before that.

The OP is attempting to mask blatant hate speech against a minority by using the word "Zionist" instead,
while not realizing he has in fact openly defined the vast majority of the Jewish people and their biggest community as enemy.
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The same happened simultaneously in all of Jewish holy cities: Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberia and Hebron.

Zionism was a response to Arab pogroms that occurred simultaneously across the Ottoman Caliphate against the local Jewish communities. No Zionist shot a bullet before that.

The OP is attempting to mask blatant hate speech against a minority by using the word "Zionist" instead,
while not realizing he has in fact openly defined the vast majority of the Jewish people and their biggest community as enemy.

Palestine didn't exist before the 1960's, but somehow were responsible for killing Jews in the 1830's.
you can't make up Zionist stupidity.
Israel, first and foremost... a settler colonialist entity that was created both by British imperialism and Political Zionism inside Palestine, which was populated by the indigenous Palestinian Arabs.
And as such, Zionists had to create an enemy in this land. A boogyman to create this good vs evil conflict in which Zionists were the good and the indigenous Palestinian's were the bad. No where is this better understood, than in the following...

...the most pernicious aspect of a political philosophy like Zionism that masquerades as democratic is that it requires an enemy in order to survive and, where an enemy does not already exist, it requires that one be created. In order to justify racist repression and dispossession, particularly in a system purporting to be democratic, those being repressed and displaced must be portrayed as murderous and predatory. And in order to keep its own population in line, to prevent a humane people from objecting to their own government’s repressive policies, it requires that fear be instilled in the population: fear of “the other,” fear of the terrorist, fear of the Jew-hater. The Jews of Israel must always be made to believe that they are the preyed-upon. This justifies having forced these enemies to leave, it justifies discriminating against those who remained, it justifies denying democratic rights to those who later came under Israel’s control in the occupied territories.
Have you noticed the people that support and defend Israel, do everything in their power to make people hate Jews. Because they must have this enemy at all costs. No where in this entire forum do any Israeli supporters speak of Palestinian's without hostility. No where!

Please show us where Pro Palestinians speak of Israelis without Hostility. You can't. Islam Anti Semitism has been around for thousands of years, Nothing to do with " Palestine" You are too ignorant to know the difference

Arab & Muslim Anti-Semitism
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The same happened simultaneously in all of Jewish holy cities: Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberia and Hebron.

Zionism was a response to Arab pogroms that occurred simultaneously across the Ottoman Caliphate against the local Jewish communities. No Zionist shot a bullet before that.

The OP is attempting to mask blatant hate speech against a minority by using the word "Zionist" instead,
while not realizing he has in fact openly defined the vast majority of the Jewish people and their biggest community as enemy.

Palestine didn't exist before the 1960's, but somehow were responsible for killing Jews in the 1830's.
you can't make up Zionist stupidity.

1) So you admit that Palestine never existed before the 1960's! Good to know.

2) The OP mentioned generic Arab pogroms, not Palestinian pogroms. There were both Jews and Arabs living in Eretz Yisrael in the 1830's.

The same happened simultaneously in all of Jewish holy cities: Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberia and Hebron.

Zionism was a response to Arab pogroms that occurred simultaneously across the Ottoman Caliphate against the local Jewish communities. No Zionist shot a bullet before that.

The OP is attempting to mask blatant hate speech against a minority by using the word "Zionist" instead,
while not realizing he has in fact openly defined the vast majority of the Jewish people and their biggest community as enemy.

Palestine didn't exist before the 1960's, but somehow were responsible for killing Jews in the 1830's.
you can't make up Zionist stupidity.

“ Palestine “ was a territory, not a Country. You can’t make up Pollack Stupidity. Haha:auiqs.jpg:
From Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petræa, and the Holy Land, Volume 2, by John Lloyd Stephens, 1849

I cannot leave this place, however, without a word or two more. I had spent a long evening with my Jewish friends. The old rabbi talked to me of their prospects and condition, and told me how he had left his country in Europe many years before, and come with his wife and children to lay their bones in the Holy Land. He was now eighty years old; and for thirty years, he said, he had lived with the sword suspended over his head; had been reviled, buffeted, and spit upon; and, though sometimes enjoying a respite from persecution, he never knew at what moment the bloodhounds might not be let loose upon him ; that, since the country had been wrested from the sultan by the Pacha of Egypt, they had been comparatively safe and tranquil; though some idea may be formed of this comparative security from the fact that, during the revolution two years before, when Ibrahim Pacha, after having been pent up several months in Jerusalem, burst out like a roaring lion, the first place upon which his wrath descended was the unhappy Hebron ; and while their guilty brethren were sometimes spared, the unhappy Jews, never offending but always suffering, received the full weight of Arab vengeance. Their houses were ransacked and plundered; their gold and silver, and all things valuable, carried away; and their wives and daughters violated before their eyes by a brutal soldiery.

This is the Hebron massacre of 1834. Unlike 1929, it was not the Jews' neighbors in Hebron who preformed the massacre this time but the Egyptians - even though the Jews had not done anything against them. Some say that the Jews were assured of their safety, which is why they didn't flee the oncoming soldiers as their Muslim neighbors did.

7 Jewish men were murdered and 5 Jewish girls raped before being killed.
The narrative shows that the Jews felt themselves to be on the lowest rung of the social ladder, always in danger from whatever event happens.

From Elder of Ziyon (2015)
Satan has convinced people throughout human history to hate the Jews as they were God's chosen people. No segment of humanity has been as persecuted as the Jews. Those that hate the Jews (white nationalists, Hamas, Nazis, Iran, Hezbollah, etc.) are all in lockstep with Satan.
Let me know when you're ready to give Texas and the the American Southwest back to Mexico and we can talk about Israel.
[I don't care what name you call the area. The fact is, there was over a million Arabs living there at the beginning of the Zionist migration.

Well, that land had previously belong to the Ottoman Empire. They LOST that land after waging an unsuccessful WAR against, among others, Great Britain.

Then, in the second world war, the so-called "Palestinians" sided with Hitler.

Are you on acid?

Let me know when you're ready to give Texas and the the American Southwest back to Mexico and we can talk about Israel.

Better yet, when is going to donate his home to a "native American" and return to his ancestral homeland in Europe?
Please show us where Pro Palestinians speak of Israelis without Hostility. You can't. Islam Anti Semitism has been around for thousands of years, Nothing to do with " Palestine" You are too ignorant to know the difference

Arab & Muslim Anti-Semitism
Stop trying to hijack the thread and change the topic.

Not hijacking the thread. You are trying to claim all the hate is about Israel. Again, Just proving your an ignorant racist liar

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