Democrats connections to Adolph Hitler

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Democrats are well known deniers. But this is one piece of history they can never Deny.

First item of education is: Name a President who has been treated as the Enemy of Democrats?
Don't be shy because you will be helped name them.

Abraham Lincoln
Herbert Hoover
Dwight Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
Both Bush Presidents
Donald Trump
Feel free to add others

Now on to FDR

Did you realise how close to Hitler he was?

Here is some information
Brent Cooper
Trial and appellate counsel for Cooper & Scully (1993–present)Upvoted by
Wendy Weaver
, B.A. History & Mathematics, Willamette University (1973)2y

FDR, like most of Europe, was concerned about Hitler. But FDR, like most of Europe, took no action and tried to appease him.
“President Roosevelt is best remembered for leading America towards military preparedness and, later, in the war against Nazi Germany—yet he was remarkably reluctant to even verbally criticize Hitler in the 1930s.”
“Throughout the pre-war period, FDR strove to maintain cordial diplomatic and economic relations with Nazi Germany. He sent Secretary of Commerce Daniel Roper to speak at a German-American rally in New York City in 1933, where the featured speaker was the Nazi ambassador to Washington, and a large swastika flag was displayed on stage. The president allowed U.S. diplomats to attend the mass Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg in 1937, and his administration helped the Nazis evade the American Jewish community’s boycott of German goods in the 1930s by permitting the Nazis to deceptively label their goods with the city or province of origin, instead of “Made in Germany.””
“Despite the intensifying anti-Jewish persecution in Germany in the 1930s, Roosevelt not only refused to criticize the Hitler government, but he personally removed critical references to Hitler from at least three planned speeches by Interior Secretary Harold Ickes in 1935 and 1938. Even Roosevelt’s criticism of the infamous Kristallnacht pogrom—a public statement which has often been cited as proof of the president’s willingness to denounce the Nazis—did not contain a single explicit mention of Hitler, Nazism, or the Jews.”
“Roosevelt said nothing about Hitler’s action in the Rhineland (1936); applauded the Munich agreement, which handed western Czechoslovakia to the Nazis (1938); and, eighty years ago this week, ducked reporters’ questions rather than utter a single critical word regarding Hitler’s threat to Danzig.”
“FDR was, of course, saddled with the burden of a largely isolationist public and Congress. He was understandably reluctant to be seen as doing anything that might seem to edge America close to war with Germany. Yet a president’s job is to lead, not to follow. A few words from the White House directly taking issue with Hitler’s aggressive actions and persecution of the Jews could have helped alert the public to the Nazi danger. “
“Explaining President Roosevelt’s refusal to comment on Hitler’s remilitarization of the Rhineland in 1936, the diplomatic correspondent of the Washington Evening Standard reported that the president “is determined not to take sides under any circumstances.” But there are circumstances when, even if it is unpopular, a president needs to publicly “take sides”—to take the side of good against the side of evil.”
“A stronger response from President Roosevelt over Danzig or the earlier crises also would have indicated to Hitler that there might be consequences for his actions—something that was particularly important in the early and mid 1930s, when the Nazi leader was still testing the waters. “
“It is not trade but empire that is Hitler’s goal,” a New York Times editorial acknowledged following the Danzig speech. “How far he will go and how fast he will go toward acquiring it will depend solely upon how much opposition is offered him.”
“FDR’s non-response to Danzig sent Hitler exactly the wrong message.”
Why FDR Wouldn't Condemn Hitler

Who hated FDR and the Democrats.

Hitler et al

Mussoline et al

Robert W et al
Hitler hated everyone, even his own people.

Hater's gotta hate.

You might say he had a chip on his shoulder since he failed in life regarding pretty much everything.

At the end of the war Hitler gave an order to destroy what they could of Germany, but they just ignored him.

Yep, he failed again.
FDR was also a huge fan of Mussolini. He stated that Mussolini did a great job of cleaning that country up and restoring law and order.

Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR​

President Franklin Roosevelt expressed admiration for the Italian leader, and sent him cordial letters. In June 1933, Roosevelt praised Mussolini in a letter to an American envoy: “... I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble.” In another letter a few weeks later, the President wrote: “I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with the admirable Italian gentleman.”
Now on to FDR
Did you realise how close to Hitler he was?
Do you realize how close you are to being a USMB clown and lunatic?

Any closer and you would be an ignorant Trumpster troll. Oh … you are that already!

