The Study of EVOLUTION and an Ages old Universe is a waste of time!

From the thread title

The Study of EVOLUTION and an Ages old Universe is a waste of time!

the little thumper jumps to same sex marriage

Yes science must examine the mind of the thumper
The "mind" of a bible thumping is something to behold!!!

Do they put something in the wine in the last few decades to turn the brain off?

It is not how I grew up on religion, history, science, social studies, psychology or logic. We were encouraged to think, question and debate everything.
No it did not. Mathematics did. and I note your limited abilities to defend you beliefs without the use of explicative.

The expletives were to the forum Nazi derideo.

I'm more than happy to explain reality to you. Evolution is. It isn't a "belief," it just is. Early in the history of man, it was observed that if water was poured on plants, they grow, It took a long time to understand soil composition and nutrients, but the principle of irrigation was gleaned from observation and the rise of agriculture began. The same is true of evolution. Darwin wrote of observations he made of species. He did not understand many of the mechanisms involved, but the observations were enough to put him and us on the path of discovery that has eventually led to genetic engineering. Evolution is a fact, it isn't in doubt. It is a scientific theory in that not all of the mechanisms and nuances are fully understood, which in no way alters that evolution is established fact.

If you want to say god created man, that's fine with me - however he used evolution to do so if he is the creator.Quantum mechanics will change reality as profoundly as fire and electricity did. It is the next great leap for the species, particularly if we find that this is a universe of branes and microdimensions. Practical applications include things like moving goods through microdimensions to transport them instantly from one place to another. String theory fizzled, brane theory may as well. But one thing it all depends on is cosmology, not just the fact that we live in a universe that is 14 billion years old, but how the energy that brought about this universe acts and reacts.
This OP has nothing at all to do with science and technology and belongs under Religion & Ethics IMO.

Coyote AngelsNDemons please move it to the appropriate forum.

That is your opinion. I say that evolution of man from primates is the moronic guess of people who nothing better to do with their lives. I also see that Creationism is scientific and far more honest.
Given your ignorance you're in no position to refer to anyone as 'moronic.'

Humans did not 'evolve from primates,' no anthropologist would make such a statement because that's not what the evidence demonstrates.
From the thread title

The Study of EVOLUTION and an Ages old Universe is a waste of time!

the little thumper jumps to same sex marriage

Yes science must examine the mind of the thumper

I love practical science. Evolution is not practical! And Believing that the Universe is Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions of years old NEVER helped anyone build a better mousetrap or bring about better methods of cataract surgery.

The study of Evolution and an old universe at best is like studying nostalgia. At worse it is like the study of a fabricated story that no one needs to comprehend in order to live or make dinner.

The Bible on the other hand---- at the very least explains why we need salvation and who provides it. If one doesn't wish to believe that message, one doesn't need to. However, one may just end up in hell.

Whether the universe in a trillion billion years old or 10 thousand that conclusion offers no hope, no joy, no comfort, and no eternal rewards.

To study evolution isn't going to make one a better doctor. Practice in the operating room will help. However, being a religious person will at the very least encourage a better bedside manor and a sympatric ear towards one's patients.

So, while the study of body functions, engineering, architecture, history, and literature is informative and practical. Arguing over the age of the universe and if we are linked to animals through mutual ancestry is purely a nostalgic argument in futility.

Really? Maybe I missed something on your thread: "The quandary CHRISIANS put gays in". Evolution is an extension of the same logic and methodology that brought us flight, internal combustion, cures for various diseases, little things like that. The same logic, even if you fail to understand it. But a theory is just THAT, not irrational dogma. In one instance you to question region on the gay thread, then science on evolution. Can you be a little more consistent?
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This OP has nothing at all to do with science and technology and belongs under Religion & Ethics IMO.

Coyote AngelsNDemons please move it to the appropriate forum.

That is your opinion. I say that evolution of man from primates is the moronic guess of people who nothing better to do with their lives. I also see that Creationism is scientific and far more honest.
Yours is an opinion borne of ignorance.
This OP has nothing at all to do with science and technology and belongs under Religion & Ethics IMO.

Coyote AngelsNDemons please move it to the appropriate forum.

That is your opinion. I say that evolution of man from primates is the moronic guess of people who nothing better to do with their lives. I also see that Creationism is scientific and far more honest.

Your bible requires belief that your God exists.

Science is based upon evidence that exists and can be studied.

Your OP is nothing but a flame against science.
Prove God does not exist!
Already did. Prove I didn't.
By reality are you referring to an evolutionary reason homosexuality is practiced?

Homosexuality is evolutions little way of telling unfit members of the species to get the f--k out of the gene pool... :dunno:
Well, if the Anti-Christ is anything like Hitler, he will likely use such marriage documentation to round them all up. It will make he job easy. Bet they never see it coming!
This OP has nothing at all to do with science and technology and belongs under Religion & Ethics IMO.

