The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

Did you happen to read your own post? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:"Because Congress was full of these people long before", that means we shouldn't blame Boebert and Greene for the same thing? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
First tell me what others were telling the truth. Boebert and Greene are.
ever see the FRONTLINE documentary - ' sick around the world' ? ( you could still find it on youtube) it's several years old now, coming out when the ACA was just a pipedream; but i'll bet the opinions haven't changed much. it was an examination of 5 different nations' healthcare systems; ( japan, UK, germany, switzerland, & US ) & although there were problems with each of them - NOT ONE citizen or doctor said they would switch their system for the US's.

my husband has gone thru the VA & has nothing but praise for it. he hasn't had to wait for appointments, to see specialists, & it's streamlined. & medicare isn't for profit, it doesn't pay like bighealthcorp - so drs aren't incentivized to accept it. perhaps if the CEOs & board of directers of bighealthcorp didn't pocket millions upon millions in yearly salaries, & aim to please their stockholders as well ... that would change. how many seniors are willing to give up their medicare once they have it? i'm willing to bet they are just like people who were scared the ACA was going to vanish, had the (R)s actually got their way.

public transportation is antiquated - no substantial infrastructure bill/cash has been passed since when? eisenhower?

that finally changed & hopefully the US will finally start to catch up with other industrialized nations.

If you're only looking at those 5 countries, then sure, public healthcare looks great. There are plenty of examples of systems that suck, like Brazil.

As for the VA, most people I know that have had to deal with it have not had a positive experience.

The ACA is little more than corporate welfare for the insurance industry. Mandating private for-profit insurance is, by definition, fascism. Now, if the ACA had been a public option or an actual public healthcare system, then it would probably be better in its results.

Public transit doesn't tend to work well in most American cities because of urban sprawl. It works for much of Europe due to a very different design for cities overall. Generally speaking, the older a city is, the easier it is to implement public transit, because older cities were designed before cars existed. Most newer cities are not planned out with metro in mind. There are exceptions to this, but in America, you'll typically only find metro friendly designs in the mid-Atlantic, Northeast, West Coast, or Upper Midwest. The urban sprawl of most of the South and places like Texas makes public transit not very practical or cost effective.
at what cost? for what quality of 'life'?

how'z about 21 weeks?

15 weeks is already on the table.
The costs can be addressed by expanding the orphanage system and by making adoption less bureaucratic and more affordable.

The current adoption system has become a cash cow, which is never what it was intended to be. It's basically a legal form of human trafficking. It should instead be a public service or, at the very least, a nonprofit industry.
The costs can be addressed by expanding the orphanage system and by making adoption less bureaucratic and more affordable.

i wasn't actually talking about monetary reasons ...

how about leaving the decision up to the female whether she wants to gestate for 9 months - putting her body & psyche thru it all, then just <poof> - relinquish what she literraly pushed thru her body?

THAT 'cost'.
i wasn't actually talking about monetary reasons ...

how about leaving the decision up to the female whether she wants to gestate for 9 months - putting her body & psyche thru it all, then just <poof> - relinquish what she literraly pushed thru her body?

THAT 'cost'.
How about letting people decide to take the vaccine or not? You can't possibly have any objections after that sad story you posted.
How about letting people decide to take the vaccine or not? You can't possibly have any objections after that sad story you posted.

of course i have objections - you are presenting an impotent false equivalency.

' sad story'? if you don't have a uterus, then you have no opinion worth CONsiderating.
of course i have objections - you are presenting an impotent false equivalency.

' sad story'? if you don't have a uterus, then you have no opinion worth CONsiderating.
And if you have objections that people are refusing to take a vaccine that kills people your opinion isn't worth a shit.
And if you have objections that people are refusing to take a vaccine that kills people your opinion isn't worth a shit.

800,000 covid deaths to date. just in the US.

when the vaccine reaches that point, even world wide - then we'll talk. in the mean time, enjoy being a pariah.

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