

Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2015
****With all your belongings in your house? Valuables? Guns? Medications? clothes. Tax papers? Kids rooms with their stuff? Illegal Immigrants or worse can just move in when you are out and kids in school and claim they leased it? In CA it might take 90 days to get the Courts to act? What if you neighbors swear you live there and never rented to anyone? Are these empty homes they Squat in? Or somehow they get into an occupied home? Breaking and entering? WTH!

“Imagine for a moment that you leave from your day of serving the citizens of Florida as a senator and you return to your home,” she said, according to Fox News. “But when you walk in, there are strangers sitting on your sofa, watching your TV, eating your food.”

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“You ask who they are and what they are doing, and they tell you that they have rented this house and present you with a lease.”

It took Peeples over a month to get the law to evict the squatters, and in the meantime the crooks caused tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage to her home.

“At the crux of this issue is just basic unfairness,” she told WJXT. “If we don’t have the right to inhabit our own property, then what kind of world.....(a messed up world)

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It's incredible. Really incredible that someone can just waltz into your home while you are out running errands and you can't get back into your home because they changed the locks! And the police won't do a thing about it. They look for rentals being advertised and take them over.
It's time to take America back again.
Good law. Those loopholes are ridiculous. Here's what happens in New York. Homeowner gets arrested for changing the locks on her own house. The video shows that after she got into her house, two of the squatters forced their way into the house. She should be within her rights to shoot them right there.

It's incredible. Really incredible that someone can just waltz into your home while you are out running errands and you can't get back into your home because they changed the locks! And the police won't do a thing about it. They look for rentals being advertised and take them over.
It's time to take America back again.
Seriously if you have rentals or are going on a long vacation, you had better take precautions against squatters, whether they are illegals or US homeless.
Seriously if you have rentals or are going on a long vacation, you had better take precautions against squatters, whether they are illegals or US homeless.
The worst is if you live in NY. All those snowbirds will not be able to go to their winter homes. Squatters can move in to your NY home, and if they’re there more than 30 days, they own it.

Check the laws in your state.
No one likes the squatters but...

The issue shows the lack of knowledge of the laws and the tendency toward violence by...

Law in this country is based on ownership.
Surely at least SOME OF YOU have hear the axiom "possession is 9/10 of the law?"

The person in possession, under the law, is presumed to be authorized to be in possession.
Under the law, it is the responsibility of the person claiming ownership to prove his case because the other party can already prove his rights under the law by possession.

Changing the law won't provide relief but will lead to violence and additional fraud.

Some things that might help:
Changing utility accounts requires positive ID of the property owner or the account owner.
Require leases to be registered with the county Clerk
Provide a method to register empty properties with the Clerk
Provide for immediate eviction when registration of an empty property or lack of registered lease is provided.
Just another example of how wimpified Americans have become in the face of left wingers, black racists, and sexual degenerates that this is even an issue.
You do know that a great many "squatters" identify as "sovereign citizens?"

You do now.

Good law. Those loopholes are ridiculous. Here's what happens in New York. Homeowner gets arrested for changing the locks on her own house. The video shows that after she got into her house, two of the squatters forced their way into the house. She should be within her rights to shoot them right there.

Chances are..... she has long voted for the very people who facilitated her losses.
Sometimes it takes a very hard lesson to wake people up.
How did I derail the thread? The topic is squatters, and it’s in the immigration subforum. You brought up Arkansas people, and I brought up that illegals are doing it too.

Here you go...
I see you gave an example of rednecks, but what about the homeless shelter - all black - that is located three blocks away from my neighborhood with $1 million homes? Many of the owners have Florida winter homes, so now it’s being spread that all one has to do is find an empty house, break in, and it’s yours? Yikes.

In addition, there is a large settlement of criminal illegals a few miles from me, with lots of MS-13 members. They get to break in as well?
Squatters you say?
Only problem is.....
By the time enough people wake up, they will have already completed conversion of America.
Please….don’t rob me of my hope to defeat all this.

P.S. The word you’re looking for is “transformation.” Obama issued that threat immediately upon his election. This is why you don’t elect a man who happily sits in an anti-American church where the preacher asks Gd to damn our country. That alone should have kicked him out of the running.
No one likes the squatters but...

The issue shows the lack of knowledge of the laws and the tendency toward violence by...

Law in this country is based on ownership.
Surely at least SOME OF YOU have hear the axiom "possession is 9/10 of the law?"

The person in possession, under the law, is presumed to be authorized to be in possession.
Under the law, it is the responsibility of the person claiming ownership to prove his case because the other party can already prove his rights under the law by possession.

Changing the law won't provide relief but will lead to violence and additional fraud.

Some things that might help:
Changing utility accounts requires positive ID of the property owner or the account owner.
Require leases to be registered with the county Clerk
Provide a method to register empty properties with the Clerk
Provide for immediate eviction when registration of an empty property or lack of registered lease is provided.

Wrap ropes around their necks and drag them out to the streets and few blocks away, then make sure they never want to come within a mile of you again. A proven method that works 100% of the time.

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