The Tea Party Is All About Race

The more I see of you the more I believe that you are a right winger out to make the left look bad.

Nope, he's your trash, you take him out.

I'm not sure about that. I think this guy is pulling a USArmyRetired, who is obviously a liberal out to make the right look bad.

Each side has its fair share of morons. I think that's what Obama called an equal distribution of idiots.

Any minute now, he'll accuse me of being obsessed with him - yet he is the one who leaves 'Wow CG you look hot' on my profile. There is no evidence of my reciprocation of that comment. True story.
Nope, he's your trash, you take him out.

I'm not sure about that. I think this guy is pulling a USArmyRetired, who is obviously a liberal out to make the right look bad.
I thought that was Pale Rider?

I'm so confused.

Maybe they are all the same?

Nah, Pale is who is he is. So is rdean, I'm afraid. The tone of Flaygo's and USArmyRetired's posts give them away, IMO. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they were both sockpuppets.
He definitely is way behind the curve on lefty talking points. Whenever there is a chorus of lefties saying pretty much the same thing, he always seems three or four pages behind in the hymnal.
Yes, the Tea Party is all about race.

The white race.

My difference with the left?

I don't think that's illegitimate.

I think it's perfectly fine.

I just wish the Tea Party dumbshits would WAKE THE FUCK UP AND GROW A SPINE and say "yes, we're white."

Who seriously believes that a radical group of almost-all whites all of a sudden, with the election of a black president, decided to go on a fucking protest rampage? When 13 white presidents before that had all basically done the same thing, tax-and-spending wise? Duh. What a coincidence!
"It's not about race, really", said Total Moron.

"Yeah, it's about government taxing and spending," said Complete Idiot.

"I'm colorblind! I love blacks and Hispanics. I just think spending is out of control", said Extra-Retarded Fuckface.
I'm not sure about that. I think this guy is pulling a USArmyRetired, who is obviously a liberal out to make the right look bad.
I thought that was Pale Rider?

I'm so confused.

Maybe they are all the same?

Nah, Pale is who is he is. So is rdean, I'm afraid. The tone of Flaygo's and USArmyRetired's posts give them away, IMO. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they were both sockpuppets.

I am not sure about FLaygo but I think you are right about USAarmy.

His posts seems wrote to fit every single stereo type out there.

WHERE do you FIND this crap?!?

Do you HONESTLY, in your heart, believe that ALL the Tea Partiers want is to put anyone that isn't "like them" down?

Have you NEVER listened to, and considered the concepts behind the mere words, of what a TP (I don't know what they call them, I'll go with: ) Leader has had to say about any goals?

They don't sound racist, to me.

To the contrary, the dims DO (sound racist, that is) ~ in a Snidely Whiplash sort of way of appearing non-racist by CONSTANTLY having to mention race and/or racism.

Whoever it WAS that sold them THAT disaster of an idea should be avoided, at all costs.
Stupid thread, well it is Flavgo after..

And as usual, another friggen yawner.

No one in their right mind goes to the huffington post for facts.

Just a brief glimpse of the authors story told me it was nothing more than leftist bullshit.
Yes, the Tea Party is all about race.

The white race.

My difference with the left?

I don't think that's illegitimate.

I think it's perfectly fine.

I just wish the Tea Party dumbshits would WAKE THE FUCK UP AND GROW A SPINE and say "yes, we're white."

Who seriously believes that a radical group of almost-all whites all of a sudden, with the election of a black president, decided to go on a fucking protest rampage? When 13 white presidents before that had all basically done the same thing, tax-and-spending wise? Duh. What a coincidence!

So the tea parties are not about 'race' the way you'd have it? Indeed, they are for due process of law regarding Justice Department? They are for equal rights regarding standards for voting?

Indeed, neither of the above have much time at all in tea parties, as it's about the debt, taxes, and spending, none of which have to do with race.

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