The Study of EVOLUTION and an Ages old Universe is a waste of time!

Evolution isn't practical? What does that even mean? How is the theory of, say the expansion of the universe, multiverses or Higgs bosons Practical? The THEORY of electromagnetism wasn't "practical", either until we realized the further meanings and deeper insights they gave us. Facts don't have fit YOUR needs or expectations. Practical?
Well, if a theory is not provable, viewable, or repeatable, it isn't of much value. Unless one is trying to toss out the Biblical record as myth. Then it might be applied as a "scientific" presumption.
Evolution isn't practical? What does that even mean? How is the theory of, say the expansion of the universe, multiverses or Higgs bosons Practical? The THEORY of electromagnetism wasn't "practical", either until we realized the further meanings and deeper insights they gave us. Facts don't have fit YOUR needs or expectations. Practical?
Well, if a theory is not provable, viewable, or repeatable, it isn't of much value. Unless one is trying to toss out the Biblical record as myth. Then it might be applied as a "scientific" presumption.

>>Well, if a theory is not provable, viewable, or repeatable, it isn't of much value<<

Ah, the bible!
Prayer works for those who try it without selfish intent. If God doesn't exist prayers would not be answered.

So if your prays don't come true its because you didn't have enough faith!! Just like the religious con men on TV!!

Did anyone grow an arm or a leg that was amputated by praying?
There is but one God. And at the appropriate era, the one true God told His chosen that he was to no longer have relations with his immediate relatives which included brothers and sisters.

and you know this how ...pragmatic science?
The Bible reveals it, Jesus Christ/Messiah fulfilled /upheld it, and the Holy Spirit confirms it to the believer. Those without Christ obviously feel empty but remain an example of what becomes of the unregenerate.
There is but one God. And at the appropriate era, the one true God told His chosen that he was to no longer have relations with his immediate relatives which included brothers and sisters.

and you know this how ...pragmatic science?
The Bible reveals it and Jesus Christ/Messiah upheld it. And the Holy Spirit confirms it to the believer. Those without Christ obviously feel nothing but remain an example of what becomes of the unregenerate.

What a little nimrod
Evolution isn't practical? What does that even mean? How is the theory of, say the expansion of the universe, multiverses or Higgs bosons Practical? The THEORY of electromagnetism wasn't "practical", either until we realized the further meanings and deeper insights they gave us. Facts don't have fit YOUR needs or expectations. Practical?
Well, if a theory is not provable, viewable, or repeatable, it isn't of much value. Unless one is trying to toss out the Biblical record as myth. Then it might be applied as a "scientific" presumption.

>>Well, if a theory is not provable, viewable, or repeatable, it isn't of much value<<

Ah, the bible!
Prayer works for those who try it without selfish intent. If God doesn't exist prayers would not be answered.

So if your prays don't come true its because you didn't have enough faith!! Just like the religious con men on TV!!

Did anyone grow an arm or a leg that was amputated by praying?
God does not necessarily answer the prayers of an unrepentant person. The only prayer God promises to answer is that of a sinner asking for Christ to come into his heart and forgive him. Only after that does God through the Holy Spirit begin to conform that individual to be like Christ. And with that does God answer prayers that agree with God's ultimate plan for that individual. Did God enable people the ability to live in this life without their natural limbs? Will the believer regain all his limbs in heaven? Did Jesus straighten the arm of an individual and give sight to the blind? I know that the answer is yes!
There is but one God. And at the appropriate era, the one true God told His chosen that he was to no longer have relations with his immediate relatives which included brothers and sisters.

and you know this how ...pragmatic science?
The Bible reveals it and Jesus Christ/Messiah upheld it. And the Holy Spirit confirms it to the believer. Those without Christ obviously feel nothing but remain an example of what becomes of the unregenerate.

What a little nimrod
"Nimrod" is found in the Bible.
God does not necessarily answer the prayers of an unrepentant person. The only prayer God promises to answer is that of a sinner asking for Christ to come into his heart and forgive him. Only after that does God through the Holy Spirit begin to conform that individual to be like Christ. And with that does God answer prayers that agree with God's ultimate plan for that individual. Did God enable people the ability to live in this life without their natural limbs? Will the believer regain all his limbs in heaven? Did Jesus straighten the arm of an individual and give sight to the blind? I know that the answer is yes!

Are you an authorized spokesperson for the deity ?
I love practical science. Evolution is not practical! And Believing that the Universe is Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions of years old NEVER helped anyone build a better mousetrap or bring about better methods of cataract surgery.

