GDP grew at 1.6% rate in the first quarter, lower than expected.....DOW opened down 500+ points

Economists had expected GDP growth to increase by 2.5%, so the reading is worse than anticipated.

Wall street is trying to put a good face on it hoping for fed rate cuts.

The Dow opened 500+ points down.
1.6% "growth", with hundreds of billions in gubmint spending propping up the number.

The economy is a train wreck.
Almosy all of the inflation over 2% was housing. Everything else was super chill around 2%.

lol you're either stupid or lying. Eggs I buy have gone from 89 cents a dozen to $3.10. If you think that's '2%' then you would definitely love to buy one of these magic ducks I'm selling. Items most people buy are way up, and not even remotely close to '2%'.
"Down Down" , by Status Quo tells you everything you need to know -- but not retail prices .

Welcome Stagflation

lol you're either stupid or lying. Eggs I buy have gone from 89 cents a dozen to $3.10. If you think that's '2%' then you would definitely love to buy one of these magic ducks I'm selling. Items most people buy are way up, and not even remotely close to '2%'.
The thread was started based on a report. I am using the inflation report from the same people. It has all the categories broken out. Eggs were nevrer 89 cents in the modern era.. how old are you? Prices always go up. You used to get them for a quarter. Overall, in the last year food prices are up 2.2%.

That big green bar on the right is housing. There is a shortage of housing.

Nope, I said no such thing. Again you prove for the forum that you're so retarded, you don't know the meaning of the word, IF
Actually.. you did, admit that you are stupid. You have been totally wrong about the economy, it sucks. Just stop it, you don't have to display your ignorance every time you open your mouth.
You're the queen of projection. You don't have an original thought, all you can do is react and project your own stupidity on to others, tiring and boring. Stupid
Almosy all of the inflation over 2% was housing. Everything else was super chill around 2%.
Consumer prices increased by 3.4% .. which was nearly double the forecasted amount of 1.8% .. this directly impacts decisions of the Federal Reserve to cut / pause or raise rates. Consumer prices directly impact voters .. yet, individuals continue to gaslight and focus at concept level to "make it seem better."

Sorry .. inflation is up that hits consumer wallets directly.
Actually.. you did, admit that you are stupid. You have been totally wrong about the economy, it sucks. Just stop it, you don't have to display your ignorance every time you open your mouth.

You're the queen of projection. You don't have an original thought, all you can do is react and project your own stupidity on to others, tiring and boring. Stupid


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