Coyote AngelsNDemons please move it to the appropriate forum.

That is your opinion. I say that evolution of man from primates is the moronic guess of people who nothing better to do with their lives. I also see that Creationism is scientific and far more honest.
Given your ignorance you're in no position to refer to anyone as 'moronic.'

Humans did not 'evolve from primates,' no anthropologist would make such a statement because that's not what the evidence demonstrates.
That is correct! They didn't. Man is the end product of a man named Adam and his wife named Eve.
I love practical science. Evolution is not practical! And Believing that the Universe is Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions of years old NEVER helped anyone build a better mousetrap or bring about better methods of cataract surgery.

The study of Evolution and an old universe at best is like studying nostalgia. At worse it is like the study of a fabricated story that no one needs to comprehend in order to live or make dinner.

The Bible on the other hand---- at the very least explains why we need salvation and who provides it. If one doesn't wish to believe that message, one doesn't need to. However, one may just end up in hell.


The Bible on the other hand at its worse is the study of a fabricated story that no one needs to comprehend in order to live or make dinner.

The study of evolution goes arm and arm with germ theory and prevention of infectious diseases.

That is practical.

Study of the age of the earth helps unlock the geological mysteries of the earth- which can among other things help us with the search for fossil fuels.
This OP has nothing at all to do with science and technology and belongs under Religion & Ethics IMO.

Coyote AngelsNDemons please move it to the appropriate forum.

That is your opinion. I say that evolution of man from primates is the moronic guess of people who nothing better to do with their lives. I also see that Creationism is scientific and far more honest.
Given your ignorance you're in no position to refer to anyone as 'moronic.'

Humans did not 'evolve from primates,' no anthropologist would make such a statement because that's not what the evidence demonstrates.
That is correct! They didn't. Man is the end product of a man named Adam and his wife named Eve.

Did all of their kids commit incest?
A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.

Carl Sagan

The quote above should be expanded to include religious loons.
I love practical science. Evolution is not practical! And Believing that the Universe is Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions of years old NEVER helped anyone build a better mousetrap or bring about better methods of cataract surgery.

The study of Evolution and an old universe at best is like studying nostalgia. At worse it is like the study of a fabricated story that no one needs to comprehend in order to live or make dinner.

The Bible on the other hand---- at the very least explains why we need salvation and who provides it. If one doesn't wish to believe that message, one doesn't need to. However, one may just end up in hell.

Whether the universe in a trillion billion years old or 10 thousand that conclusion offers no hope, no joy, no comfort, and no eternal rewards.

To study evolution isn't going to make one a better doctor. Practice in the operating room will help. However, being a religious person will at the very least encourage a better bedside manor and a sympatric ear towards one's patients.

So, while the study of body functions, engineering, architecture, history, and literature is informative and practical. Arguing over the age of the universe and if we are linked to animals through mutual ancestry is purely a nostalgic argument in futility.
offers no hope, no joy, no comfort, and no eternal rewards.

Ah reality :itsok:
By reality are you referring to an evolutionary reason homosexuality is practiced?
Poor frightened little person ,reality is scary to you, now run along and ask your god man to save you and take you to disneyland in the sky when you die
You have not ever proven that homosexuality is marriage? And yet simply because you deem it so, the government capitulated to your tirade! They like votes, I suppose! There is far more proof that the universe was created by God than there is for your selfish belief that sexuality is the only reason for marriage. How is the water situation in San Francisco? Do you really imagine that God is not giving California a spanking? It will likely get worse, if they are all as dense as you.

Wow- you are all over the place.

First of all- the water situation is fine in San Francisco- thanks. We have enough water for quite some time. California is in the middle of a drought like pretty much the entire Southwest. Poor Conservative Arizona has to suffer for our sins apparently.

Oddly enough the day after marriage equality was recognized, nobody in San Francisco was hit by lightening or turned into a pillar of salt.
I love practical science. Evolution is not practical! And Believing that the Universe is Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions of years old NEVER helped anyone build a better mousetrap or bring about better methods of cataract surgery.

The study of Evolution and an old universe at best is like studying nostalgia. At worse it is like the study of a fabricated story that no one needs to comprehend in order to live or make dinner.

The Bible on the other hand---- at the very least explains why we need salvation and who provides it. If one doesn't wish to believe that message, one doesn't need to. However, one may just end up in hell.

Whether the universe in a trillion billion years old or 10 thousand that conclusion offers no hope, no joy, no comfort, and no eternal rewards.

To study evolution isn't going to make one a better doctor. Practice in the operating room will help. However, being a religious person will at the very least encourage a better bedside manor and a sympatric ear towards one's patients.

So, while the study of body functions, engineering, architecture, history, and literature is informative and practical. Arguing over the age of the universe and if we are linked to animals through mutual ancestry is purely a nostalgic argument in futility.
offers no hope, no joy, no comfort, and no eternal rewards.

