The story of Mohamed: Islam unveiled.

It's funny that people who disagree with this are unwilling to provide examples of how they THINK it's wrong.
Bullshit. You want the factual story? Encyclopedia Britannica: Muhammad facts, information, pictures | articles about Muhammad
Unless you're a speed reader, you couldn't have read what I posted already. You claim it's BS. How about giving me an example?

First two pages exposed a number of fallacies and red flags - at that point, you need to convince me it's worth reading.
So did yours. Like giving a pedophile war monger "victim hood."
Bullshit. You want the factual story? Encyclopedia Britannica: Muhammad facts, information, pictures | articles about Muhammad
Unless you're a speed reader, you couldn't have read what I posted already. You claim it's BS. How about giving me an example?

First two pages exposed a number of fallacies and red flags - at that point, you need to convince me it's worth reading.
So did yours. Like giving a pedophile war monger "victim hood."
These poor slobs have been brainwashed. Notice that two of them admitted they hadn't even read it. A sure sign of a closed mind. I even asked them for examples of why it's wrong. Think they'll give me any?
Three blatant lies from the introduction of the article. If they weren't soo outright idiotic, they would be funny. It gets worse when you start reading the main body of the essay. .... :cuckoo:

"More is known about Mohammed than any other religious leader. Strangely however, even in the Islamic world, few people know his story."

"Young Muslims are taught to recite the Koran in Arabic but are sternly dissuaded from understanding its meaning."

"Religious leaders or “Imams” learn about Mohammed’s life. The rest are expected to follow directions from these leaders who keep this knowledge to themselves."
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Three blatant lies from the introduction of the article. If they weren't soo outright idiotic, they would be funny. It gets worse when you start reading the main body of the essay. .... :cuckoo:

"More is known about Mohammed than any other religious leader. Strangely however, even in the Islamic world, few people know his story."

"Young Muslims are taught to recite the Koran in Arabic but are sternly dissuaded from understanding its meaning."

"Religious leaders or “Imams” learn about Mohammed’s life. The rest are expected to follow directions from these leaders who keep this knowledge to themselves."
Everything in that article is backed by credible sources, including the Koran and other religious texts. BTW, here is a list of biographies about Mohammed.

List of biographies of Muhammad - Wikipedia

Now, your second point. They are, indeed, taught to recite the Koran in it's original language, which they do not understand. This is a fact. Prove me wrong. You can't.

The third point is also true, as reported by people who have fled Islam. You have not provided any documented facts for what you say. You have proven nothing.
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So far, no one has been able to refute what I posted. BTW, just saying it ain't true isn't good enough. You need to back it up with facts. Anyone care to try? Anyone?
I'm not going to spend a lot of time trying to school you about Islam and Muhammad. You have an axe to grind on the subject, and nothing will change your mind.

But as for muslims not understanding the Quran, and the religious leaders hiding information about Muhammad from the muslim people, is beyond absurd.

Friday is mandatory attendance day at the mosque. The Imam will give a sermon about the life of Muhammad or verses from the Quran.

Every mosque I have ever been a member of will offer free evening Quran arabic language classes. Anyone can attend and learn to read and understand the Quran in its original language. In fact muslims of any age are encouraged to memorize and teach the Quran.

Nothing about Muhammad or the Quran is hidden from anyone. Most every city and large town has an Islamic bookstore. You can by Quran's and volume's of the Hadith ( life and sayings of Muhammad) in arabic, english, and several other languages. ..... :cool:
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I'm not going to spend a lot of time trying to school you about Islam and Muhammad. You have an axe to grind on the subject, and nothing will change your mind.

But as for muslims not understanding the Quran, and the religious leaders hiding information about Muhammad from the muslim people, is beyond absurd.

Friday is mandatory attendance day at the mosque. The Imam will give a sermon about the life of Muhammad or verses from the Quran.

Every mosque I have ever been a member of will offer free evening Quran arabic language classes. Anyone can attend and learn to read and understand the Quran in its original language. In fact muslims of any age are encouraged to memorize and teach the Quran.

