No Escape for Biden on the Cognitive Issue

All anecdotal
Biden didn’t remember this, he forgot that

He needs a formal evaluation with the results and prognosis discussed with his family and key trusted aids
Yes, he needs a formal evaluation because we are not seeing a few isolated brain farts like everyone has. We're seeing a pattern of mental decline.
Of course there is escape.

B is better than the criminal, dementiac, neurosyphlitic perv Trump.
WOW, your desperation is duly noted.

Isn't this thread about the sharply declining mental state of the President of the United States? Could there be a more open invitation for our enemies to make advances they wouldn't have dreamed of if we had a strong president?
See? A raging fuktard. This one fell hard for all the propaganda clips.

It doesn't matter how much you cry. Biden will still keep whuppoing your asses, because he's smart, and you're morons.
HA HA HA. Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.
This guy must think Biden has another fraud plan brewing. If so, lets hear it.
Biden can't remember when he was VP or when his son died. Democrats here who still support Biden hate America and Americans.

We're poting out you're all lying big.

And that the BDS crybabies are almost always cognitively impaired in a big way. Biden is sharp, while the BDSers all look mentally addled or senile in some way.

Seriously, you people are imbeciles. On some level, you seem to know it. It's why you only cry and whine like this in online safespaces. You know how hard you get laughed at in the real world.
Here's some more stuff for you. Water is dry. Snow is warm. Cats are slow. Trees are short. :rolleyes: :slap:

You do know Biden could have excluded the entire report or any part of it from publication don't you?

Well, I'm sure that's just one of the infinite things of which you're ignorant.

Think for a moment, no matter how hard that is.
MAGADUMIA has fallen into one Biden trap after another over the last 5 years.
What makes you think, there's that ugly word again, this isn't another trap?



Nervous laughter.... Music to my ears. The report was the worst kind of damage that could have been done to the reelection hopes. Party faithful will vote along party lines for almost anything..... But this is one particular thing that will make them think twice.

Evidence supports the inference that when Mr. Biden said in 2017 that he had "just found all the classified stuff downstairs" in Virginia, he was referring to the same marked classified documents about Afghanistan that FBI agents found in 2022 in his Delaware garage.

Nevertheless, we do not believe this evidence is sufficient, as jurors would likely find reasonable doubt for one or more of several reasons. Both when he served as vice president and when the Afghanistan documents were found in Mr. Biden's Delaware garage in 2022, his possession of them in his Delaware home was not a basis for prosecution because as vice president and president, he had authority to keep classified documents in his home. The best case for charges would rely on Mr. Biden's possession of the Afghanistan documents in his Virginia home in February 2017. when he was a private citizen and when he told his ghostwriter he had just found classified materiaL

Several defenses are likely to create reasonable doubt as to such charges. For example, Mr. Biden could have found the classified Afghanistan documents at his Virginia home in 2017 and then forgotten about them soon after. This could convince some reasonable jurors that he did not retain them willfully.

The people learned yesterday that Biden is not being prosecuted because because the special prosecutor could not find evidence of willful intent to break the law. That has nothing to do with his age or his memory, in front of a jury.

The people also found out in the very same report why Biden is not being prosecuted, and Trump is. It Hass to do with willful intent, and sufficient evidence for the prosecution to prove it.

So why in the fuck are you celebrating all your MAGA vultures circling over a miss quote
FALSE! NO, Biden as VP, did NOT have authority to have classsified documents in his home. He broke the law by having them. He is escaping prison only by a claim of insanity by age and mental deterioration.

You should be ashamed of yourself for printing lies.

The people learned yesterday that Biden is not being prosecuted because because the special prosecutor could not find evidence of willful intent to break the law. That has EVERYTHING to do with his age or his memory, in front of a jury, and nothing but that.
Nervous laughter.... Music to my ears. The report was the worst kind of damage that could have been done to the reelection hopes. Party faithful will vote along party lines for almost anything..... But this is one particular thing that will make them think twice.
That portion of the report was a fart in a hurricane.

Do you seriously believe this out of context crap will cause a single voter to choose Trump over Biden?

Of course you do.
You must.
You have no choice.
Because to believe otherwise is to know the unthinkable.
That your god will lose this election by 12M votes.
He will be responsible for losing 5 Senate seats.
He will cost the GOP 40 house seats.
He will cost Republicans half dozen state legislatures.

