Speaking from a woman's perspective, I appreciate having a strong partner, I can't respect someone that I can run roughshod all over all the time or manipulate into doing everything my way. On the other hand, I want the same respect in return. It's really not that complicated.
.....All three women and the two older men laughed at my naivety as the grabbed their coats and told me "Oh no, young man! That's now how it works! You'll learn soon enough." A moment later my girlfriend whispered in my ear "We'll see how lucky you get tonight." And yes indeed, I learned soon enough.

That concept works great for women when SEX is the focal point of the Man in the relationship. More than a few young women learned that with those of us who do not see sex as the focal point, that sort of crap doesn't work.

If I'm driving and I'm paying, I'm choosing the restaurant. Pure and simple. When she drives and pays she can choose the restaurant, and I'll see her back at home after we have our dinners out (possibly at different places).
.....All three women and the two older men laughed at my naivety as the grabbed their coats and told me "Oh no, young man! That's now how it works! You'll learn soon enough." A moment later my girlfriend whispered in my ear "We'll see how lucky you get tonight." And yes indeed, I learned soon enough.

That concept works great for women when SEX is the focal point of the Man in the relationship. More than a few young women learned that with those of us who do not see sex as the focal point, that sort of crap doesn't work.

If I'm driving and I'm paying, I'm choosing the restaurant. Pure and simple. When she drives and pays she can choose the restaurant, and I'll see her back at home after we have our dinners out (possibly at different places).

Well, that's a selfish attitude to have I think. If you're married, then who is really paying when both work? If you're on a date, and you don't take her likes or dislikes into consideration, do you think you'll get a second date? Would you want her to take your likes or dislikes into consideration when planning an outing, or should she just do what she likes to do and doesn't think you're worthy of her consideration?
.....All three women and the two older men laughed at my naivety as the grabbed their coats and told me "Oh no, young man! That's now how it works! You'll learn soon enough." A moment later my girlfriend whispered in my ear "We'll see how lucky you get tonight." And yes indeed, I learned soon enough.

That concept works great for women when SEX is the focal point of the Man in the relationship. More than a few young women learned that with those of us who do not see sex as the focal point, that sort of crap doesn't work.

If I'm driving and I'm paying, I'm choosing the restaurant. Pure and simple. When she drives and pays she can choose the restaurant, and I'll see her back at home after we have our dinners out (possibly at different places).

No wonder you're a self-described crotchety old man.

Well, that's a selfish attitude to have I think. If you're married, then who is really paying when both work? If you're on a date, and you don't take her likes or dislikes into consideration, do you think you'll get a second date? Would you want her to take your likes or dislikes into consideration when planning an outing, or should she just do what she likes to do and doesn't think you're worthy of her consideration?

I'm married and my wife does not work. We are a single income family. I take her opinions into consideration, but as the head of the household, I make the final decisions.
Well, that's a selfish attitude to have I think. If you're married, then who is really paying when both work? If you're on a date, and you don't take her likes or dislikes into consideration, do you think you'll get a second date? Would you want her to take your likes or dislikes into consideration when planning an outing, or should she just do what she likes to do and doesn't think you're worthy of her consideration?

I'm married and my wife does not work. We are a single income family. I take her opinions into consideration, but as the head of the household, I make the final decisions.

So you're just the opposite, you hold the power because you hold/make the money? How is that any different than a woman withholding sex to get her way? A marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership, there are a lot of things besides money that makes a marriage and family healthy. You're basically saying that what she contributes is of less value than what you contribute, therefore you should hold the power in the relationship. This is why 'women's lib' came about in the first place, because of that attitude. And I'm far from a women's lib promoter, at least in the form it has taken today.
Great topic!

Despite the trappings of modern technology, we are in many ways worse off than our parents or grandparents ever were. Socially, we are coming apart at the seams: It is no wonder that it is becoming more and more difficult to find a life partner. Having children is even scarier: You are placing your entire future in the hands of someone else who can ruin it on a whim.

Traditional family values were developed over thousands of years, yet they are being replaced in just a few decades. Religious communities seem to be the last holdouts, but they are under constant attack by the "progressive" forces. If you want a fulfilling life, join one or move to Australia (if you can).
Speaking from a woman's perspective, I appreciate having a strong partner, I can't respect someone that I can run roughshod all over all the time or manipulate into doing everything my way. On the other hand, I want the same respect in return. It's really not that complicated.
Don't get me wrong, I don't do anything I am not willing to do, and I am never told what to do.

My point was that I am secure enough in who I am to recognize her strengths, and how they counteract my weaknesses.

