The Tomb Is Empty


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
One of many events that validates what was written is true.

While the men stayed at home playing self pity games, a woman went to go find her Lord. If you’re going to write fiction you don’t keep making the women the heroes of the story.

Further validation is she was not hallucinating. She didn’t recognize Jesus at first. You don’t do that if you’re hallucinating.


This is Golgotha, Aramaic for skull. It is right outside the walls of Jerusalem, just as the Bible describes. On this hill Jesus was crucified. At the base of the hill is an empty tomb.


Happy Easter. He has Risen.
Yes indeed, women's testimony was often not even valid in court in those days. So if you were making up a story, you wouldn't make that up. You....would do better. ;)
Yes indeed, women's testimony was often not even valid in court in those days. So if you were making up a story, you wouldn't make that up. You....would do better.

except the four Gospels told totally different stories about who found the empty tomb, but never mind.

Further validation is she was not hallucinating. She didn’t recognize Jesus at first. You don’t do that if you’re hallucinating.

People do not pop in and out of locked rooms unless you are hallucinating,... or having a dream.

It was and still is the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God communicates with mortals.

Jesus appeared to and spoke with his disciples through disturbingly vivid dreams.

This is what convinced them that Jesus survived the crucifixion, had received the reward of the righteous, eternal life, and was in the realm of God.
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Her grief had to be terrible. He wasn't just dead, he'd been brutally tortured to death and she'd watched the whole thing.


Her grief had to be terrible. He wasn't just dead, he'd been brutally tortured to death and she'd watched the whole thing.



Good point but lets not let emotions or rational thoughts get in the way. Its a holy day. Very soon, even now, people all over the world will get together and solemnly eat him.
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These portrayals(idolatry) are nuts. The Lord was also a journeyman carpenter in those days. Nobody to argue with !
Yes indeed, women's testimony was often not even valid in court in those days. So if you were making up a story, you wouldn't make that up. You....would do better.

except the four Gospels told totally different stories about who found the empty tomb, but never mind.

Uh, no.
But I expected lies from the haters.

For the benefit of those who wish to learn:

Christ’s Resurrection—Four Accounts, One Reality
Uh, no.
But I expected lies from the haters.

Sorry, man, I realize you guys don't read your own books.

The four canonical gospels all agree that "Mary" visited Jesus' tomb, though they differ on which Mary and whether she was on her own. Luke relates that the women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph of Arimathea and "saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment."[Lk. 23:55-56] Luke names them as Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and "the others with them". According to most ancient versions of the gospel of John (and most modern translations) Mary was Mary Magdalene, though the Codex Sinaiticus' version only calls her Mary. No other woman is mentioned explicitly, though when Mary says that she does not know where Jesus' body is, she uses the plural, which may indicate that there were other women with her. In the Gospel of Mark both Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jamesare mentioned, joined by Salome.[6] In Matthew, Mary Magdalene is with another Mary, presumably the mother of James.

So let's get this straight.

Matthrew- Mary M., Joana, Mary the mother of James
Mark - Mary, Salome and Mary, the mother of James
Matthew- Mary M, and some other Mary.
John - Mary M... and some other women, unnamed.

Try to tell a consistent story, guys.

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