The Resistance Had a Surprise For Donnie @ His DC Hotel

View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Hahhahahahhaaaa.....Lots of good stuff out there.
He really stepped in it this time. Such a fucking idiot, Duh Donald.


He really stepped in it,he has no chance at the presidency....blah,blah,blah.

Now if we had actually been privy to that conversation we would have heard them talk about how smoothly the Deutsche Bank transactions were going for Donald to launder Putin's money.

and what was the discussion when Obama was talking to the Russians?

Obama was POTUS and empowered to talk to the Russians

Trump was not empowered to engage in Treason

It's not against the law to talk with Russians.
Do you think the people will back Democrats making American citizens feel pain to vote amnesty for Dreamers? Especially when they could easily get DACA passed if they fund the wall?

your rightwingnutws have the majority.... let them pass their own bill.

if they wanted to work with democrats, they wouldn't such disgusting pigs.

I wouldn’t mind if they did.

But unlike the monolithic group think that makes up Democrats the Republican Party is a coalition of a number of factions and has diverse opinions

of course you wouldn't. you're stupid.

normal people know that it costs our economy billions when your rightwingnut scum shut down the gubmint.

it is amusing seeing lowlife obstructionists (when the black guy was a real president) suddenly whining like stuck pigs because no one will play with Donald drumpf

Billions eh? Any evidence or is the extent of your proof going to be “you’re stupid” or “you’re racist”?

yes, educated and informed people

How much did the shutdown cost the economy?

you are stupid and you are racist. *shrug*

your every post is proof

I’m hurt. But it’s okay I still love you
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

I disagree. You don’t have to be stupid. You can humble yourself and begin learning no matter where you start
I misspoke I agree with you ,,,I was a republican all my life Even voted for GWB in 2000 Never again to vote Republican

Did you suffer a traumatic brain injury before barry was elected?
I don’t get offended easily. I don’t give people the kind of power over me
nor me Didn't care much for GWB but wasn't offended Trump is an expert at offending and it is HE that will be shutting down the gov't
So you’re saying the democrat snowflakes are going to shut it down over their feelz.
no I'm saying they're not giving your ass hole everything he wants Your moron will have to shut the gov't down
That should work out as well as opposing tax cuts did. Are they going to shut down the government over wall funding? That would be a genius move.
seems that way ,,,,,large % of people DON"T want a wall and LARGE % do want DACA so why does trump want to piss off people? is it in his genes, the same genes that forbids him from apologizing?
So you’re still believing the bullshit that lost you the election. That’s fine, you’ll lose the next one too.
I don’t get offended easily. I don’t give people the kind of power over me
nor me Didn't care much for GWB but wasn't offended Trump is an expert at offending and it is HE that will be shutting down the gov't
So you’re saying the democrat snowflakes are going to shut it down over their feelz.
no I'm saying they're not giving your ass hole everything he wants Your moron will have to shut the gov't down

So either Trump gives you everything while you give him nothing or the government shuts down?

again, dum dum, why does he need dems. he clearly isn't interested in working with normal people.

let them pass their own bill....

I'll remind you that your rightwingnut loons couldn't care less about shutting down the gubmijnt.

Now now, lol. Remember, the brown buffoon shoved unaffordable deathcare down our throats without support from Rs.
And what he said was correct.
You mean when the liar in chief said
And what he said was correct.
What's correct Brownie? Shithole or
Trump commemorates Martin Luther King Day after "shithole ...
Trump commemorates Martin Luther King Day after "shithole" comments - CBS News
2 days ago - Last Updated Jan 12, 2018 12:22 PM EST. "Today, we celebrate Dr. King for standing up for the self-evident truth that Americans hold so dear: That no matter what the color of our skin or the place of our birth, we are all created equal by God," President Trump says Trump commemorates Martin Luther King Day after "shithole" comments - CBS News ...

Both are correct. Are you having simple comprehension problems again? Do you need some more tissue?
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.
Sounds like a lawsuit to me.
Once these shitheads start paying for their crimes, the crybaby lefties will all be locked up because they can't make bail.

They may be safe due to trespassing laws not covering this situation. Something similar happened in Nevada a few years ago.

Is projecting a message onto the wall of a building a trespass? A nuisance?

Appears to be a form of vandalism, if you ask me.
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View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

I disagree. You don’t have to be stupid. You can humble yourself and begin learning no matter where you start
I misspoke I agree with you ,,,I was a republican all my life Even voted for GWB in 2000 Never again to vote Republican

Yeah, we believe you. And you supported the Gulf war too, right?
trump making friends
Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.
“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump’s Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from…
I have a dream that one day immigrants admitted to the U.S. will be judged not by random lottery or ability to dodge authorities, but by the content of their character.
trump making friends
Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.
“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump’s Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from…

The upshot of that is exactly zero.
do americans have to feel pain before trump makes daca an up and down bill without any wall attached?

Do you think the people will back Democrats making American citizens feel pain to vote amnesty for Dreamers? Especially when they could easily get DACA passed if they fund the wall?

your rightwingnutws have the majority.... let them pass their own bill.

if they wanted to work with democrats, they wouldn't such disgusting pigs.

You're a hate filled pig yourself. You don't have a clue about anything real, or right. Just another sheman trying to show us how big she thinks her dick is. Open Borders eh? Move.

as soon as you're correct about anything we'll let you know.

who is talking about open borders imbecile?

as for being a pig... that's you you're looking at.
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.
Sounds like a lawsuit to me.
Once these shitheads start paying for their crimes, the crybaby lefties will all be locked up because they can't make bail.

They may be safe due to trespassing laws not covering this situation. Something similar happened in Nevada a few years ago.

Is projecting a message onto the wall of a building a trespass? A nuisance?

Appears to be a form of vandalism, if you ask me.

No actual damage to the property. The article says under current law the best you can go for is a nuisance claim.
trump making friends
Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.
“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump’s Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from…

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