The reason for Trump (Hitlaries stooge) to make those incendiary coments

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
There are a load of emails due to be released from Hitlaries IT guy, who claims they are lost.

Hitlary needed this to vanish from the news cycle. Trump committed hari kiuri for her
State: Hey, we can’t find Hillary-related e-mails … again
The State Department has told Senate investigators it cannot find backup copies of emails sent by Bryan Pagliano, the top Hillary Clinton IT staffer who maintained her email server but has asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer questions on the matter.

State officials told the Senate Judiciary Committee in a recent closed-door meeting that they could not locate what’s known as a “.pst file” for Pagliano’s work during Clinton’s tenure, which would have included copies of the tech expert’s emails, according to a letter Chairman Chuck Grassley sent to Secretary of State John Kerry that was obtained by POLITICO.

The department also told the committee the FBI has taken possession of Pagliano’s government computer system, where traces of the messages are most likely to be found, according to the letter.

What a coincidence! Another missing set of e-mails connected to the Hillary e-mail server scandal. Who would have guessed that, eh? What are the odds?

By the way, a “.pst” file is a backup for individuals in a Microsoft Outlook system. As Rachel Bade explains, State didn’t actually do backups on an individual basis, but required “senior” employees to regularly create and/or update their .pst files. Apparently, there was no check on that requirement, or else State has something else to hide. However, State should have system-wide backups of their Outlook system, and that should yield some if not all of Pagliano’s communications — unless Pagliano was gaming the system with his access to the IT infrastructure at State, or someone else has decided it might not be a good idea for people to have a look at them.

If this sounds familiar, by the way, you’re not crazy. Besides, Chuck Grassley might want to start looking around for a “Toby Miles” account, because unless Pagliano was a complete fool, it’s likely that the communications investigators want to see are in a much different kind of e-mail system.

Isn’t it funny how often the Obama administration’s e-mails come up missing? By funny, I don’t mean funny ha-ha, but funny obstruction-of-justice.


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