The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

sure it is our business, a human being is being killed. Someone needs to stand up for those in the womb when others think their lives don't matter without any authority.

Presumably. He should have set the timer and run around and got in the photo.

That's a fine family of boys.
Now we need to tell people how to take a picture so everyone else is happy?
Being pussies hasn't won anything for slack-jawed "above it all" smirking neocon chimps like the Bushes, or any of the other GOP country club old guard.

For better or worse, sniffing, weary, pencil necked stiffs like George Will and you are getting steamrolled by the new breed of firebreathers.

That's not approval, that's just calling it like it is....So go get a drum of butthurt cream and buckle up.
None of these pearl clutching stiff necks has actually ever listened to Bobert or MTG in the full context of their comments.....While they have said some things that are in fact way out there, none of it is anywhere near the sorts of loony accusations that leftist freaks regularly toss around at anyone who opposes them.

Some in the GOP have finally stopped playing beanbag against people who use live ammo, and the most offended by it are the fucking stiff prigs on the right.

MTG, for example, due to inexperience—more at a lack of sense for the political optics of prevailing culture at the national level—had made some ill-advised associations and had made some less than stellar comments in the past, but none of these things rose to the level of anything egregiously hateful or nefarious. The rest is leftist hysteria and the political timidity of the RINO mooks who voted with the Dems to strip her of her committee assignments, nothing but the noise of self-anointed elites, the limpwristed hee-haw of the obnoxious minders of our business.

Her crime? The gullibility and overeagerness of inexperience, however, driven by a fervor that genuinely loves this country, and, yes, I'll say it, the American way. Further, from the beginning, she allowed that she'd made a few missteps in the past, had been unwise, and has since demonstrated a willingness to be tutored. She has redeemed herself relative to that past, and she has stuck to her principles.

I'm a historian of the ideas and events of Western civilization in my own right. I'm telling you, we're in a desperate fight to preserve the Republic's founding ethos like never before. I'll take the right principles over experience every single time! The former are 99% of the victory in history. Political skills can be readily picked up from experience.
Boy, there are sure some layers in this little thread. Fun layers. Meathy stuff, so to speak.

On a serious note, this on the Boebert armory pic:
"nothing says white trash anymore than this"
Yeah, I saw that pic of Representative Boebert and what I suppose are her children, (biological or adopted? I dunno)......anyway, my take on it a long time gun owner, and former NRA that it is in not only poor taste, but wildly irresponsible.

It makes guns-----toys.
It puts these high lethality tools in the milieu of dolls and baseball mitts. Playthings.

Any responsible serious minded gun owner recognizes that for a parent to trivialize firearms as mere Christmas toys, or props for holiday festivities .......can instill in our children a dismissiveness towards the damage such 'toys' can inflict on a person, on a family, on a community.

Shame on this mother for such a decision.

The battle of Fort McHenry took place in 1814 during the War of 1812.
The first airport in America was built in 1920.
I'm a historian of the ideas and events of Western civilization in my own right. I'm telling you, we're in a desperate fight to preserve the Republic's founding ethos like never before.
Perhaps, your fight should be for historical 'facts'?
A fight for a truthful 'heritage'?
Then, maybe, you'll be able to get a truthful, factual....'ethos'?

Good poster Ringtone, as a historian, are you all in for George Washington's Continentel army capturing Fort McHenry in 1814?

Are you all in, as it seems our local 'heritage' protectors, poster LennyPartive and, notably ex-president Trump........ with the Amrican patriots of 1775 capturing all the Brits' airports here in America?


This forum is like one of those Halloween 'scare' houses......that are more of a snicker-fest than a fright.
Boy, there are sure some layers in this little thread. Fun layers. Meathy stuff, so to speak.

On a serious note, this on the Boebert armory pic:

Yeah, I saw that pic of Representative Boebert and what I suppose are her children, (biological or adopted? I dunno)......anyway, my take on it a long time gun owner, and former NRA that it is in not only poor taste, but wildly irresponsible.

It makes guns-----toys.
It puts these high lethality tools in the milieu of dolls and baseball mitts. Playthings.

Any responsible serious minded gun owner recognizes that for a parent to trivialize firearms as mere Christmas toys, or props for holiday festivities .......can instill in our children a dismissiveness towards the damage such 'toys' can inflict on a person, on a family, on a community.

