The Thief Who Ran a Book Club (LA*)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is bank robbery different from terrorism? What do you think? Here's one more Christmastime heist-vignette, about a wily LA bank robber named Shadow who seeks to use the paranoia-veil of modern terrorism (e.g., 9/11) to create advantageous tracks for dioramic thievery. Is Shadow a show-man or a theatrical dude creating diaries with terrorism disturbance distractions, and if so, is he a fictional character reflective of our new age paranoia about dreams gone horribly wrong? What do you think?

Thanks so much for reading and enjoy (Merry Christmas!),


A wily thief in Los Angeles named Isaac Satan was dressing up as a Middle Eastern terrorist and robbing banks, claiming to be performing the deeds in the name of Islamic revolution on the US homeland. Isaac called himself Shadow, and the LAPD and FBI quickly labeled him as a modern-day Dillinger, with more political deadliness and criminality. Isaac/Shadow would walk into LA banks wielding toy water-guns filled with corrosive acid, telling the bank guards and manager that he intended to send a message about the potency of chemical weapons and their usefulness for bank robbery. However, Isaac/Shadow never fired his acid-gun and therefore never harmed anyone with his acid-gun during his bank robberies in LA.


SHADOW: "You ask me how I can perform these acid-run bank robberies in Los Angeles without violence, and my skill is dioramic."


Isaac/Shadow then logged onto the Internet and started using an alias to create an underworld network devoted to Islamic criticisms of American culture and politics. The alias he used was Light-Crusader. The FBI quickly started following Shadow's blogs, thinking this was the actual culprit behind the LA bank robberies involving acid-guns. However, Shadow ('Light-Crusader') was actually using his Internet blogs about Islamic political criticism of American culture and politics to throw the FBI and authorities off the track while he concocted his bank robberies in LA. In fact, Shadow wasn't even political or religious; he was merely a wily thief using the veil of foreign terrorism to create advantageous heists in LA banks. As the FBI followed the proverbial 'wrong man' thinking it was Light-Crusader, Shadow continued to hit the right dioramic LA banks.


SHADOW: "I prefer taking diamonds over gold and cash, since they're easier to move and sell in the underground."


Shadow stole over $40 million in diamonds over the course of 1 year in LA. He also stole some cash and gold, but mostly he stuck to diamonds. He didn't want the authorities to start fingerprinting him as a typical or predictable diamond-thief, which is why he also took cash and gold, but it was the diamonds in LA that made Shadow (Isaac Satan) a modern-day American pirate. Shadow was actually from Algeria and a devout Catholic, but he used the modern foreign terrorism 'veil' of paranoia to create his thief diaries.


SHADOW: "For one heist, I stole diamonds from a Los Angeles bank and hopped into a taxi after removing my disguise!"


After Shadow stole enough diamonds, he retired and formed a community book and comic book club in Los Angeles, leading the FBI and authorities away from him by drawing them towards the synthetic track created by his online alias-identity 'Light-Crusader' who claimed he was heading to British Columbia to use narcotics to finance further more radical forms of US politics critique and perhaps terrorism. While the FBI headed to British Columbia, Shadow (Isaac Satan) ran his friendly and popular LA book and comic book club in the City of Angels which he called the Diamond Diarists.


DIAMOND DIARISTS ("DD"): "We treasure our most prized book item, a collector's diamond of Treasure Island --- a real diamond!"


SHADOW: "I'm not a hypocrite, because I honestly love books and comic books and intend to write a story about dashing piracy."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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