The single reason for Liberating Iraq was WMDs.. what was single reason for ACA?

To cover more people, and make people who can afford health insurance but do no buy it, then rack of unpaid medical bills forcing others to pay the price responsible.

Morons like you made us responsible, not the uninsured.
Just think.......

For the money we wasted on an ill-informed invasion of Iraq we could have had a universal healthcare program ten years ago

Thanks to the party of "Let em die"



ACA is already projected to cost $2.6 trillion over the next ten years - almost 3 times the cost of the Iraq war, and ACA doesn't come close to being "universal."
This is one really dumbass thread. I hereby award thee...

EVERYONE KNOWS there was ONLY ONE reason for liberating Iraq was WMDs.. RIGHT?
Since there were none found then the Liberation was not necessary.

Therefore we need ONE simple reason for Obamacare being passed?

What major reason did Obamacare PASS by ONLY 6 votes?

Those Congress members passed Obamacare primarily and for what major reason?

Please tell me what single major reason was Obamacare passed?

WMD was not the "simple" reason for Iraq. Iraq was a very Complex situation, with many Reasons for it, only simple minded Liberals needed 1 Clear reason like WMD to justify removing Saddam.

LOL. Not complex at all. Cheney and his bunch of fascists in the Project for the New American Century visualized and American Empire, with the conquest of Iraq as the first step. Unfortunetly, seems that their 'plans' had no plan, and the first step turned out to be a disaster.
Just think.......

For the money we wasted on an ill-informed invasion of Iraq we could have had a universal healthcare program ten years ago

Thanks to the party of "Let em die"
Now with National Healthcare it's "Make Them Die".

Yep, time to put granny on pain killers and let her die so the government can save some money.

Dumb fuck, if you had your way, Granny would not even get the pain killers.
EVERYONE KNOWS there was ONLY ONE reason for liberating Iraq was WMDs.. RIGHT?
Since there were none found then the Liberation was not necessary.

Therefore we need ONE simple reason for Obamacare being passed?

What major reason did Obamacare PASS by ONLY 6 votes?

Those Congress members passed Obamacare primarily and for what major reason?

Please tell me what single major reason was Obamacare passed?

False premise. FAIL.
EVERYONE KNOWS there was ONLY ONE reason for liberating Iraq was WMDs.. RIGHT?
Since there were none found then the Liberation was not necessary.

Therefore we need ONE simple reason for Obamacare being passed?

What major reason did Obamacare PASS by ONLY 6 votes?

Those Congress members passed Obamacare primarily and for what major reason?

Please tell me what single major reason was Obamacare passed?

It passed because it was needed.

It was controversal because the special interests feared losing the golden goose and defended the current system with lies, half-truths, rumors (death panels!!!), absurd perjoratives (Communism, Socialism!!) and of course money - lots and lots of money.
why the right wants people to die without care is beyond me

Why did Congress take what seemed to be a good idea
and create a 2000+ page nightmare.

Some on the left even admitted they had no idea what was in the damm thing.
And I bet that number is much higher.
I bet that most of them don't know for the most part what this thing is exactly.

To cover more people, and make people who can afford health insurance but do no buy it, then rack of unpaid medical bills forcing others to pay the price responsible.

yeah Progressives love using the Government to force others to do things, but keep the Government out of abortions and vagina's
Just call your Representatives and tell them to continue to work on REPEALING this monster of law..
Just call your Representatives and tell them to continue to work on REPEALING this monster of law..

I don't really have any representatives. They're all either Democrats or Republicans, so there's not much point. I will, however, be voting for reps who will get rid of it.
why the right wants people to die without care is beyond me

Why did Congress take what seemed to be a good idea
and create a 2000+ page nightmare

Some on the left even admitted they had no idea what was in the damm thing.
And I bet that number is much higher.
I bet that most of them don't know for the most part what this thing is exactly.


What a tragedy!

You know how many pages are in the Republican health care bill?

To cover more people, and make people who can afford health insurance but do no buy it, then rack of unpaid medical bills forcing others to pay the price responsible.

yeah Progressives love using the Government to force others to do things, but keep the Government out of abortions and vagina's
You are like an idiot-savant without the savant part. :lol:
why the right wants people to die without care is beyond me

Why did Congress take what seemed to be a good idea
and create a 2000+ page nightmare

Some on the left even admitted they had no idea what was in the damm thing.
And I bet that number is much higher.
I bet that most of them don't know for the most part what this thing is exactly.


What a tragedy!

You know how many pages are in the Republican health care bill?


As many here have repeatedly pointed out, ACA IS a Republican bill. Democrats may have passed it, but it's Republican inspired and - if you read the writing on the wall - they plan to "replace" it with essentially the same damned thing, if they bother repealing it at all.

... and the beat goes on.
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The single reason for Liberating Iraq was WMDs…

The single reason for most rightists going insane, such as the OP, is the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Healthcare Cases.
Why did Congress take what seemed to be a good idea
and create a 2000+ page nightmare

Some on the left even admitted they had no idea what was in the damm thing.
And I bet that number is much higher.
I bet that most of them don't know for the most part what this thing is exactly.


What a tragedy!

You know how many pages are in the Republican health care bill?


As many here have repeatedly pointed out, ACA IS a Republican bill. Democrats may have passed it, but it's Republican inspired and - if you read the writing on the wall - they plan to "replace" it with essentially the same damned thing, if they bother repealing it at all.

... and the beat goes on.
Of course. I am talking about the alternative that the Republicans countered with during the ACA battle.

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