Ah reality :itsok:
By reality are you referring to an evolutionary reason homosexuality is practiced?
Poor frightened little person ,reality is scary to you, now run along and ask your god man to save you and take you to disneyland in the sky when you die
You have not ever proven that homosexuality is marriage? And yet simply because you deem it so, the government capitulated to your tirade! They like votes, I suppose! There is far more proof that the universe was created by God than there is for your selfish belief that sexuality is the only reason for marriage. How is the water situation in San Francisco? Do you really imagine that God is not giving California a spanking? It will likely get worse, if they are all as dense as you.

Wow- you are all over the place.

First of all- the water situation is fine in San Francisco- thanks. We have enough water for quite some time. California is in the middle of a drought like pretty much the entire Southwest. Poor Conservative Arizona has to suffer for our sins apparently.

Oddly enough the day after marriage equality was recognized, nobody in San Francisco was hit by lightening or turned into a pillar of salt.

However, there were various reports of hyper-religious loons heads exploding.
By reality are you referring to an evolutionary reason homosexuality is practiced?

Homosexuality is evolutions little way of telling unfit members of the species to get the f--k out of the gene pool... :dunno:
Well, if the Anti-Christ is anything like Hitler, he will likely use such marriage documentation to round them all up. It will make he job easy. Bet they never see it coming!

you went from silly to moron.
Hitler? Really? This is you answer, for another Hitler to come along?

Homosexuality has always existed. It is the way god made some people. The same way some are Siamese twins, hermaphrodite, or born with the brain of the opposite sex. A few have always been different, unique in god's eyes.

And you want a Hitler to return? A monster to kill people who don't fit some ayrian equation of features we should all be measured by.

How low can you go?
No it did not. Mathematics did. and I note your limited abilities to defend you beliefs without the use of explicative.

The expletives were to the forum Nazi derideo.

I'm more than happy to explain reality to you. Evolution is. It isn't a "belief," it just is. Early in the history of man, it was observed that if water was poured on plants, they grow, It took a long time to understand soil composition and nutrients, but the principle of irrigation was gleaned from observation and the rise of agriculture began. The same is true of evolution. Darwin wrote of observations he made of species. He did not understand many of the mechanisms involved, but the observations were enough to put him and us on the path of discovery that has eventually led to genetic engineering. Evolution is a fact, it isn't in doubt. It is a scientific theory in that not all of the mechanisms and nuances are fully understood, which in no way alters that evolution is established fact.

If you want to say god created man, that's fine with me - however he used evolution to do so if he is the creator.Quantum mechanics will change reality as profoundly as fire and electricity did. It is the next great leap for the species, particularly if we find that this is a universe of branes and microdimensions. Practical applications include things like moving goods through microdimensions to transport them instantly from one place to another. String theory fizzled, brane theory may as well. But one thing it all depends on is cosmology, not just the fact that we live in a universe that is 14 billion years old, but how the energy that brought about this universe acts and reacts.
Actually, man today seems to be socially far more stupid than any of his ancestors. Man is not better then he was. Man might be technological advanced today; however, turn off the electric and most people today would starve. They cannot even add without a calculator and many would have a very hard time reading the Declaration of Independence, because they cannot even write cursive. At one time tattoos were for wild natives and sailors. Today they are embraced as some badge of courage.
No it did not. Mathematics did. and I note your limited abilities to defend you beliefs without the use of explicative.

The expletives were to the forum Nazi derideo.

I'm more than happy to explain reality to you. Evolution is. It isn't a "belief," it just is. Early in the history of man, it was observed that if water was poured on plants, they grow, It took a long time to understand soil composition and nutrients, but the principle of irrigation was gleaned from observation and the rise of agriculture began. The same is true of evolution. Darwin wrote of observations he made of species. He did not understand many of the mechanisms involved, but the observations were enough to put him and us on the path of discovery that has eventually led to genetic engineering. Evolution is a fact, it isn't in doubt. It is a scientific theory in that not all of the mechanisms and nuances are fully understood, which in no way alters that evolution is established fact.

If you want to say god created man, that's fine with me - however he used evolution to do so if he is the creator.Quantum mechanics will change reality as profoundly as fire and electricity did. It is the next great leap for the species, particularly if we find that this is a universe of branes and microdimensions. Practical applications include things like moving goods through microdimensions to transport them instantly from one place to another. String theory fizzled, brane theory may as well. But one thing it all depends on is cosmology, not just the fact that we live in a universe that is 14 billion years old, but how the energy that brought about this universe acts and reacts.
Actually, man today seems to be socially far more stupid than any of his ancestors. Man is not better then he was. Man might be technological advanced today; however, turn off the electric and most people today would starve. They cannot even add without a calculator and many would have a very hard time reading the Declaration of Independence, because they cannot even write cursive. At one time tattoos were for wild natives and sailors. Today they are embraced as some badge of courage.
Don't forget nipple rings.

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