The Shroud of Trayvon


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
HEY! don't forget the Skittles and Ice Tea...

The Shroud of Trayvon

August 7, 2013 By Mark Tapson


Just when you think the left can’t possibly get more unhinged about the shooting of black Trayvon Martin, the next step in his beatification is getting underway: the hoodie he died in may be acquired for the Smithsonian Institution. This not only will imbue it with an historical civil rights significance, which it has not earned, but will practically accord it the status of a religious relic.


The NMAAHC’s mission statement claims that “this institution will stimulate a dialogue about race and help to foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing.” But Trayvon Martin’s hoodie will not foster that spirit; it will only divide us in the future as it has thus far. If it deserves a spot in the Smithsonian at all, it should not be as an emblem of white America’s ingrained racism toward blacks, but as a symbol of the left’s ingrained grievance-mongering and their refusal to embrace responsibility and reconciliation.

The Shroud of Trayvon | FrontPage Magazine
Let it be a symbol and a reminder that people shouldn't raise their kids to smoke pot and act like a little wannabe gangster, or sooner or later you will end up in jail or dead.
HEY! don't forget the Skittles and Ice Tea...

The Shroud of Trayvon

August 7, 2013 By Mark Tapson


Just when you think the left can’t possibly get more unhinged about the shooting of black Trayvon Martin, the next step in his beatification is getting underway: the hoodie he died in may be acquired for the Smithsonian Institution. This not only will imbue it with an historical civil rights significance, which it has not earned, but will practically accord it the status of a religious relic.


The NMAAHC’s mission statement claims that “this institution will stimulate a dialogue about race and help to foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing.” But Trayvon Martin’s hoodie will not foster that spirit; it will only divide us in the future as it has thus far. If it deserves a spot in the Smithsonian at all, it should not be as an emblem of white America’s ingrained racism toward blacks, but as a symbol of the left’s ingrained grievance-mongering and their refusal to embrace responsibility and reconciliation.

The Shroud of Trayvon | FrontPage Magazine

Oh Lordee. :( like it has been said through history: "When ignorance gets started it knows no bounds”
to make a shroud of the hoodie? ... that is so ridiculous... too much .... people are crazy really!
Aj. -

Let's try and make it simple for you - do you think thiscase proves that all young, black American men should be armed at all times?

Do you agree that this crime would not have happened if all young black men carried guns?

No crime was commited. Except Trayvon's assault on Zimmerman.

Carrying a firearm requires discipline and temperance, something young black males usually lack.
Carrying a firearm requires discipline and temperance, something young black males usually lack.

Would you agree that Zimmerman also lacks discipline and temperance?

A.j -

Yes,I know you are embarrassed. You should be.

No I wouldn't agree. He waited a lot longer than I would of before pulling out his gun and shooting in self-defense.

And no, I am not embarrassed to expose a you anti-Zimmerman folk for the idiots you are.
Ah-ha. Wouldn't it be easier to just admit that there should be one set of laws for black people and another set of laws for white people?

It's obviously what the two of you think - why not admit it?
Ah-ha. Wouldn't it be easier to just admit that there should be one set of laws for black people and another set of laws for white people?

It's obviously what the two of you think - why not admit it?

Its so awesome when liberals lose arguements.

They just start to make up what they wish their opponents would say.

Sorry, but no, I don't believe in affirmative action (a different set of laws based on skin color), that's a liberal idea.
Ah-ha. Wouldn't it be easier to just admit that there should be one set of laws for black people and another set of laws for white people?

It's obviously what the two of you think - why not admit it?

Its so awesome when liberals lose arguements.

They just start to make up what they wish their opponents would say.

Sorry, but no, I don't believe in affirmative action (a different set of laws based on skin color), that's a liberal idea.

Then you support the idea of all young, black men being armed.

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