Men haven't checked out, and if they do then what is the big deal? Is society going to crumble or something? Less people are getting married and less are having kids, but that's not necessarily a bad choice either. They are too busy working to be able to have kids so they don't have them. Not a bad thing at all. Have men checked out? I don't think so. Perhaps they see themselves as too busy to enter a relationship. If that's the case, then that's ok. Its hard to make time to do everything and people like their down time. Being single isn't a crime or a bad thing.
I think we should just read lots of books on the subject.

Dear lord people.
My GF and I are totally opposite.

Our interests are different, so each of us has new stuff to show the other, our strengths and weaknesses balance each other, and damn, can that girl cook!!!

Pretty much same here (especially the cooking part), but it's perfectly fine. It makes for interesting conversation during the news
We watch the "fluff news".

I hate it, but, what the Hell, if the worst I deal with is "Good Morning America", I can deal.
My liberal mind wants so badly to disagree with this article but, in principle, it has some valid arguments. It is terribly difficult to be a man these days, when Jerry Seinfeld said "99% of people are undatable" he spoke the truth. It's a minefield of damaged, bitter women and overgrown boys out there trying like hell to get what they want with no clue as to how to co-exist with the opposite sex. Blaming it all on feminism as the author does is kind of bullshit though, he is playing the victim as much as he is accusing women of doing.
I agree--and I'm not liberal, but I AM anti-conservative. The main thing for guys is to be strong enough to not have to worry about such things. Be true to yourself, and have high character. If you do that, then such problems will elude you.

Totally agree and would add

Always treat her like a lady. Those that don't appreciate that treatment aren't ladies. Give those the boot and let them become someone else's problem.
Man, that stuff WOWS them.

Open doors, send flowers, practice the lost art of taking your time, getting to know a lady.

It pays off.

Yes, it does. Though the first time I got flowers for my wife, she nearly wound up in the hospital. (As we discovered that day, she is allergic to, of all things, roses!)
.....All three women and the two older men laughed at my naivety as the grabbed their coats and told me "Oh no, young man! That's now how it works! You'll learn soon enough." A moment later my girlfriend whispered in my ear "We'll see how lucky you get tonight." And yes indeed, I learned soon enough.

That concept works great for women when SEX is the focal point of the Man in the relationship. More than a few young women learned that with those of us who do not see sex as the focal point, that sort of crap doesn't work.

If I'm driving and I'm paying, I'm choosing the restaurant. Pure and simple. When she drives and pays she can choose the restaurant, and I'll see her back at home after we have our dinners out (possibly at different places).

Well, that's a selfish attitude to have I think. If you're married, then who is really paying when both work? If you're on a date, and you don't take her likes or dislikes into consideration, do you think you'll get a second date? Would you want her to take your likes or dislikes into consideration when planning an outing, or should she just do what she likes to do and doesn't think you're worthy of her consideration?

Give it up--he's a psychotic nut who thinks a woman who does not instantly obey her man should be beaten. He should probably be locked up.
My liberal mind wants so badly to disagree with this article but, in principle, it has some valid arguments. It is terribly difficult to be a man these days, when Jerry Seinfeld said "99% of people are undatable" he spoke the truth. It's a minefield of damaged, bitter women and overgrown boys out there trying like hell to get what they want with no clue as to how to co-exist with the opposite sex. Blaming it all on feminism as the author does is kind of bullshit though, he is playing the victim as much as he is accusing women of doing.
I agree--and I'm not liberal, but I AM anti-conservative. The main thing for guys is to be strong enough to not have to worry about such things. Be true to yourself, and have high character. If you do that, then such problems will elude you.

Totally agree and would add

Always treat her like a lady. Those that don't appreciate that treatment aren't ladies. Give those the boot and let them become someone else's problem.
Man, that stuff WOWS them.

Open doors, send flowers, practice the lost art of taking your time, getting to know a lady.

It pays off.

Yes, it does. Though the first time I got flowers for my wife, she nearly wound up in the hospital. (As we discovered that day, she is allergic to, of all things, roses!)

Some guys just can't win!!!!
This is why we need to value our elders. It also is an old-fashioned concept. If you come from a life of dysfunction and something inside you knows as a child that what is happening is wrong, look to other role models. ....
I'm fairly convinced you're just reading things out of fortune cookies now. Valuing abusive elders is bullshit. They need to be shot, not worshipped.

