Simplified Analysis of the "Occupied Territories" Lie


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The region that Christians call, "The Holy Land," and others refer to a "Palestine" was in recent history nothing more than an unincorporated region of the Ottoman Empire. With the defeat of the Ottomans in WWI, the region was divided up into "Mandates" with a few European powers having jurisdiction, though not sovereignty over the Mandates. The Mandates were followed after WWII by the carving up of the former Ottoman Empire and adjacent areas into made-up countries and kingdoms, to wit Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and so on.

One small part of the British Mandate was claimed by two separate peoples (the indigenous Arabs and Jews), whereupon the ROW (rest of the world) in effect offered the two peoples their own portions of the contested area, albeit in a barely-workable jigsaw puzzle of divided areas. The Jews more or less said, "OK," but the indigenous Arabs declared themselves to be "Palestinians," and claimed a RIGHT to the entire parcel of land, with the resulting right and obligation to EXPELL and/or KILL any Jews with the temerity to remain.

This claimed right is bullshit, as the history of that region indicates, and the status of the land has been, since 1948, if you can take it, it's yours. There is no "occupation" of land that the so-called Palestinians rejected in the first instance. It was offered, they declined, and now they have no right to say that it is theirs even though they rejected it.

Now, it is up to the victorious Zionists and the ROW to do what they will with the indigenous Arabs, and those unworthies have no say in it. They have proven themselves to be ungovernable and uncivilized. Granting them any sort of sovereignty would be like granting self-rule to the residents in an insane asylum.

At least that's the way I see it. Good thing I'm not Master of the Universe.
The region that Christians call, "The Holy Land," and others refer to a "Palestine" was in recent history nothing more than an unincorporated region of the Ottoman Empire. With the defeat of the Ottomans in WWI, the region was divided up into "Mandates" with a few European powers having jurisdiction, though not sovereignty over the Mandates. The Mandates were followed after WWII by the carving up of the former Ottoman Empire and adjacent areas into made-up countries and kingdoms, to wit Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and so on.

One small part of the British Mandate was claimed by two separate peoples (the indigenous Arabs and Jews), whereupon the ROW (rest of the world) in effect offered the two peoples their own portions of the contested area, albeit in a barely-workable jigsaw puzzle of divided areas. The Jews more or less said, "OK," but the indigenous Arabs declared themselves to be "Palestinians," and claimed a RIGHT to the entire parcel of land, with the resulting right and obligation to EXPELL and/or KILL any Jews with the temerity to remain.

This claimed right is bullshit, as the history of that region indicates, and the status of the land has been, since 1948, if you can take it, it's yours. There is no "occupation" of land that the so-called Palestinians rejected in the first instance. It was offered, they declined, and now they have no right to say that it is theirs even though they rejected it.

Now, it is up to the victorious Zionists and the ROW to do what they will with the indigenous Arabs, and those unworthies have no say in it. They have proven themselves to be ungovernable and uncivilized. Granting them any sort of sovereignty would be like granting self-rule to the residents in an insane asylum.

At least that's the way I see it. Good thing I'm not Master of the Universe.

The population of Palestine doubled in 15 years with European immigrants. Jews had been in the minority since the 2nd century.

The Arab Jews, Christians and Muslims were not happy with the immigrants who considered them inferior and didn't speak Arabic.
The region that Christians call, "The Holy Land," and others refer to a "Palestine" was in recent history nothing more than an unincorporated region of the Ottoman Empire. With the defeat of the Ottomans in WWI, the region was divided up into "Mandates" with a few European powers having jurisdiction, though not sovereignty over the Mandates. The Mandates were followed after WWII by the carving up of the former Ottoman Empire and adjacent areas into made-up countries and kingdoms, to wit Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and so on.

One small part of the British Mandate was claimed by two separate peoples (the indigenous Arabs and Jews), whereupon the ROW (rest of the world) in effect offered the two peoples their own portions of the contested area, albeit in a barely-workable jigsaw puzzle of divided areas. The Jews more or less said, "OK," but the indigenous Arabs declared themselves to be "Palestinians," and claimed a RIGHT to the entire parcel of land, with the resulting right and obligation to EXPELL and/or KILL any Jews with the temerity to remain.

This claimed right is bullshit, as the history of that region indicates, and the status of the land has been, since 1948, if you can take it, it's yours. There is no "occupation" of land that the so-called Palestinians rejected in the first instance. It was offered, they declined, and now they have no right to say that it is theirs even though they rejected it.

Now, it is up to the victorious Zionists and the ROW to do what they will with the indigenous Arabs, and those unworthies have no say in it. They have proven themselves to be ungovernable and uncivilized. Granting them any sort of sovereignty would be like granting self-rule to the residents in an insane asylum.

At least that's the way I see it. Good thing I'm not Master of the Universe.
The land is the same as it's always been. A place where religious madness leads lunatics to murder each other because they think a magical being gave them ownership.
Nobody is murdering anyone but the Muslim "Palestinians." EVERY SINGLE conflict since 1948 has been started by the "Palestinians." They when they get their asses kicked, they complain that they are oppressed.

Fuck 'em.
Nobody is murdering anyone but the Muslim "Palestinians." EVERY SINGLE conflict since 1948 has been started by the "Palestinians." They when they get their asses kicked, they complain that they are oppressed.

Fuck 'em.
1948? I have news for you bro; people have been murdering each other over that cursed land for millenia.

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