It's a very interesting 2 parts. Some of it swings the pendulum the other way, but there is a lot of merit in it too. But again, as the author points out, where are the men in this conversation? The fact that they have dropped out of even the discussion shows how far it has gone.
I'm right here /wave

Feel free to invite anyone you personaly know to make an account on this forum and join this thread :)
I can agree with OP about the way school is designed. It definitely favors girls. Boys are more hands-on learners I think.

Some of the other content is just really pathetic and sad though. Man up! :rolleyes-41:
Though i think differently from my parents. A more liberal father and a more conservative mother, they brought me up, but I have chosen my way forwards in life, and not relied on what I was told to believe.

Whatever works for you. As fir me and mine we will continue to honor Tradition Values and Ideals.

The question is whether you do, or whether this is just a mask for something else. I'm not going to tell you what you live is like or should be like. All I can do is ask questions.

I've seen people who claimed to have traditional values and ideals, but the reality was they didn't at all.
I don't think I experienced any gender discrimination through school. Not to say others haven't, but I thought it was fairly normal. Growing up, my school-related issues had to do with wanting to play instead of doing homework. I didn't feel that girls were getting special treatment.

I doubt you felt it, I didn't feel it either. It's not gender discrimination, that's why. It's just that the way things are done benefits girls more than boys. That's not to say that some boys don't benefit and that some girls struggle either.

It's all about learning styles. It's more learning style discrimination, which leans towards the learning style that girls are more likely to be than boys.
There are man-hating women here with similar stories about men.
They're welcome to participate in a thread about them. This thread, however, is about men; and I don't hate women. You would meet more sucess if you held judgment until action is required.

Maybe you could hook up with one, and do mutual therapy.
Hooking up per-se is a sign of mental illness. Hooking up with someone known to be abusive, as you suggest, is nothing less than megalomania and I'll have no part of it.

Cuz dude, you is one sick puppy.
And where are all these wise and seasoned elders who've "picked themselves up" (whatever that's supposed to mean) to adress the social illness that is men like myself? Surly you haven't run out of bumper-sticker slogans to post yet. Where are these "good women" who can magicaly close the present miles between my children and I so that I can have a normal relationship with them?

You had said that respecting elders is important for men who've stepped away from sociaty. Let's say I'm a perfect gentleman towards my elders from this moment on, how does that directly translate into seeing my children on the other side of the country? Are you saying an elder will pay my atturney's $2,000 retainer if I simply hold the door for them and say 'sir' or 'mam', and then I can take legal action? Or are you saying one of these elders will personly drive out to my children and bring them to me if I would only help that elder cross the street?

To the best of my knowledge, disrespecting elders is not the cause of any of my problems, so I fail to see how respecting elders is a solution. Respecting elders is a virtue in it's own right, it just doesn't apply to this topic in so far as I can tell. Recycling is good also, but it likewise is not related to this topic.
Your problems are of your own creation. Grow the fuck up.
There are man-hating women here with similar stories about men.
They're welcome to participate in a thread about them. This thread, however, is about men; and I don't hate women. You would meet more sucess if you held judgment until action is required.

Maybe you could hook up with one, and do mutual therapy.
Hooking up per-se is a sign of mental illness. Hooking up with someone known to be abusive, as you suggest, is nothing less than megalomania and I'll have no part of it.

Cuz dude, you is one sick puppy.
And where are all these wise and seasoned elders who've "picked themselves up" (whatever that's supposed to mean) to adress the social illness that is men like myself? Surly you haven't run out of bumper-sticker slogans to post yet. Where are these "good women" who can magicaly close the present miles between my children and I so that I can have a normal relationship with them?

You had said that respecting elders is important for men who've stepped away from sociaty. Let's say I'm a perfect gentleman towards my elders from this moment on, how does that directly translate into seeing my children on the other side of the country? Are you saying an elder will pay my atturney's $2,000 retainer if I simply hold the door for them and say 'sir' or 'mam', and then I can take legal action? Or are you saying one of these elders will personly drive out to my children and bring them to me if I would only help that elder cross the street?

To the best of my knowledge, disrespecting elders is not the cause of any of my problems, so I fail to see how respecting elders is a solution. Respecting elders is a virtue in it's own right, it just doesn't apply to this topic in so far as I can tell. Recycling is good also, but it likewise is not related to this topic.
Your problems are of your own creation. Grow the fuck up.
My story infurates you, and you didn't even live through it.
There are man-hating women here with similar stories about men.
They're welcome to participate in a thread about them. This thread, however, is about men; and I don't hate women. You would meet more sucess if you held judgment until action is required.

