The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

Oh? you are claiming that if prosecuting people for the damage caused by their rhetoric becomes a thing, that you would support that being done to people who call other people w.s.?

i said held responsible. i never said anything about prosecuting. when you hafta make shit up to try to defend low class white trash, then you have lost the debate, cartoon boy.

in Qanon veronica's case - she should be stripped of any committees she is on & if she doesn't reel it in - then expelled from congress. & that nutbag paul gosar should have been expelled immediately; but of course kevin mcspineless couldn't even speak out against what that asshole did, let alone do the right thing.
Give an example of someone who did that, that you would like to see sued. Or admit that you are a lying whore.

lol ... ^^^ triggered ^^^

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i said held responsible. i never said anything about prosecuting. when you hafta make shit up to try to defend low class white trash, then you have lost the debate, cartoon boy.

in Qanon veronica's case - she should be stripped of any committees she is on & if she doesn't reel it in - then expelled from congress. & that nutbag paul gosar should have been expelled immediately; but of course kevin mcspineless couldn't even speak out against what that asshole did, let alone do the right thing.

lol ... ^^^ triggered ^^^

YOu made a claim, I challenged you to give an example. You dodged. That shows that you were lying, just like I said you were.

Specifically a lying whore.
YOu made a claim, I challenged you to give an example. You dodged. That shows that you were lying, just like I said you were.

Specifically a lying whore.

ooooOOOOOooooo .... i dodged NOTHING. i didn't see your ' demand ' - 'cause well - alot of yer replies CONtain so much pablum - sometimes it's overlooked.

but m'k ... little cartoon boy. here's a fucking example for you:

Trump campaign demonized two Georgia election workers – and death threats followed

Desperate to overturn his election loss, Donald Trump and his team spun a sprawling voter-fraud fiction, casting two rank-and-file election workers, a mother and her daughter, as the main villains. The women endured months of death threats and racist taunts – and one went into hiding.

Filed Dec. 1, 2021, 8 p.m. GMT
This story contains offensive language.
Inside Trump’s campaign to demonize two Georgia election workers

Two Georgia election workers sue far-right website over false fraud allegations

By Peter Eisler
Filed Dec. 1, 2021, 8 p.m. GMT

The lawsuit, filed in St. Louis Circuit Court, alleges that the
[ gateway ] Pundit’s “lies” about Freeman and Moss “devastated” their reputations and “instigated a deluge of intimidation, harassment, and threats that has forced them to change their phone numbers, delete their online accounts, and fear for their physical safety.” the suit says. Freeman went into hiding.

Two Georgia election workers sue far-right website over false fraud allegations

sooooooooooooooo................. where's that fucking apology?
ooooOOOOOooooo .... i dodged NOTHING. i didn't see your ' demand ' - 'cause well - alot of yer replies CONtain so much pablum - sometimes it's overlooked.

but m'k ... little cartoon boy. here's a fucking example for you:

Wow. YOu really are utterly retarded. I challenged you for an example that you would support FROM YOUR SIDE YOU RETARDED MONKEY.

I fully expected, when I saw that you had replied again, that you would NOT have posted such an example.

But I did not, could not imagine how fucking stupid you would be, that you would post the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I challenged you to do.

You are such a loser. ANd an idiot.

Try again asshole. A LEFTARD LIKE YOURESELF, that you would support being "held accountable" under these new rules, for calling someone a w.s. or some other similar type of inflammatory bullshit that your side is...just is, that is what you are.
Wow. YOu really are utterly retarded. I challenged you for an example that you would support FROM YOUR SIDE YOU RETARDED MONKEY.

moving the goal posts - just like making crap up simply doesn't work, CB.

you never said ' my side '... whatever the fuck that is supposta mean. i don't have a 'side' when it comes to stuff like this. just because YOU have a cemented partisan myopic brain, doesn't mean everyone does.

no worries - i never expected you to be any sorta stand up guy.
moving the goal posts - just like making crap up simply doesn't work, CB.

you never said ' my side '... whatever the fuck that is supposta mean. i don't have a 'side' when it comes to stuff like this. just because YOU have a cemented partisan myopic brain, doesn't mean everyone does.

no worries - i never expected you to be any sorta stand up guy.

From post 742#

" who call other people w.s.?"

Which is a tactic you people use against anyone to the right of John Fucking Kerry.

So, really, you are fucking retarded. You failed utterly. YOu are insanely stupid. And a race baiting asshole.
From post 742#

" who call other people w.s.?"

wtf does that even mean?

Which is a tactic you people use against anyone to the right of John Fucking Kerry.


So, really, you are fucking retarded.


You failed utterly.

you're all over the place.

YOu are insanely stupid. And a race baiting asshole.

so now you're gonna use 'race baitig' in a b/f that has ZERO to do with race? damn, cartoon boy - those goalposts are bigley.

i don't recall anybody from the left side of the aisle, doxxing anyone ... nor putting out a cartoon depicting the murder of a colleague from the right ... nor implying they are a back packing terrorist bomber....

do you?

but make NO MISTAKE - if they ever did ... then you bet your bippy, i would hold them to the same standards that kevin mcspineless should.

you are a triggered coward.
wtf does that even mean?



you're all over the place.

so now you're gonna use 'race baitig' in a b/f that has ZERO to do with race? damn, cartoon boy - those goalposts are bigley.

i don't recall anybody from the left side of the aisle, doxxing anyone ... nor putting out a cartoon depicting the murder of a colleague from the right ... nor implying they are a back packing terrorist bomber....

do you?

but make NO MISTAKE - if they ever did ... then you bet your bippy, i would hold them to the same standards that kevin mcspineless should.

you are a triggered coward.

Bullshit. YOu people throw around the most hateful and inflammatory slurs, all teh time, even as people are dying in the streets, and you stand by them, till you are dragged kicking and screaming to the truth.

Remember when Smollett came out with his bullshit? How many people bought that shit? And what was the initial response? Charges dropped and people like you stood by him.

you're flinging it alright.

YOu people throw around the most hateful and inflammatory slurs, all teh time, even as people are dying in the streets, and you stand by them, till you are dragged kicking and screaming to the truth.



Remember when Smollett came out with his bullshit?


How many people bought that shit?

don't know .... didn't care then - nor now. so NOW you're gonna try n' deflect to that? wtf, cartoon boy? you have ADD or sum'thin?

And what was the initial response?

still don't know & still don't care.

Charges dropped and people like you stood by him.


false. in fact - i do know he was found guilty & i hope he gets the max prison time he can. why? because he did what a woman who claims rape does, when in fact it was a lie.

remember when i said you have a cemented myopic brain?

seems you really really REALLY do.
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Don't you think allegations of voter fraud should be investigated?

they have. 60+ times.

& zero proof. in factthe AZ taxpayers have to foot the bill for their 'investigation' CONducted by the ninja turtles; that resulted in an even bigger winning count for biden.

<snicker> that was great!
you're flinging it alright.




don't know .... didn't care then - nor now. so NOW you're gonna try n' deflect to that? wtf, cartoon boy? you have ADD or sum'thin?

still don't know & still don't care.


false. in fact - i do know he was found guilty & i hope he gets the max prison time he can. why? because he did what a woman who claims rape does, when in fact it is a lie.

remember when i said you have a cemented myopic brain?

seems you really really REALLY do.

Sure. Since he was caught. But initially, Dems gave him a pass.
Sure. Since he was caught. But initially, Dems gave him a pass.

don't care. i am not a (D) ... so yer whole 'defense' of the coo coo cray cray 'your side' 'my side ' simply doesn't apply here.

what's yer next deflection?

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