Nothing about Muhammad or the Quran is hidden from anyone. Most every city and large town has an Islamic bookstore. You can by Quran's and volume's of the Hadith ( life and sayings of Muhammad) in arabic, english, and several other languages. ..... :cool:
I was talking about countries like Iran, and other Muslim countries. They do not have language lessens, or a B Dalton bookstore to go to. Get a clue.
the truth of islam can be seen in todays modern world . Look at islams homelands . Look at islamic society . Look at the islamic invasion of Europe and see 'islamic state' / isis at work today . Works of islam are right out there in the open ready to be seen and judged .
I was talking about countries like Iran, and other Muslim countries. They do not have language lessens, or a B Dalton bookstore to go to. Get a clue.
There are Islamic universities and schools throughout the muslim world. Children are taught to memorize the Quran starting at age 5

In my experience, muslim's are far more knowledgable about the Quran and Muhammad.

Than the average Christian is about Jesus and the Bible. .... :cool:
Bullshit. You want the factual story? Encyclopedia Britannica: Muhammad facts, information, pictures | articles about Muhammad

You go to an encyclopedia for in depth analysis?

Some people would deny the sky is blue, depending on who said it. They don't think about things. They simply go into denial mode. It's instinctive. Remember. It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.
Bullshit. You want the factual story? Encyclopedia Britannica: Muhammad facts, information, pictures | articles about Muhammad

You go to an encyclopedia for in depth analysis?

Some people would deny the sky is blue, depending on who said it. They don't think about things. They simply go into denial mode. It's instinctive. Remember. It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

Coyote is a MAJOR apologists for Muslims/terrorists.
I was talking about countries like Iran, and other Muslim countries. They do not have language lessens, or a B Dalton bookstore to go to. Get a clue.
There are Islamic universities and schools throughout the muslim world. Children are taught to memorize the Quran starting at age 5

In my experience, muslim's are far more knowledgable about the Quran and Muhammad.

Than the average Christian is about Jesus and the Bible. .... :cool:
Islam is supposed to be the religion of peace. So these colleges aren't doing a very good job. Are they? LOLOL!
I was talking about countries like Iran, and other Muslim countries. They do not have language lessens, or a B Dalton bookstore to go to. Get a clue.
There are Islamic universities and schools throughout the muslim world. Children are taught to memorize the Quran starting at age 5

In my experience, muslim's are far more knowledgable about the Quran and Muhammad.

Than the average Christian is about Jesus and the Bible. .... :cool:
------------------------------------------------------------------ respectfully said , so what Sunni . islam pretty much reigns supreme in all of islamic society and education i would think .
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Islam is supposed to be the religion of peace. So these colleges aren't doing a very good job.!
Calling it the "religion of peace" is a western invention.

Anyway, your thread has devolved into a hate fest.

So I will bow out...... Bye .. :cool:
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. And don't come back.
Bullshit. You want the factual story? Encyclopedia Britannica: Muhammad facts, information, pictures | articles about Muhammad
Unless you're a speed reader, you couldn't have read what I posted already. You claim it's BS. How about giving me an example?

First two pages exposed a number of fallacies and red flags - at that point, you need to convince me it's worth reading.
Give us some examples.

For example:

Unlike any other prophet, Mohammed was also a political and military leader. He insisted that Muslims should fight when called upon to put Islam in control of the whole world. During the last nine years of his life, he and his followers were involved in acts of violent conquest on average once every seven weeks. By the time he died, he was the King of all Arabia with not a single enemy left standing. The key to his success was a new system of warfare called Jihad which Westerners usually translate as “Holy War,” but which is in fact far more than this.

During much of Mohammed's life - Muslims were persecuted. For example, in terms of war - many of their rules are not about "violent conquest" but about how to behave towards the enemy in specific conditions - for example, if they do not aggress against you, you don't aggress against them etc. Your source seems to ignore this and greatly simplify things.

Look at this timeline of Mo's life: Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet . Life of Muhammad: HTML Timeline | PBS The military period was 3 short years - 625-628, and he died in 632. Not all was achieved through "violent conquest" either. Though it is more of a warrier society then say the origins of Christianity - there is a lot in common with the founding of both - a desire for justice and peace in a fractured world, a recognition of the corruption of the society and religious leaders around them and a need to find something better for their people.

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