The story of Mohamed: Islam unveiled.

Islam is supposed to be the religion of peace. So these colleges aren't doing a very good job.!
Calling it the "religion of peace" is a western invention.

Anyway, your thread has devolved into a hate fest.

So I will bow out...... Bye .. :bye1: person said it, and it became a misused meme.
Bullshit. You want the factual story? Encyclopedia Britannica: Muhammad facts, information, pictures | articles about Muhammad
Unless you're a speed reader, you couldn't have read what I posted already. You claim it's BS. How about giving me an example?

First two pages exposed a number of fallacies and red flags - at that point, you need to convince me it's worth reading.
So did yours. Like giving a pedophile war monger "victim hood."

I trust the encyclopedia as an impartial source of history.
Bullshit. You want the factual story? Encyclopedia Britannica: Muhammad facts, information, pictures | articles about Muhammad

You go to an encyclopedia for in depth analysis?

Some people would deny the sky is blue, depending on who said it. They don't think about things. They simply go into denial mode. It's instinctive. Remember. It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

So says the person who demanded others to debate and refute? :cuckoo:
Bullshit. You want the factual story? Encyclopedia Britannica: Muhammad facts, information, pictures | articles about Muhammad
Unless you're a speed reader, you couldn't have read what I posted already. You claim it's BS. How about giving me an example?

First two pages exposed a number of fallacies and red flags - at that point, you need to convince me it's worth reading.
So did yours. Like giving a pedophile war monger "victim hood."

I trust the encyclopedia as an impartial source of history.
Bless your heart.
Bullshit. You want the factual story? Encyclopedia Britannica: Muhammad facts, information, pictures | articles about Muhammad
Unless you're a speed reader, you couldn't have read what I posted already. You claim it's BS. How about giving me an example?

First two pages exposed a number of fallacies and red flags - at that point, you need to convince me it's worth reading.
So did yours. Like giving a pedophile war monger "victim hood."

I trust the encyclopedia as an impartial source of history.
I trust no one.
Even Webster's Dictionary has come out as a political branch of the DNC.

Subtweet (v.): What a dictionary is doing to the president
I would get sick to my stomach reading about the life of a genocidal mass murdering, slave-owning, wife-beating, pedophile pervert, who caused more harm than anyone in world history. Compared to Mohammed, Hitler was a choir boy.

Stay away from the christian bible then.

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Stay away from Jesus haters.

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