Maybe you could hook up with one, and do mutual therapy.
Hooking up per-se is a sign of mental illness. Hooking up with someone known to be abusive, as you suggest, is nothing less than megalomania and I'll have no part of it.

Cuz dude, you is one sick puppy.
And where are all these wise and seasoned elders who've "picked themselves up" (whatever that's supposed to mean) to adress the social illness that is men like myself? Surly you haven't run out of bumper-sticker slogans to post yet. Where are these "good women" who can magicaly close the present miles between my children and I so that I can have a normal relationship with them?

You had said that respecting elders is important for men who've stepped away from sociaty. Let's say I'm a perfect gentleman towards my elders from this moment on, how does that directly translate into seeing my children on the other side of the country? Are you saying an elder will pay my atturney's $2,000 retainer if I simply hold the door for them and say 'sir' or 'mam', and then I can take legal action? Or are you saying one of these elders will personly drive out to my children and bring them to me if I would only help that elder cross the street?

To the best of my knowledge, disrespecting elders is not the cause of any of my problems, so I fail to see how respecting elders is a solution. Respecting elders is a virtue in it's own right, it just doesn't apply to this topic in so far as I can tell. Recycling is good also, but it likewise is not related to this topic.
Your problems are of your own creation. Grow the fuck up.
My story infurates you, and you didn't even live through it.

Your story makes me laugh.

How could your fucked up life infuriate me?

Why does anyone owe you time with your kids anyway, or need to cover your attorney fees?

You fucked up and married and had the kids, nobody else did.

Why are they so far away, did the ex need distance from your whiney ass?

And what is with this street crossing crap?

I hike 5 miles every day in rough terrain.

I don't need a whiney-boy to help me.

And I don't expect any courtesy I don't extend, first one to the door holds it, regardless of age or gender.

And I don't expect you to respect me, in fact, I know you won't.

Now, in public, were you as rude as you come off here, I'd give you a dressing down.

The sooner you learn the world is not all about you, the better off you will be.

I am sure the ex told you that when she hit the road.
How could your fucked up life infuriate me?
By not validating your preconceptions.

Why does anyone owe you time with your kids anyway, or need to cover your attorney fees?
There's only one person who owes me that time, and "why" is because of a court order. Would you care to explain how your references to elders has anything to do with this thread now, or should we just let that go?

You fucked up and married and had the kids, nobody else did.
The 50% divorce rate says otherwise.

Why are they so far away, did the ex need distance from your whiney ass?
She made an enemy of a few local Bloods who still want her dead. She used the women's crises network because those shelters are classified addresses and protected by police.

And what is with this street crossing crap?
I'm trying to figure out how "respecting elders" has anything to do with this topic.

I hike 5 miles every day in rough terrain. I don't need a whiney-boy to help me. And I don't expect any courtesy I don't extend, first one to the door holds it, regardless of age or gender. And I don't expect you to respect me, in fact, I know you won't.
That's a very healthy habbit to maintain. What does that have to do with anything? Are you identifying yourself as one of the aforementioned "wise elders"?

Now, in public, were you as rude as you come off here, I'd give you a dressing down.
I've been down this road. In real life I have before and would again troll you into making a scene and then call the cops on you. You think it's your word against mine until I pull out my Droid that's had the voice recorder going the whole time, with my patient voice and your red-faced screaming. Please feel free to strike me, too. I don't hit back, I let the police take photos. A quick court case later and you get to report a minor charge of disorderly conduct or 2nd degree assault for the rest of your life. You see, trolling is a art, if you get mad, you loose. So go ahead and give me that dressing down :) If you want to act like my stepmother, then I'll treat you like her.

The sooner you learn the world is not all about you, the better off you will be.
I learned that when I was 5, so I'm good.

I am sure the ex told you that when she hit the road.
She didn't say anything given that I was deployed at the time. Her own notarized court documents say she ran because of those Bloods and specifically not anything I did. Those Bloods are almost unrelated to the divorce except that she knew them through her boyfriend.
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You must be referring to the "traditions, values and ideals" behind the 50% divorce rate.

I don't know. Tell me what the divorce rate was in 1150 AD and I'll tell you what I think of it. I doubt it was 50%
I've seen people who claimed to have traditional values and ideals, but the reality was they didn't at all.