Respecing elders has nothing to do with this topic at all. Literaly nothing at all. You're basicaly saying I caused all the drama by not holding a door open for a lady or helping an old man cross the street. Pure bullshit.
My liberal mind wants so badly to disagree with this article but, in principle, it has some valid arguments. It is terribly difficult to be a man these days, when Jerry Seinfeld said "99% of people are undatable" he spoke the truth. It's a minefield of damaged, bitter women and overgrown boys out there trying like hell to get what they want with no clue as to how to co-exist with the opposite sex. Blaming it all on feminism as the author does is kind of bullshit though, he is playing the victim as much as he is accusing women of doing.
I agree--and I'm not liberal, but I AM anti-conservative. The main thing for guys is to be strong enough to not have to worry about such things. Be true to yourself, and have high character. If you do that, then such problems will elude you.

Totally agree and would add

Always treat her like a lady. Those that don't appreciate that treatment aren't ladies. Give those the boot and let them become someone else's problem.
Man, that stuff WOWS them.

Open doors, send flowers, practice the lost art of taking your time, getting to know a lady.

It pays off.

Yes, it does. Though the first time I got flowers for my wife, she nearly wound up in the hospital. (As we discovered that day, she is allergic to, of all things, roses!)

Some guys just can't win!!!!

It made us even...I finished one of our early dates in the ER. We had gone to a movie...the popcorn damn near killed me. (I'm allergic to coconut.)
Married forty years to the same women. I still like the company of intelligent women, and am not in the least intimidated by the fact that women are moving into new spheres of employ and effort. More power to them. And the same for men that make fine nurses and some stay at home dads that take on the traditional role of mothers. If you can do a job well, then that is good.
I think your point is that 1. Young men are sometimes ill-prepared to know what a good woman is from a general endemic problem with females in society and 2. You had a rough time of it! Geeze!....
That's not even remotely close.

My distrust of women was seeded when I was 5. What does a 5 year old know of women? In what way can a 5 year old be prepaired for anything?

At 11 an abusive stepmother was introduced into my life. Where were all these seasoned elders you speak of while I lived in her home?

At 14 my one safe haven, one of my sisters, had enough and ran away, abandoning me to deal on my own. Where were the "good women" you speak of then? Why didn't I know any of them?

At 28 my wife's clinicaly diagnosed disorders grew beyond tolorance as she consistently refused treatment. The first person she had an affair with wasn't even real; she halucinated a sexual relationship with a ghost. Where were your wise elders then as she ran off with my children into a network of crisis shelters? The year running up to my deployment, I didn't know if my children were dead or alive. Why didn't one of your elders or good women at least help me locate them or send a letter?

With all sincerity I tell you: women are literaly insane. There is something fundamentally dysfunctional with the gender.

My 'sexidus' is nothing more than placing a protective distance between myself and the hord. I choose not to give a woman power over me.

You clearly do not know what you're talking about and should probably stop posting on this topic before you make yourself look like even more of ass.
Interesting article......

I so enjoy watching the different POVs.

The left thinks we are "progressing" (let me off at the next stop).

The right thinks we are halfway to hell.
Translation: You have a very small penis and your attempts at overcompensation have left you lonely and without a woman's touch for many decades. This lack of physical activity has resulted in penile atrophy, fueling deeper insecurities, and even more profound overcompensation, and even stronger aversion by women.

I think my wife would have a very different viewpoint on those topics, thank you very much.
Or maybe he's just a dominater. I think people are just born like it.

I was raised to believe that there is a proper order to society. Men have our place and women have theirs. Part of the reason I didn't get married until I was almost 40 was the difficulty in finding a woman who agreed with that philosophy and viewpoint.
Truth or not?

The Sexodus Part 1 The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

"In school, boys are screwed over time and again. Schools are engineered for women. In the US, they force-feed boys Ritalin like Skittles to shut them up. And while girls are favoured to fulfil quotas, men are slipping into distant second place.

"Nobody in my generation believes they're going to get a meaningful retirement. We have a third or a quarter of the wealth previous generations had, and everyone's fleeing to higher education to stave off unemployment and poverty because there are no jobs.

"All that wouldn't be so bad if we could at least dull the pain with girls. But we're treated like paedophiles and potential rapists just for showing interest. My generation are the beautiful ones," he sighs, referring to a 1960s experiment on mice that supposedly predicted a grim future for the human race.
That is why we have a generation full of these kinds of little pussy liberal males...


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