This Isn't Creepy At All...

SweetSue92, seeeeee?

This new breed of "conservative" now hates the word democracy, and now have been so dumbed down they actually deny we are a democracy!

How did this happen, you may be wondering. Well, the right wing media has been diligently working for decades to dumb these idiots down to the point of being nothing more than empty vessels for filling with unlimited quantities of bullshit.

We are a representative democracy. I have no idea why this recently became an issue for the retards. It's fucking weird.

To overthrow our democracy, the tards must first be led to believe we aren't one.

Someone forgot to send the memo to their messiah.

Former President Donald Trump’s January 6 speech

We're gathered together in the heart of our nation's capital for one very, very basic and simple reason: To save our democracy.


Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy.


Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our Constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear.


They want to indoctrinate your children. It's all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy, and the American people are finally standing up and saying no.
Yours is the side that tried to assassinate a former president.
SweetSue92 , here's another perfect example of the tard conversion.

Today, they deny we are a democracy. This is beyond creepy.

They used to know better: Democracy's Next Battle by Ronald Reagan.

gag when shitlib says democracy.jpg
It's no surprise those who want an autocracy have an allergic reaction to the word democracy.
It's no surprise those who want an autocracy have an allergic reaction to the word democracy.
Squeals the asshat desperately deflecting from the criminal actions of his hoped for dictators.
Squeals the asshat desperately deflecting from the criminal actions of his hoped for dictators.

Said it before, I will say it again.

I don't GO TO CHURCH to escape these judgmental prudes--it's just a nice go to my evangelical Christian church that is far, far less judgmental than your run-of-the-mill liberal.
Donald and Melania attended their son's graduation. Good for them.

Melania brought along her dad.

So here's a photo which will be of historical interest.

A woman standing between her 80 year old father and her 77 year old husband.


"Creepy", g5000? Will you tell us other pairings you find "Creepy"? Mixed race? I mean, since you're in the mood to be Church Lady

"Liberals" :laughing0301:
"Creepy", g5000? Will you tell us other pairings you find "Creepy"? Mixed race? I mean, since you're in the mood to be Church Lady

"Liberals" :laughing0301:
You wouldn't find someone 30 years older than your daughter marrying her to be creepy, eh?

Don't pretend you wouldn't. You know damned well you would.

You would forbid it, if you were a good parent.
The Trumptards no longer have any sense of morality. They have completely lost their bearings.

Serial adultery? Totally cool with it.

Stealing? They actually admire it.

An old fuck busting into underaged girls dressing rooms in the hopes of catching them naked? What a man!

Sexually assaulting women? Good to go.

One can't help how these challenged idiots would feel if it was their own daughters on the receiving end of Trump's assaults.

It guess they'd shake his hand.
Donald and Melania attended their son's graduation. Good for them.

Melania brought along her dad.

So here's a photo which will be of historical interest.

A woman standing between her 80 year old father and her 77 year old husband.

It could be one of two different things.
1. She actually fell in love with him, as there are some May-December marriages.
2. Money.
Not our business, so it's irrelevant.
You wouldn't find someone 30 years older than your daughter marrying her to be creepy, eh?

Don't pretend you wouldn't. You know damned well you would.

You would forbid it, if you were a good parent.

Are you okay? Or are you actually mentally ill. If you are seriously mentally ill I will go gentle...I'm being serious.

Melania Trump married DJT when she was THIRTY-FIVE years old. "Forbid it"? what kind of crazy insane nutjob parent thinks they can "forbid" their over-18 kid from doing ANYTHING, let alone a woman who is 35?
The Trumptards no longer have any sense of morality. They have completely lost their bearings.

Serial adultery? Totally cool with it.

Stealing? They actually admire it.

An old fuck busting into underaged girls dressing rooms in the hopes of catching them naked? What a man!

Sexually assaulting women? Good to go.

One can't help how these challenged idiots would feel if it was their own daughters on the receiving end of Trump's assaults.

It guess they'd shake his hand.


The man is a cad with women, clearly. It's a binary choice. I'm not choosing him for husband, pastor, etc. It's a freaking JOB. The presidency is a JOB.

But not for liberals, see. Since The State is their god, they must choose someone to worship. And oh my, does it show.
All three marriages.

Nothing creepy about the current cuckqueen's husband and her dad being the same age.

Nope. Nothing weird about that at all...
Now do BJ Clinton, who had how many affairs? And how many rape accusations?

Let’s not forget Bath house Barry, and his random gay sex encounters with strangers.
Are you okay? Or are you actually mentally ill. If you are seriously mentally ill I will go gentle...I'm being serious.

Melania Trump married DJT when she was THIRTY-FIVE years old. "Forbid it"? what kind of crazy insane nutjob parent thinks they can "forbid" their over-18 kid from doing ANYTHING, let alone a woman who is 35?
These lefties are completely nuts. Half these people belong in a mental hospital. They are unhinged lunatics.
All three marriages.

Nothing creepy about the current cuckqueen's husband and her dad being the same age.

Nope. Nothing weird about that at all...
I certainly don't think so. I'm older than my wife's parents.

And after my parents divorced my father married a girl less than half his age too.

It's very natural to be attracted to very beautiful young fertile women. There's nothing weird about that.
SweetSue92, seeeeee?

This new breed of "conservative" now hates the word democracy, and now have been so dumbed down they actually deny we are a democracy!

How did this happen, you may be wondering. Well, the right wing media has been diligently working for decades to dumb these idiots down to the point of being nothing more than empty vessels for filling with unlimited quantities of bullshit.

We are a representative democracy. I have no idea why this recently became an issue for the retards. It's fucking weird.

To overthrow our democracy, the tards must first be led to believe we aren't one.

Someone forgot to send the memo to their messiah.

Former President Donald Trump’s January 6 speech

We're gathered together in the heart of our nation's capital for one very, very basic and simple reason: To save our democracy.


Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy.


Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our Constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear.


They want to indoctrinate your children. It's all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy, and the American people are finally standing up and saying no.
any sane person would hate democracy,,

where is the word democracy anywhere in our constitution??
This place used to have at least a few brain cells to rub together, yet here we are.


Blah blah blah, we were never a DEMOCRACY. We were a unique representative republic. I say WERE for a reason. Hope you're happy.

Does this not describe the US?

a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

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