That's the reality you are so afraid to see.
I said a year ago that the DNC machine will wait till early 2024 to take Biden down.
I have said this 20 times here.

I made this in August 2023...... my belief in what is going to happen in the 2024 election.

Ever since the 388 page report on Biden's mishandling of classified documents, was made public, the nail in the coffin of Biden's re-election hopes may have been nailed. The report from special counsel Robert Hur was both good news for Biden, and very bad, politically damaging news, both.

On the one hand, it cleared Biden of guilt and free from criminal charges, by asserting that Biden was too mentally incompetent to manage his affairs, including the handling of classified documents, and therefore outside of the definition of criminal intent.

Well, that might have spared Jumbling Joe a prison sentence, and I suppose that was the # 1 priority, but it simultaneously wrecked any smidgn of a chance for him to run for re-electon, by officially declaring that Biden was a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

Given Biden's reduced mental acuity, special counsel Robert Hur said, a jury would not in any case have found him guilty on documents charges.

Not that this report was needed the slightest bit to tell us what we all already know only too well, from seeing Biden stumbling through speeches, talking to dead people, falling down everywhere he goes, etc., but it does seem to now have a more official stamp added to it.

House Speaker Mike Johnson and other top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives called Hur's report "deeply disturbing" and said it showed Biden was "unfit for the presidency".

"A man too incapable of being held accountable for mishandling classified information is certainly unfit for the Oval Office," they said in a statement.

This is an obvious inescapable conclusion, and would be in most any job, from washing cars, to cashiering in a store, to being a security guard, etc, let alone being President of the United States.

Even before this revelation, Biden's chances for re-election have appeared dim, with Trump continually expanding his lead in the polls over Biden, and Biden needing to keep the Mexican border open (a very unpopular policy with Americans), as a way of ginning up VOTES for himself.

At this point, it is beginning to be quite apparent that the Democrats are going to need to come up with somebody else to run for president in November. Or maybe Republicans will be very lucky and Biden, with all his baggage, will be the Democrat candidate.

Americans are confronted with the prospect of an elderly individual in cognitive decline being elected POTUS in 2024.

Mental lapses by both candidates can be cited.

Which presents less of a threat to our democracy?

An objective assessments of the records of both candidates must be the determinant.
That portion of the report was a fart in a hurricane.

Do you seriously believe this out of context crap will cause a single voter to choose Trump over Biden?

Of course you do.
You must.
You have no choice.
Because to believe otherwise is to know the unthinkable.
That your god will lose this election by 12M votes.
He will be responsible for losing 5 Senate seats.
He will cost the GOP 40 house seats.
He will cost Republicans half dozen state legislatures.

That's the reality you are so afraid to see.

I agree

Biden needs to take a private cognitive test by a professional and the results and long term prognosis need to be discussed with his family and key aids.

If he does well, then he needs to take a formal test. If he does poorly, he needs to find an excuse to withdraw.

nice try hom O. You only do what you’re told (incapable to come up with your own decisions). You work for them you anti-American POS. You were OK with all of it four yrs ago. Suck off fag hog. You people destroyed our Country.
Americans are confronted with the prospect of an elderly individual in cognitive decline being elected POTUS in 2024.

Mental lapses by both candidates can be cited.

Which presents less of a threat to our democracy?

An objective assessments of the records of both candidates must be the determinant.

nice try sheeatFlap. “The old get rid of both gambit”. Eat it fat boy.
Even the liberal media is concerned.

not concerned. They use this as a scheme to rid both Trump and the vegetable. The corpse is no worse than he was in 2019…..but they see he cant get enough legal votes.
That portion of the report was a fart in a hurricane.

Do you seriously believe this out of context crap will cause a single voter to choose Trump over Biden?

Of course you do.
You must.
You have no choice.
Because to believe otherwise is to know the unthinkable.
That your god will lose this election by 12M votes.
He will be responsible for losing 5 Senate seats.
He will cost the GOP 40 house seats.
He will cost Republicans half dozen state legislatures.

That's the reality you are so afraid to see.

Biden isn't going to be your candidate. You better get that through your head.
He says he's running.
He is therefore the nominee.
No matter how hard you wish otherwise.
Get that through your head.
Joe talks to dead people. Good luck. I'm not Wishing anything. You're just uninformed.

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