Shame on this mother for such a decision.

Perhaps, your fight should be for historical 'facts'?
A fight for a truthful 'heritage'?
Then, maybe, you'll be able to get a truthful, factual....'ethos'?

Good poster Ringtone, as a historian, are you all in for George Washington's Continentel army capturing Fort McHenry in 1814?

Are you all in, as it seems our local 'heritage' protectors, poster LennyPartive and, notably ex-president Trump........ with the Amrican patriots of 1775 capturing all the Brits' airports here in America?


This forum is like one of those Halloween 'scare' houses......that are more of a snicker-fest than a fright.
The capture of Fort McHenry? By Washington?! 1814?! What's that about?
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Prove it. What has AOC done for her district?

Looks pretty impressive...

Want a laugh
I'm a historian of the ideas and events of Western civilization in my own right. I'm telling you, we're in a desperate fight to preserve the Republic's founding ethos like never before. I'll take the right principles over experience every single time! The former are 99% of the victory in history. Political skills can be readily picked up from experience.
Uh-huh ---- nice idea. I agree with you, and do believe we are losing this fight to preserve the Republic.

I just finished Mike Duncan's The Storm Before the Storm for the second time this year (! so you know I'm worried) about the politics in Second Century Rome before the First Century when the Republic declined into fatal civil war and was lost forever. His thesis is that innovative political rebels starting with the Gracchi brothers destroyed the Republic by destroying the ancient practices of government. (mos maiorum) They had no constitution; they had never needed one, as people were very custom-locked, politically. But when the Gracchi and Marius and Sulla and others began to get creative and point out that there was no LAW against someone serving as Consul over and over and over again, or any LAW against someone being a dictator for as long as he wanted (it had always for hundreds of years been limited to 6 months). Then they began to do stuff that there were laws against, duh, like coming into Rome with a large army. In the end anyone who had the power of the people and of the army (and extending the voting to all Italy, as with our modern Democrats flooding in illegals, helped their voting base immensely) could and did do anything they wanted. And next century it disintegrated into constant civil war and then became an empire ruled by an emperor.

So when I heard two House representatives wanted to get Trump to serve as Speaker of the House ---- I thought, uh-oh. I'm watching for big divergences from mos maiorum. Biden mandating vaccines all over is NOT a good sign, for example. That didn't used to happen.
That's what Trump claimed in his patriot speech to the rube herd. See post 715.
Ah! Okay. I hadn't seen that post till now, and I didn't know Trump had said that. LOL! Washington died in 1799, so I couldn't make any sense out of his post.

Look. Trump has said a lot of things that are factually wrong and unwise. Notwithstanding, I voted for him both times. The alternatives were sheer madness.
Uh-huh ---- nice idea. I agree with you, and do believe we are losing this fight to preserve the Republic.

I just finished Mike Duncan's The Storm Before the Storm for the second time this year (! so you know I'm worried) about the politics in Second Century Rome before the First Century when the Republic declined into fatal civil war and was lost forever. His thesis is that innovative political rebels starting with the Gracchi brothers destroyed the Republic by destroying the ancient practices of government. (mos maiorum) They had no constitution; they had never needed one, as people were very custom-locked, politically. But when the Gracchi and Marius and Sulla and others began to get creative and point out that there was no LAW against someone serving as Consul over and over and over again, or any LAW against someone being a dictator for as long as he wanted (it had always for hundreds of years been limited to 6 months). Then they began to do stuff that there were laws against, duh, like coming into Rome with a large army. In the end anyone who had the power of the people and of the army (and extending the voting to all Italy, as with our modern Democrats flooding in illegals, helped their voting base immensely) could and did do anything they wanted. And next century it disintegrated into constant civil war and then became an empire ruled by an emperor.

So when I heard two House representatives wanted to get Trump to serve as Speaker of the House ---- I thought, uh-oh. I'm watching for big divergences from mos maiorum. Biden mandating vaccines all over is NOT a good sign, for example. That didn't used to happen.
The mos maiorum served the Republic well because it inspired a culture that regarded the decentralization of power. The excessive democratizing of our Republic coupled with the increasing centralization of power is very worrisome.

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