It seems to me, a humble atheist, that we are on the verge of a new religious movement in this country; the religion of government.
More people every day are turning to government for hope and assistance. In general people have more faith in government than in themselves or their neighbors.
Government, at least government underwritten by popular sovereignty, cannot be a religion. The authority that government wields in neither supernatural nor above the law.
We are all entitled to the basic dignity of civil non-interference; but that does not mean that we, simply by virtue of being human beings, possessed of the inherent dignity of freedom, are not entitled to certain basic goods and services that are essential for us to be able to even have the opportunity to properly exercise our freedom.
Unfortunately, you Cons are so completely lacking in moral imagination, that you cannot see this. Your adolescent view of freedom, denies the subtle connection between your own, personal freedom, and your obligation to act to ensure the freedom and dignity of your neighbor. You guys remind me of nothing so much as teenagers who complain about having to clean up their room because it is, after all,
"their" room...
Though really, there's not much point in reasoning with you. Inveterate selfishness is just part of the Con DNA. We liberals are determined to expand government of, by, and for the people. You'll never be reconciled to this - "screw you" basically sums up your attitude to your neighbor who was not born with the same life chances as you. You're never going to get it. The only way to resolve it is hammer it out politically. It is the liberals' aim, my aim, to convert America to Social Democracy. We're making good progress under Obama... and believe me, we're
not finished.