It did however bring about nuclear and quantum theory - including the atomic bomb that helped us win WWII. The universe IS billions of years old. Understanding what impact that has on us has a major impact on the continence of technological advance.

Oh and derideo, you little Stalinist you, do fuck off.
You should listen Little nitwit, you are being offered good advice from uncensored.
God does not necessarily answer the prayers of an unrepentant person. The only prayer God promises to answer is that of a sinner asking for Christ to come into his heart and forgive him. Only after that does God through the Holy Spirit begin to conform that individual to be like Christ. And with that does God answer prayers that agree with God's ultimate plan for that individual. Did God enable people the ability to live in this life without their natural limbs? Will the believer regain all his limbs in heaven? Did Jesus straighten the arm of an individual and give sight to the blind? I know that the answer is yes!

Are you an authorized spokesperson for God ?
This is exactly what God expected from the Chosen Children of Israel! They were supposed to be an example and spokesperson to the world. The disciples of Christ were all told to let their light so shine and go unto all the world and preach the Gospel message. How shall they hear without a preacher?

Yes, I and ALL CHRISTIANS should desire to share their faith with those they meet. And live as a positive example.
This is exactly what God expected from the Chosen Children of Israel! They were supposed to be an example and spokesperson to the world. The disciples of Christ were all told to let their light so shine and go unto all the world and preach the Gospel message. How shall they hear without a preacher. Yes, I and ALL CHRISTIANS should desire to share their faith with those they meet. And live as a positive example.

were they not lost in the desert 40 years ..
I love practical science. Evolution is not practical! And Believing that the Universe is Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions of years old NEVER helped anyone build a better mousetrap or bring about better methods of cataract surgery.

It did however bring about nuclear and quantum theory - including the atomic bomb that helped us win WWII. The universe IS billions of years old. Understanding what impact that has on us has a major impact on the continence of technological advance.

Oh and derideo, you little Stalinist you, do fuck off.
You should listen Little nitwit, you are being offered good advice from uncensored.
This is exactly what God expected from the Chosen Children of Israel! They were supposed to be an example and spokesperson to the world. The disciples of Christ were all told to let their light so shine and go unto all the world and preach the Gospel message. How shall they hear without a preacher. Yes, I and ALL CHRISTIANS should desire to share their faith with those they meet. And live as a positive example.

were they not lost in the desert 40 years ..
Did they believe God or did they say that there were giants in the land and that they would not be able to win? There were only 2 spies that said with God Israel could concur the land --- Who were these 2 men?
There is but one God. And at the appropriate era, the one true God told His chosen that he was to no longer have relations with his immediate relatives which included brothers and sisters.

and you know this how ...pragmatic science?
The Bible reveals it and Jesus Christ/Messiah upheld it. And the Holy Spirit confirms it to the believer. Those without Christ obviously feel nothing but remain an example of what becomes of the unregenerate.

What a little nimrod

If he actually spoke of a faith and why with some logic, but he rants irrationally. A believe or sin type argument.
I've know people of real faith and they can rationally explain what they believe, not blankly quoting this book or that, but from the heart. I respect them, even if I don't feel the way they do.

I was raised most of my life on the bible, if not always in english. I've also studied other faiths and their histories. Faith is not telling other what to believe, it come from the heart, a sense of calm and acceptance with the world and all life. A type of nirvana. They don't try to make others understand, but seeing them you want to at least in some theory admire what they have found.

Faith is inside, not forcing others to find the exact same path. It is more about finding the path that is best for the individual, not the masses. People that are part of a mass are trying to convince themselves that they belong. That is cowardice. You don't have to believe the 'word' of everyone else. It is a silent glow that can be see in the eyes and needs no words. It is reflecting in the actions of people. It is in the joy they feel about life. It is mute but shouts to everyone that is witness. It needs no book or prayer. It has no roof or walls. There is no ritual that others can understand. It just is. It is not about judgement or condemnation. It is not about rewards or punishment. It is about being content in yourself and our place in the world. It is about not struggling against nature but moving with the flow of life and time in a beautiful dance. I admire those of real faith, even if it is not something I have even found for myself. It is not about god, or any particular god, but about knowing yourself and being content even during the worst of time. Sort of a glass half full type of thing.

Most people might never find that calm, but for the few that do, fantastic. For the rest of us, just finding a bit if peace in our hearts when we are hurting the worst is a 'god send' so to speak. It is about not hating when we have good reason to hate. It is about not taking vengeance when even though others have hurt us. It is about not speaking against others no matter the provocation. it is about finding sunshine and goodness in everyone else. It is about finding a beauty at anything, even a rain drop before a hurricane.