This is partisan “history” according to rightwing cult “historians.” It is disgraceful, shameful, and should be rejected by all honest people, especially Conservatives and Republicans.
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Do you realize how close you are to being a USMB clown and lunatic?

Any closer and you would be an ignorant Trumpster troll. Oh … you are that already!

This is partisan “history” according to rightwing cult “historians.” It is disgraceful, shameful, and should be rejected by all honest people, especially Conservatives and Republicans.
This is not a thread about me. Notice the title.
Robert W: This is not a thread about me. Notice the title.
You wrote the ridiculous hyper-partisan title. Also, I quoted your very own sick and shameful words:

Robert W: Now on to FDR. Did you realise how close to Hitler he was?

Take responsibility for what you write … or be dismissed as a worthless troll.

It would be nice if you at least mentioned the anti-“Lend Lease” and anti-Roosevelt “America First” Committee, the foremost isolationist group. It disbanded only after Pearl Harbor.:

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You wrote the ridiculous hyper-partisan title. Also, I quoted your very own sick and shameful words:

Take responsibility for what you write … or be dismissed as a worthless troll.

It would be nice if you at least mentioned the anti-“Lend Lease” and anti-Roosevelt “America First” Committee, the foremost isolationist group. It disbanded only after Pearl Harbor.:

you had no duty to be ultra hyper partisan. Let you lecture me. You troll yet whine if others troll.
Democrats are well known deniers. But this is one piece of history they can never Deny.

First item of education is: Name a President who has been treated as the Enemy of Democrats?
Don't be shy because you will be helped name them.

Abraham Lincoln
Herbert Hoover
Dwight Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
Both Bush Presidents
Donald Trump
Feel free to add others

Now on to FDR

Did you realise how close to Hitler he was?

Here is some information
Brent Cooper
Trial and appellate counsel for Cooper & Scully (1993–present)Upvoted by
Wendy Weaver
, B.A. History & Mathematics, Willamette University (1973)2y

FDR, like most of Europe, was concerned about Hitler. But FDR, like most of Europe, took no action and tried to appease him.
“President Roosevelt is best remembered for leading America towards military preparedness and, later, in the war against Nazi Germany—yet he was remarkably reluctant to even verbally criticize Hitler in the 1930s.”
“Throughout the pre-war period, FDR strove to maintain cordial diplomatic and economic relations with Nazi Germany. He sent Secretary of Commerce Daniel Roper to speak at a German-American rally in New York City in 1933, where the featured speaker was the Nazi ambassador to Washington, and a large swastika flag was displayed on stage. The president allowed U.S. diplomats to attend the mass Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg in 1937, and his administration helped the Nazis evade the American Jewish community’s boycott of German goods in the 1930s by permitting the Nazis to deceptively label their goods with the city or province of origin, instead of “Made in Germany.””
“Despite the intensifying anti-Jewish persecution in Germany in the 1930s, Roosevelt not only refused to criticize the Hitler government, but he personally removed critical references to Hitler from at least three planned speeches by Interior Secretary Harold Ickes in 1935 and 1938. Even Roosevelt’s criticism of the infamous Kristallnacht pogrom—a public statement which has often been cited as proof of the president’s willingness to denounce the Nazis—did not contain a single explicit mention of Hitler, Nazism, or the Jews.”
“Roosevelt said nothing about Hitler’s action in the Rhineland (1936); applauded the Munich agreement, which handed western Czechoslovakia to the Nazis (1938); and, eighty years ago this week, ducked reporters’ questions rather than utter a single critical word regarding Hitler’s threat to Danzig.”
“FDR was, of course, saddled with the burden of a largely isolationist public and Congress. He was understandably reluctant to be seen as doing anything that might seem to edge America close to war with Germany. Yet a president’s job is to lead, not to follow. A few words from the White House directly taking issue with Hitler’s aggressive actions and persecution of the Jews could have helped alert the public to the Nazi danger. “
“Explaining President Roosevelt’s refusal to comment on Hitler’s remilitarization of the Rhineland in 1936, the diplomatic correspondent of the Washington Evening Standard reported that the president “is determined not to take sides under any circumstances.” But there are circumstances when, even if it is unpopular, a president needs to publicly “take sides”—to take the side of good against the side of evil.”
“A stronger response from President Roosevelt over Danzig or the earlier crises also would have indicated to Hitler that there might be consequences for his actions—something that was particularly important in the early and mid 1930s, when the Nazi leader was still testing the waters. “
“It is not trade but empire that is Hitler’s goal,” a New York Times editorial acknowledged following the Danzig speech. “How far he will go and how fast he will go toward acquiring it will depend solely upon how much opposition is offered him.”
“FDR’s non-response to Danzig sent Hitler exactly the wrong message.”
Why FDR Wouldn't Condemn Hitler

