The TEAM Mentality

Who do our leaders represent? Corporations or individual citizens?

In the previous administration - business.
In this administration - 'community organizations' and unions.

No administration represents 'we, the people'.

Its impossible for any government to represent everyone's wishes which is why I prefer a government to do nothing at all so that I can pursue and secure my own wishes.
Actually the TEAM I was speaking of was a party mentality that places party above the needs of the people they represent. Personally, in a Representative Republic which we are supposed to have it should not matter how large the nation gets or the number of people that go to Washington D.C. to represent them so long as they represent those that voted for them. These day's however, when someone is elected to congress , when they first arrive, the TEAM mentality kicks right in, with counting the person in voting numbers as if that person is automatically a vote for one side or the other. You see thats the real issue here, it's okay to belong to one party or the other, its another thing to automatically assume that the person represents an automatic vote simply because they belong to one party or another, thats the TEAM mentality. The big problem we have now is that a lot of people that are on the hill have lost the ability to think for themselves and really are automatic votes. and until such times as the real owners of this nation, you and I take control of our nation back it will continue. The best way to do this is through your vote.

That to but sometimes I wonder if the parties just deathmatch each other until one is left and that party becomes TEAM Washington.

Perhaps and good observation, which leads to even more speculation about members who have been there for years, and if they make up a different subset of TEAM members. I have always found it interesting that people would complain about Govt. then turn around and vote for someone that has a history of such things. Which leads to our current President, while the slogan "CHANGE" held great appeal for many , I found it somewhat interesting that the person advocating that was from the very same club perpetuating the status quo.
Every American, be they democrat, republican, independent, or whatever your political view these day's has longed for a Change in Washington. Note the last election, one based on the premise of Change, that millions of Americans voted for our current President in the hopes that he finally represented someone that would change Washington D.C. , a change that represented the "people" and not the needs of those that pay for votes in the House and Senate. However, alas once again, when voting for someone who was from that culture to change that culture, one's hope for Change was misguided and can be seen in the sheer volume of spending gone crazy in support of legislation that does not meet the needs of Americans, but yet meets the needs of those people once again who pay for the votes on the floor of the Senate and House. We watched as the debate unfolded for "Stimulus" all while the national bank account kept getting more and more overdrawn and the passage of a Stimulus that did not help stem the tide of ever increasing unemployment. We watched Auto bailouts, that did not stem the tide of bankruptcy and layoffs, yet millions more Americans have lost their homes. Now we watch once more as the great debate on healthcare looms large as all the needs of Americans have yet to be met and the bank account for our nation is even more overdrawn and those that represent us seem bent on writing even more bad checks to cover it. Still further, we face the looming prospect of Climate Change legislation that will even further place the nation upon a path of bankruptcy. We watch as those that represent us, represent those that voted for them and have from time to time cleary opposed legislation that will spend this nation into bankruptcy, IGNORE the will of the voters and vote for the TEAM rather than those they represent. This shameful habit has become rampant in American politics , where no matter the will of the voter , an elected official will vote for the TEAM rather than the will of those they represent. If your a democrat, and you favor legislation and those that represent you are Republican and a majority of the voters in your district feel as you do, and your representative votes for the TEAM anyway, then your equally as frustrated as those republicans on the other side of the street. So perhaps ALL Americans finally face the fact that in order to effect real change in Washington D.C. and in turn get our fiscal house in order, as well as create an environment that will bring jobs to our nation, it's best we hire those that are there to represent US and not there to represent the TEAM.


What else can I really say but Yes...ok HELL YES.

The Kick Them All Out Project - Imposing our undeniable will on the government through the power of our votes!

Kick all the bums out, each and every one of them!!!!

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