The Republican Party is unable to win the popular vote, and the RW Pols know it!

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
Once upon a time both major parties sought to push all the people to vote. It was then and should be now that democracy was the American Way. Decades ago, the late Walter Cronkite, "personified television journalism for more than a generation as anchor and managing editor of the "CBS Evening News,"*; then came Limbaugh on the AM Radio, and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News.**

* Walter Cronkite has died at 92


Today the Republican Party has adopted Trumpism, an extreme Right Wing ideology attacking democracy and the Democratic Party. Any American, any patriot and anyone with common sense needs to peruse the links below:

The notion that populism is "extreme right wing" reveals you as the deranged barking moonbat that you are.

Trumpsters are to left of guys like Rand Paul and Thomas Massie, who themselves are basically libertarian lite.
Trumpsters are neither left or right. They are linked to trump's beliefs about each particular subject. When trump changes his mind, or even takes both sides, as he has, trumpsters are bound to follow his whim without question.
Once upon a time both major parties sought to push all the people to vote. It was then and should be now that democracy was the American Way. Decades ago, the late Walter Cronkite, "personified television journalism for more than a generation as anchor and managing editor of the "CBS Evening News,"*; then came Limbaugh on the AM Radio, and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News.**

* Walter Cronkite has died at 92


Today the Republican Party has adopted Trumpism, an extreme Right Wing ideology attacking democracy and the Democratic Party. Any American, any patriot and anyone with common sense needs to peruse the links below:

Let's go back to paper ballots with photo ID, cleaned up voter rolls, hand counts, same day voting & see how the Repubs actually do in the popular vote without the massive fraud.

You'd be shocked how many counties that went slightly blue with impossible numbers voting all the sudden become easy Repub victories.
How many slightly red counties become deep red.
And how many deep reds become no votes for Dems.
The country is 2-1 in favor of conservatives but fraud & conditioning from slanted polls keeps the general public gaslighted.
Take out the big cities & Dems have no support.
Hence, below avg Joe rides into Main St & is greeted with Let's Go Brandon chants & is booed wherever he goes if they don't block the general public.
This is the reality, the rest is illusion enabled by Mockingbird.
Let's go back to paper ballots with photo ID, cleaned up voter rolls, hand counts, same day voting & see how the Repubs actually do in the popular vote without the massive fraud.

You'd be shocked how many counties that went slightly blue with impossible numbers voting all the sudden become easy Repub victories.
How many slightly red counties become deep red.
And how many deep reds become no votes for Dems.
The country is 2-1 in favor of conservatives but fraud & conditioning from slanted polls keeps the general public gaslighted.
Take out the big cities & Dems have no support.
Hence, below avg Joe rides into Main St & is greeted with Let's Go Brandon chants & is booed wherever he goes if they don't block the general public.
This is the reality, the rest is illusion enabled by Mockingbird.
2 to 1? Where did you get that information?
They're populists....Trump is Pat Buchanan with a big mouth.

Just go crawl back under your rock.
Trump is a child who changes his mind depending on which scam he is considering at the time.
2 to 1? Where did you get that information?
It's called math & common sense.
I have lots of friends that live all around the country, including the coasts. It's more like 10-1 between us but there are lots of collectivist hive minds in the shities so I extrapolate.
It's called math & common sense.
I have lots of friends that live all around the country, including the coasts. It's more like 10-1 between us but there are lots of collectivist hive minds in the shities so I extrapolate.
So you pulled it out of your ass. Got it.
Trumpsters are neither left or right. They are linked to trump's beliefs about each particular subject. When trump changes his mind, or even takes both sides, as he has, trumpsters are bound to follow his whim without question.
That is your Liberal fantasy of what a "Trumpster" is. But like all of your other Liberal fantasies, they are nothing like reality.
Once upon a time both major parties sought to push all the people to vote. It was then and should be now that democracy was the American Way. Decades ago, the late Walter Cronkite, "personified television journalism for more than a generation as anchor and managing editor of the "CBS Evening News,"*; then came Limbaugh on the AM Radio, and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News.**

* Walter Cronkite has died at 92


Today the Republican Party has adopted Trumpism, an extreme Right Wing ideology attacking democracy and the Democratic Party. Any American, any patriot and anyone with common sense needs to peruse the links below:

Wow, another irrelevant commie thread. The president is elected by the States and not by popular vote. Anything you poste beyond that is just commie bullshit.

Let's go back to paper ballots with photo ID, cleaned up voter rolls, hand counts, same day voting & see how the Repubs actually do in the popular vote without the massive fraud.

You'd be shocked how many counties that went slightly blue with impossible numbers voting all the sudden become easy Repub victories.
How many slightly red counties become deep red.
And how many deep reds become no votes for Dems.
The country is 2-1 in favor of conservatives but fraud & conditioning from slanted polls keeps the general public gaslighted.
Take out the big cities & Dems have no support.
Hence, below avg Joe rides into Main St & is greeted with Let's Go Brandon chants & is booed wherever he goes if they don't block the general public.
This is the reality, the rest is illusion enabled by Mockingbird.
There are no frauds. There are no proofs to create millions of votes are fraudulent. The 2020 Election was not stolen. I have to laugh to suggest the United States is 2-1 in favor of conservatives.

You have been brainwashed, and this post is clearly based on a foundation of ignorance and framed in damn lies. I'm not certain you are dumb, simply not raised rationally.
The notion that populism is "extreme right wing" reveals you as the deranged barking moonbat that you are.

Trumpsters are to left of guys like Rand Paul and Thomas Massie, who themselves are basically libertarian lite.
Populism largely refers to those who are anti establishment anti government. If you don’t think that’s extreme right then what do you think it is??
Once upon a time both major parties sought to push all the people to vote. It was then and should be now that democracy was the American Way. Decades ago, the late Walter Cronkite, "personified television journalism for more than a generation as anchor and managing editor of the "CBS Evening News,"*; then came Limbaugh on the AM Radio, and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News.**

* Walter Cronkite has died at 92


Today the Republican Party has adopted Trumpism, an extreme Right Wing ideology attacking democracy and the Democratic Party. Any American, any patriot and anyone with common sense needs to peruse the links below:

So, you're attacking a party for knowing the rules of the contest and trying to win by using the rules?
Wow, another irrelevant commie thread. The president is elected by the States and not by popular vote. Anything you poste beyond that is just commie bullshit.

Your use of "commie" isn't spelled correctly, it is here and always comical.
Once upon a time both major parties sought to push all the people to vote. It was then and should be now that democracy was the American Way. Decades ago, the late Walter Cronkite, "personified television journalism for more than a generation as anchor and managing editor of the "CBS Evening News,"*; then came Limbaugh on the AM Radio, and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News.**

* Walter Cronkite has died at 92


Today the Republican Party has adopted Trumpism, an extreme Right Wing ideology attacking democracy and the Democratic Party. Any American, any patriot and anyone with common sense needs to peruse the links below:

if trump has no chance, why are you so worried dear
Populism largely refers to those who are anti establishment anti government. If you don’t think that’s extreme right then what do you think it is??
Populism in our case is a technical name. Republican voters are seeing conservatism. You would know it. To many years of being friends with Progs who are buddies when they win near everything in laws and legislation. Republican voters control 90%of the land. Yet Progs control 90% of the politics in all ways and the direction we are headed. They could not have done it without the help of politicians elected by Republican voters.

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