The Study of EVOLUTION and an Ages old Universe is a waste of time!

Homosexuality is evolutions little way of telling unfit members of the species to get the f--k out of the gene pool... :dunno:
Well, if the Anti-Christ is anything like Hitler, he will likely use such marriage documentation to round them all up. It will make he job easy. Bet they never see it coming!

Homosexuality has always existed. It is the way god made some people. The same way some are Siamese twins, hermaphrodite, or born with the brain of the opposite sex. A few have always been different, unique in god's eyes.

Nobody is born "straight" or "gay". From the moment you are born, you are exposed to a world of countless influences. These influences, combined with the quality of one's sexual experiences, are the primary factors that affect one's sexual orientation. One's choices in life do have a profound impact on who they become attracted to.

Not true. I have witnessed 1st hand someone born gay.

A nephew with brothers and a sister, since he KNEW HOW TO TALK (1yrs old) had that gay effeminate lisp some gays have. Grew up same as all the others....

Ff to when he was 14, he came out. Youre flat out wrong.

A lisp is not proof that your nephew was born homosexual lmao
Why Do Gay Men Lisp Documentary Asks But Is There Really An Answer
Given your ignorance you're in no position to refer to anyone as 'moronic.'

Humans did not 'evolve from primates,' no anthropologist would make such a statement because that's not what the evidence demonstrates.
That is correct! They didn't. Man is the end product of a man named Adam and his wife named Eve.

Did all of their kids commit incest?
They were all genetically pure at that time! We've been descending into mental and physical inferiority ever since. After a few generations ----particularly after the FLOOD, man began to die at younger and younger ages. We barely can make it to 100 today with all the operations, medications, and environmental control.
They were all genetically pure at that time!

Where do you come up with that loony tunes shirt?
Well, I didn't get it from reading Darwin's storybook. Oh by the way, how do you explain the recent finding of a Mega mouth shark?. Evolutionists thought that they died out 100 million years ago. Wrong again! Still alive along with the Horseshoe Crabs found at Cape May NJ.

Prove it!

Are you an authorized spokesperson for God ?
This is exactly what God expected from the Chosen Children of Israel! They were supposed to be an example and spokesperson to the world. The disciples of Christ were all told to let their light so shine and go unto all the world and preach the Gospel message. How shall they hear without a preacher?

Yes, I and ALL CHRISTIANS should desire to share their faith with those they meet. And live as a positive example.

They were to preserve the torah till people were ready
I grant you that God has placed in the mind of the Jew the intense desire to not tampor with the word of God. However, God ultimately protects the permanence of His Word and His Chosen people. He will bring them back to Himself.

and yet so many errors in translations and editing of the bible over the centuries.
so were is god protecting his word?
it is the words of men, not god

If a secret cannot make it around a room intact, what make you believe the bible is unchanged through more than two millennia, and how many languages?
Did an "evolutionist" tell you this or did you find them yourself? Show me an error. I believe that God plays an active role in the dispensing and protecting His Word. God does not depend on man. Man depends on the LORD.
You are free to believe that Ba'al, De'heyzeus, Allah, whomever, is dispensing and protecting their "Word". Just bear in mind that all the words of all the gawds have been written by humans who have invented these gawds.
God does not necessarily answer the prayers of an unrepentant person. The only prayer God promises to answer is that of a sinner asking for Christ to come into his heart and forgive him. Only after that does God through the Holy Spirit begin to conform that individual to be like Christ. And with that does God answer prayers that agree with God's ultimate plan for that individual. Did God enable people the ability to live in this life without their natural limbs? Will the believer regain all his limbs in heaven? Did Jesus straighten the arm of an individual and give sight to the blind? I know that the answer is yes!

Are you an authorized spokesperson for God ?
This is exactly what God expected from the Chosen Children of Israel! They were supposed to be an example and spokesperson to the world. The disciples of Christ were all told to let their light so shine and go unto all the world and preach the Gospel message. How shall they hear without a preacher?

Yes, I and ALL CHRISTIANS should desire to share their faith with those they meet. And live as a positive example.

They were to preserve the torah till people were ready
I grant you that God has placed in the mind of the Jew the intense desire to not tampor with the word of God. However, God ultimately protects the permanence of His Word and His Chosen people. He will bring them back to Himself.

and if throw a bible in a fire it will burn. God is not protecting 'his word' or it would not have change so much over the years. There would not be so many types of bibles. There would not be new volume such as the book of abraham, or the quran.

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