When you see it, you know it in others. No book can teach that peace if spirit. I doubt it comes from any revelation. It is more a flow through life instead of fighting against it. I admire the few I have know even if I will never find the exact same for myself. It is just a goodness that fills every aspect of their lives.

No amount of sacrifice or prayer can bring an inner peace in a hateful person. That seems to be the one thing people must let go of first, anger. Like a sweater, you must take it off and leave it in a closet. I have never gotten a single clear explanation and rarely is god mentioned. It is more about a cool light inside that fills them. No extremes good or bad, just seeing things and accepting them.

I've never understood it so am not the one to explain. Just my observation. I've had moments, a flash, at times when things seemed at their worse. A second to catch my breath in a sense, before picking up the pieces. A glimpse of clarity in a fog. It had nothing to do with god or religion. I can only imagine that for those who are so at peace with the world that it must be a lifetime of that feeling. I am in awe of them. I'll be happy with the few bits and pieces I make for myself in those seconds.

I don't know if science can quantify that sense of calm. I hope people never have to go through those times when I have felt those moments of clarity. I've certainly had times of total collapse as well. It was more at a moment when I stopped struggling, sort of a floating almost. It just was. I guess that is why I admire those who seem to have found that sense through their life and not just flashes.

No single religion has a monopoly on that calm. No meditation. No chant. No song. No activity. The people that I have met have come from various places around the world.

The best I can explain it is that silence and stillness in the eye of a hurricane, if anyone has experienced one, perhaps they will understand. To be honest, I think I would go a bit crazy if I had that stillness all day everyday. I enjoyed it the few times I did experience it. It helped me cope. Good enough for me.
Evolution isn't practical? What does that even mean? How is the theory of, say the expansion of the universe, multiverses or Higgs bosons Practical? The THEORY of electromagnetism wasn't "practical", either until we realized the further meanings and deeper insights they gave us. Facts don't have fit YOUR needs or expectations. Practical?
Well, if a theory is not provable, viewable, or repeatable, it isn't of much value. Unless one is trying to toss out the Biblical record as myth. Then it might be applied as a "scientific" presumption.

>>Well, if a theory is not provable, viewable, or repeatable, it isn't of much value<<

Ah, the bible!
Prayer works for those who try it without selfish intent. If God doesn't exist prayers would not be answered.

toss a coin. better odd than prayer.
There is but one God. And at the appropriate era, the one true God told His chosen that he was to no longer have relations with his immediate relatives which included brothers and sisters.

and you know this how ...pragmatic science?
The Bible reveals it and Jesus Christ/Messiah upheld it. And the Holy Spirit confirms it to the believer. Those without Christ obviously feel nothing but remain an example of what becomes of the unregenerate.

What a little nimrod
"Nimrod" is found in the Bible.

Wow, it mentions you?

Assyrians were not well liked by those of the bible.
I love practical science. Evolution is not practical! And Believing that the Universe is Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions of years old NEVER helped anyone build a better mousetrap or bring about better methods of cataract surgery.

The study of Evolution and an old universe at best is like studying nostalgia. At worse it is like the study of a fabricated story that no one needs to comprehend in order to live or make dinner.

The Bible on the other hand---- at the very least explains why we need salvation and who provides it. If one doesn't wish to believe that message, one doesn't need to. However, one may just end up in hell.

Whether the universe in a trillion billion years old or 10 thousand that conclusion offers no hope, no joy, no comfort, and no eternal rewards.

To study evolution isn't going to make one a better doctor. Practice in the operating room will help. However, being a religious person will at the very least encourage a better bedside manor and a sympatric ear towards one's patients.

So, while the study of body functions, engineering, architecture, history, and literature is informative and practical. Arguing over the age of the universe and if we are linked to animals through mutual ancestry is purely a nostalgic argument in futility.
offers no hope, no joy, no comfort, and no eternal rewards.

Ah reality :itsok:
By reality are you referring to an evolutionary reason homosexuality is practiced?
Poor frightened little person ,reality is scary to you, now run along and ask your god man to save you and take you to disneyland in the sky when you die
You are insecure. You wish to define a reality to suit your behavior patterns. Someday the act of sex will be unimportant even to you. So the US government may allow you your day; however, one day with the LORD is like a thousand years. What you have won is maybe 60 years tops, and most of that involves sleeping.

PS> Unless you seek God and repent, this life of yours is the closet thing to heaven you'll ever enjoy. That would be sad even for a rich person.

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