It does work both ways
So you're just the opposite, you hold the power because you hold/make the money? How is that any different than a woman withholding sex to get her way? A marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership, there are a lot of things besides money that makes a marriage and family healthy. You're basically saying that what she contributes is of less value than what you contribute, therefore you should hold the power in the relationship. This is why 'women's lib' came about in the first place, because of that attitude. And I'm far from a women's lib promoter, at least in the form it has taken today.

No. I hold the power because I am the Man and she is the woman. An equal partnership does not mean that the two people have the same roles. Her role as the homemaker and support staff for the relationship is very important. It is not, however, the role that gets to make most of the major decisions.
Truth or not?

The Sexodus Part 1 The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society

"In school, boys are screwed over time and again. Schools are engineered for women. In the US, they force-feed boys Ritalin like Skittles to shut them up. And while girls are favoured to fulfil quotas, men are slipping into distant second place.

"Nobody in my generation believes they're going to get a meaningful retirement. We have a third or a quarter of the wealth previous generations had, and everyone's fleeing to higher education to stave off unemployment and poverty because there are no jobs.

"All that wouldn't be so bad if we could at least dull the pain with girls. But we're treated like paedophiles and potential rapists just for showing interest. My generation are the beautiful ones," he sighs, referring to a 1960s experiment on mice that supposedly predicted a grim future for the human race.
Is this thread suggesting that men become gay? I mean, wouldn't that be the conclusion of a trend engineered to start a new movement in men despising women and all that they're caught up in? This was how the gay male movement actually pitched it in the 1970s. They said that men should abandon women because they could have all the sex they wanted and not have the problem of pregnancy.

This sounds eerily similar. Who is the OP?

Shall I venture to guess next that we'll be told and herded in the direction of women giving up on men as Sexodus part II?

Not to fear about the gay issue. I thought that same thing until I realized they were born that way. I think the alternative is using women and never really getting serious.
Speaking from a woman's perspective, I appreciate having a strong partner, I can't respect someone that I can run roughshod all over all the time or manipulate into doing everything my way. On the other hand, I want the same respect in return. It's really not that complicated.

There are two types of relationship, one where there is dominate and dominated, and another where there is equal. I couldn't cope with being dominated or dominating, I'd just get bored.
No. I hold the power because I am the Man and she is the woman.


Translation: You have a very small penis and your attempts at overcompensation have left you lonely and without a woman's touch for many decades. This lack of physical activity has resulted in penile atrophy, fueling deeper insecurities, and even more profound overcompensation, and even stronger aversion by women.
No. I hold the power because I am the Man and she is the woman.


Translation: You have a very small penis and your attempts at overcompensation have left you lonely and without a woman's touch for many decades. This lack of physical activity has resulted in penile atrophy, fueling deeper insecurities, and even more profound overcompensation, and even stronger aversion by women.

Or maybe he's just a dominater. I think people are just born like it.
So you're just the opposite, you hold the power because you hold/make the money? How is that any different than a woman withholding sex to get her way? A marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership, there are a lot of things besides money that makes a marriage and family healthy. You're basically saying that what she contributes is of less value than what you contribute, therefore you should hold the power in the relationship. This is why 'women's lib' came about in the first place, because of that attitude. And I'm far from a women's lib promoter, at least in the form it has taken today.

No. I hold the power because I am the Man and she is the woman. An equal partnership does not mean that the two people have the same roles. Her role as the homemaker and support staff for the relationship is very important. It is not, however, the role that gets to make most of the major decisions.

Why not?
Or maybe he's just a dominater. I think people are just born like it.

Domination requires power. Nobody is born with sufficient power to dominate. Therefore, it is impossible to be born with enough power to be a "dominator."

The inclination to dominate other people is a learned behavior resulting from poor decisions. It requires the exertion of power. However, the motivation is to convince someone (usually one's self) that power is possessed. By exerting some kind of petty power, a person satisfies (instant gratification) their insecurities about lacking more profound and meaningful power. However, the satisfaction is temporary as it is merely a distraction. It's akin to eating a candy bar to stave off hunger caused by skipping lunch. After a short time you're hungry again, and the pangs are usually worse than before.
I think we should just read lots of books on the subject.

Dear lord people.
I think we should just read lots of books on the subject.

Dear lord people.
My GF and I are totally opposite.

Our interests are different, so each of us has new stuff to show the other, our strengths and weaknesses balance each other, and damn, can that girl cook!!!
I think we should just read lots of books on the subject.

Dear lord people.
My GF and I are totally opposite.

Our interests are different, so each of us has new stuff to show the other, our strengths and weaknesses balance each other, and damn, can that girl cook!!!

Pretty much same here (especially the cooking part), but it's perfectly fine. It makes for interesting conversation during the news
Women seem to want a "pajama boy"
Then they bitch that he's a wimp....


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