You do realise don’t you that Reagan was originally a Dem right? Lol

Oh and you also realise don’t you DICK Nixon and LBJ were the best of pals both involved in the jfk assassination up to their ears right,they were the murderers of 58,000 Americans after Dick lied to the American people to immediately end the war expanding it into cambodi and extending it another four years.John Connolly who was the best of pals with LBJ was originally a dem then later switched to the Republican Party with Nixon,oh and Clinton has been the best of best pals with the bushes going all the way back to the 70;s,they go around golfing canoeing with each other,you name it,proof the two party system is a joke and one party system designed as two.

Oh and traiter ike was the best of pals with stalin same as fellow traiter fdr.
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You do realise don’t you that Reagan was originally a Dem right? Lol

Oh and you also realise don’t you DICK Nixon and LBJ were the best of pals both involved in the jfk assassination up to their ears right,they were the murderers of 58,000 Americans after Dick lied to the American people to immediately end the war expanding it into cambodi and extending it another four years.John Connolly who was the best of pals with LBJ was originally a dem then later switched to the Republican Party with Nixon,oh and Clinton has been the best of best pals with the bushes going all the way back to the 70;s,they go around golfing canoeing with each other,you name it,proof the two party system is a joke and one party system designed as two.
Worse, I was myself a very long term Democrat. I recall that history so well. I recall the Warren Commission who declared that neither Nixon nor Johnson were involved in the JFK execution.

Johnson caused half a million troops to immediately get into South Vietman. But he tried to run it. He was no experienced General officer. He tied the hands of his Generals in Vietnam. Nixon did manage to pull troops out. And of course the military of the north had been defeated. But defeat only means they got to rebuild and go after South Vietnam again. This time due to the Congress, no more help came to the South Vietnamese who were overrun by Ho Chi Minh. Ho is why they won. Well he had a top General who really won for the North.
Your recall of history I believe, has major flaws.

If you want no Government at all, how would that work?
Thomas Paine has it right. Robert W., step back, sit down, and piddle.
The real Thomas Paine, who was a Citizen of England, still wanted war waged on his country. I see what makes me ill is we have many Democrats who are devoted to war against the USA. Naturally their propaganda machine does not take the blame.
Worse, I was myself a very long term Democrat. I recall that history so well. I recall the Warren Commission who declared that neither Nixon nor Johnson were involved in the JFK execution.

Johnson caused half a million troops to immediately get into South Vietman. But he tried to run it. He was no experienced General officer. He tied the hands of his Generals in Vietnam. Nixon did manage to pull troops out. And of course the military of the north had been defeated. But defeat only means they got to rebuild and go after South Vietnam again. This time due to the Congress, no more help came to the South Vietnamese who were overrun by Ho Chi Minh. Ho is why they won. Well he had a top General who really won for the North.
Your recall of history I believe, has major flaws.

If you want no Government at all, how would that work?
I know you do realise that the warren commission is a fairy tale right? :abgg2q.jpg: Lbj wasn’t even investigated which proves what a joke that investigstion was the fact he should have been a prime suspect the fact he had the most to gain by the assassination than was a presidential investigation appointed by him.biggest keystone cops organization ever put together.

Trump is the first potus sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system and not a puppet for them,him and jfk jr were good friends.kennedy was a dem and name only same for trump a Rino not part of that club either.
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I know you do realise that the warren commission is a fairy tale right? :abgg2q.jpg: Lbj wasn’t even investigated which proves what a joke that investigstion was the fact he should have been a prime suspect the fact he had the most to gain by the assassination than was a presidential investigation appointed by him.biggest keystone cops organization ever put together.

Trump is the first potus sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system and not a puppet for them,him and jfk jr were good friends.kennedy was a dem and name only same for trump a Rino not part of that club either.
I will check my library here to see if I own the Warren Report. There were so many law men working that case I do think the Warren Report is correct. LBJ as I recall was also at Dallas since he was sworn in on the airplane that had Kennedy's body on it. Trump has a lousy way to talk. But not every time. A times he pleases the crowd and that is difficult. Trump is out best choice for this year.

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