I see them all the time. Especially in politics. People who talk the talk but won't walk the walk. That's not my way of doing things.

In 2008 I turned down a major promotion because it would have required me to work for a female supervisor. Is that enough walking the talk for you?
Oh 1150 AD? I thought you were talking about something relevant to today. My bad.

It is relevant to today. True Human Morality and Values don't change. They're the same today as in 1150 AD or 1150 BC.
I've seen people who claimed to have traditional values and ideals, but the reality was they didn't at all.

I see them all the time. Especially in politics. People who talk the talk but won't walk the walk. That's not my way of doing things.

In 2008 I turned down a major promotion because it would have required me to work for a female supervisor. Is that enough walking the talk for you?

Jeez, you would have had to work for a woman, shock horror. Sounds like you're just an old sexist.

I've had plenty of female bosses, a lot of them have been MUCH better than male bosses. The currently female boss is not near the top though.
Oh 1150 AD? I thought you were talking about something relevant to today. My bad.

It is relevant to today. True Human Morality and Values don't change. They're the same today as in 1150 AD or 1150 BC.

Divorce didn't exist. Men could beat their wives if they felt like it, it was called morals, apparently. They could have sex with her whenever they demanded, we'd call it rape now, back then it was called morals, apparently.

Don't you just love conservative morals. "Why do women have small feet? So they can stand closer to the sink. Arff arff arff"

You'd love UKIP in the UK.
Divorce didn't exist. Men could beat their wives if they felt like it, it was called morals, apparently. They could have sex with her whenever they demanded, we'd call it rape now, back then it was called morals, apparently.

Don't you just love conservative morals. "Why do women have small feet? So they can stand closer to the sink. Arff arff arff"

You'd love UKIP in the UK.
This being an American server, I'm trying to imagine life in America in 1150. What were the morals of of the nomadic tribes Anathema aspire to? What little history I recall from high-school would suggest the ability to take women from another tribe as slave-wife after killing her husband. Is that the sort of moral Anathema would like to see in practice today or am I missing something?

On a related note: Last weekend I was a restaurant, when the waitress came over I noticed she had black eye, so I spoke very slowly because apparently that bitch doesn't listen. :laugh2:
Or maybe he's just a dominater. I think people are just born like it.

I was raised to believe that there is a proper order to society. Men have our place and women have theirs. Part of the reason I didn't get married until I was almost 40 was the difficulty in finding a woman who agreed with that philosophy and viewpoint.

Yes: it is tough to find a woman who WANTS to be a live-in maid, cook, sex toy, and punching bag.
Life is what you make it. The one thing all your relationships have in common is YOU. If your relationships don't go well, start there.

Stop blaming women (or men) for what are very likely your own problems. Fix yourself first then go looking for someone with whom to share your life.

Take responsibility for your own life and quit blaming others.

And quit being a professional victim.

(WHY is this in Politics?)

are you ill?

did someone hack your account?
Truth or not?

The Sexodus Part 1 The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

"In school, boys are screwed over time and again. Schools are engineered for women. In the US, they force-feed boys Ritalin like Skittles to shut them up. And while girls are favoured to fulfil quotas, men are slipping into distant second place.

"Nobody in my generation believes they're going to get a meaningful retirement. We have a third or a quarter of the wealth previous generations had, and everyone's fleeing to higher education to stave off unemployment and poverty because there are no jobs.

"All that wouldn't be so bad if we could at least dull the pain with girls. But we're treated like paedophiles and potential rapists just for showing interest. My generation are the beautiful ones," he sighs, referring to a 1960s experiment on mice that supposedly predicted a grim future for the human race.

I think there is some truth to this. I don't count myself among them who "checked out" considering the fact that I've been married three times (approximately 25 years of total marriage to "women") but we need only recognize that the "gay community" is increasing in numbers to see that men have become fearful of women. It appears that modern males prefer a "boy's club" over a "fox's hole."
I think there is some truth to this. I don't count myself among them who "checked out" considering the fact that I've been married three times (approximately 25 years of total marriage to "women") but we need only recognize that the "gay community" is increasing in numbers to see that men have become fearful of women. It appears that modern males prefer a "boy's club" over a "fox's hole."
I understood "checking out of society" to be total refusal to participate. Joining the gay club in the basement isn't leaving the hotel, it's just relocating. It's not just about romantic relationships, it's about leaving society, not voting, few if any friends, living as a hermit. It's not just about sex.

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