"The Sky is Falling!!"

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Cast of Chartacters:

Neubarth, Henny Penny
California Girl, Cocky Locky
Liability, Goosey Loosey
Willow Tree, Ducky Lucky
CrusaderFrank, Rummy Dummy
The Rabbi, Turkey Lurky

And the Fox played by himself, Rupert Murdoch (Sarah Palin will play the role in todays version).


One day Henny Penny was scratching in the farmyard looking for some fear to monger, suddenly, something hit him on the head. "My goodness me!" he said. "The sky must be falling down. I must go and tell the king."
He had not gone far when he met his friend Cocky Locky.
"Where are you going in such a hurry?" she called out. "I am going to tell the king that
the sky is falling down," said Henny Penny.
"I will come with you," said Cocky Locky.

We will return to our story after this message from our sponsor...

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And now, ACT 2

On their way the two fear mongerers saw Ducky Lucky in the pond all by herself swimming in a circle over and over seeking those out to get her. Ducky Lucky, seeing her two friends called out, "where are you going?"
Henny Penny said, "we are on are way to tell king Limbaugh that the sky is falling".
"Then I shall come too" said Ducky Lucky.
In short order Henny Penny, Cocky Locky and Ducky Lucky were joined by the others and soon met Foxy Loxy, who said, "I know the king well, and a short cut to his palace too".

So Henny Penny and the others followed Foxy Loxy into the woods and through a dark hole where his wife and five hungry children were waiting.
That was the end of Henny Penny's friends, but, Henny Penny, being the last to follow turned tail and ran all the way back to the barn yard. Where he lived in fear for the rest of his days.

The End.
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That was funny.

Not in a way that made me laugh, more in a Carrottop kind of funny.

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