The Stage for WW2 Was Established By the Wests Response to Aggression


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
In 1936 Hitler invaded the Rhineland against the peace agreement Germany had signed and the West responded with sternly worded rebukes and a few sanctions.

That told Hitler everything he needed to know and the stage was set.

No different than we have today. A few stern words, some sanctions and the West continues to buy oil and natural gas at rates 350% higher than they were a year ago.

Putin has everything he needs to know now.
I thought that Russia vetoing the UN resolution to denounce the invasion was special. We can't even execute on useless symbolic gestures.
In 1936 Hitler invaded the Rhineland against the peace agreement Germany had signed and the West responded with sternly worded rebukes and a few sanctions.

That told Hitler everything he needed to know and the stage was set.

No different than we have today. A few stern words, some sanctions and the West continues to buy oil and natural gas at rates 350% higher than they were a year ago.

Putin has everything he needs to know now.

The difference is that France and the U.K had a agreement to defend Poland and then reneged. That decision alone assured the death of millions over 6 years.

The West doesn't seem to have such a deal. Did Ukraine have a verbal assurance to be protected before they were in NATO? I don't know, it would be troubling though if they did.

The head turning to global state abuses by others over 25 years brings us to today. So many nations and their weak leaders looking out for themselves.
The closer analogy would be when Hitler went into Czechoslovakia. The Rhineland analogy is close to when Saddam violated the cease fire of the Gulf War
The difference is that France and the U.K had a agreement to defend Poland and then reneged. That decision alone assured the death of millions over 6 years.

The West doesn't seem to have such a deal. Did Ukraine have a verbal assurance to be protected before they were in NATO? I don't know, it would be troubling though if they did.

The head turning to global state abuses by others over 25 years brings us to today. So many nations and their weak leaders looking out for themselves.
Yes they did. Clinton told Ukraine get rid of your nukes and we will guarantee your borders.
Yes they did. Clinton told Ukraine get rid of your nukes and we will guarantee your borders.

"In the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, the United States, Russia, and Britain committed “to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine” and “to refrain from the threat or use of force” against the country. Those assurances played a key role in persuading the Ukrainian government in Kyiv to give up what amounted to the world’s third largest nuclear arsenal, consisting of some 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads.

...Ukraine wanted guarantees or assurances of its security once it got rid of the nuclear arms. The Budapest Memorandum provided security assurances.

... when negotiating the security assurances, U.S. officials told their Ukrainian counterparts that, were Russia to violate them, the United States would take a strong interest and respond."

Why care about Ukraine and the Budapest Memorandum

The furor over President Donald Trump’s sordid bid to extort the president of Ukraine into investigating his potential 2020 political opponent raises an obvious question: Why should the United States care so much about Ukraine, a country 5,000 miles away?

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— Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he found it offensive that some lawmakers and right-wing commentators have ...

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