The Tomb Is Empty

Her grief had to be terrible. He wasn't just dead, he'd been brutally tortured to death and she'd watched the whole thing.


She's HUGE compared to him.
That's nice. Go play now.

Aw, getting sad faced when someone questions your myths?
Nope. Just bored with the same old atheist self-appointed superiority.

Remember, kids, Joe insists he's smarter than all these people.

well lets see. Who is smarter. The person who prays to a figment of someone else's imagination or the person who thinks that the idea is a bit silly..

Hmmm..Let me go and find my calculator and I'll get back to you a little later....
Really? You're smarter than all those people?

Let's see your CV.

lol, what for? I have a job. You want my CV you're going to have to pay me. How much do you weigh? Have you ever eaten kielbasa in the can? Whats your sign? lol.

And yeah. I was smarter than all of those people in the second grade. I had the amazing ability to recognize a fairy as soon as the talking serpent was introduced and the awareness that the adult trying to tell me that the story was a historical document about some magical time in the past was a moron.

Other kids were not as fortunate. I don't know if they were less intelligent or just terrorized into submission with threats of real and imaginary violence. I didn't give a shit. They were broken by trained personnel, fitted with collar and chain, and given a pat on the back. I earned the contempt of everyone who just couldn't save my soul from thinking , and they really tried, God love them, but I kept my sanity.

Decades later many still don't know why that when they try to think, nothing happens, but I do.
Yes. You're smarter than all those scientists. No, really.

You know, "being an atheist" isn't an accomplishment worthy of putting on your resume.

Maybe that's why you never get callbacks.
Jesus always. I doubt he tells them to hate gays. It's the act he hates b/c his father only created men and women. They only think they're gay and the libs promote that.

As for Mexicans, huh?

Exactly my point. Of course, Jesus wouldn't respond to people fleeing war and poverty, screaming BUILD THE WALL!

But a lot "good Christians" do exactly that, proudly wear their MAGA Hat with their crucifix.

The stupidity of "We don't have gays, we just hate the icky butt sex" is kind of silly.
Jesus always. I doubt he tells them to hate gays. It's the act he hates b/c his father only created men and women. They only think they're gay and the libs promote that.

As for Mexicans, huh?

Exactly my point. Of course, Jesus wouldn't respond to people fleeing war and poverty, screaming BUILD THE WALL!

But a lot "good Christians" do exactly that, proudly wear their MAGA Hat with their crucifix.

The stupidity of "We don't have gays, we just hate the icky butt sex" is kind of silly.
refugees bible do what i want.png
Jesus always. I doubt he tells them to hate gays. It's the act he hates b/c his father only created men and women. They only think they're gay and the libs promote that.

As for Mexicans, huh?

Exactly my point. Of course, Jesus wouldn't respond to people fleeing war and poverty, screaming BUILD THE WALL!

But a lot "good Christians" do exactly that, proudly wear their MAGA Hat with their crucifix.

The stupidity of "We don't have gays, we just hate the icky butt sex" is kind of silly.
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Funny thing, Dave, I don't need 2000 year old fairy stories to make me a decent person.

You seem to want to claim to be a decent person but then engage in decidedly un-Christian behavior... MAGA.

I really have no expectation you will do the decent thing, though. Your sort never does.
One of many events that validates what was written is true.

While the men stayed at home playing self pity games, a woman went to go find her Lord. If you’re going to write fiction you don’t keep making the women the heroes of the story.

Further validation is she was not hallucinating. She didn’t recognize Jesus at first. You don’t do that if you’re hallucinating.

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This is Golgotha, Aramaic for skull. It is right outside the walls of Jerusalem, just as the Bible describes. On this hill Jesus was crucified. At the base of the hill is an empty tomb.

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Happy Easter. He has Risen.
Mary, who attended his body, never said he rose. She said the body disappeared.
Jesus always. I doubt he tells them to hate gays. It's the act he hates b/c his father only created men and women. They only think they're gay and the libs promote that.

As for Mexicans, huh?

Exactly my point. Of course, Jesus wouldn't respond to people fleeing war and poverty, screaming BUILD THE WALL!

But a lot "good Christians" do exactly that, proudly wear their MAGA Hat with their crucifix.

The stupidity of "We don't have gays, we just hate the icky butt sex" is kind of silly.
View attachment 257528
If only the pretend Christians were decent to others.
Jesus always. I doubt he tells them to hate gays. It's the act he hates b/c his father only created men and women. They only think they're gay and the libs promote that.

As for Mexicans, huh?

Exactly my point. Of course, Jesus wouldn't respond to people fleeing war and poverty, screaming BUILD THE WALL!

But a lot "good Christians" do exactly that, proudly wear their MAGA Hat with their crucifix.

The stupidity of "We don't have gays, we just hate the icky butt sex" is kind of silly.

You don't have a point.

According to the Bible, we do not have gays. These people just think they're gay. They're not born gay and there is no gay gene. Libs and sinners just made up the sex gay to try and create a new sex and gain political points. Now, they're trying to create a new gender of men who want to be women and vice versa. The libs are telling these people that it's okay, but it's not. Jesus says it's a sin. Thus, they begat aids.

As for the wall, there's nothing wrong with saying BUILD THE WALL. Jesus said to not violate the law and he fulfilled the law, but didn't abolish the law. He left the law for people to decide.
Funny thing, Dave, I don't need 2000 year old fairy stories to make me a decent person.

You seem to want to claim to be a decent person but then engage in decidedly un-Christian behavior... MAGA.

I really have no expectation you will do the decent thing, though. Your sort never does.

You're not a decent person. Your first sentence gives you away. How many ways until Sunday does it take to spell this out for you?

Then you bring in what is un-Christian behavior with nothing to back you up. What happened to those people who wore the MAGA hats? They were beaten up for no reason. Speaking of fairy tales, even Jussie Smollett's fake story had his perps scream MAGA.
You don't have a point.

According to the Bible, we do not have gays. These people just think they're gay. They're not born gay and there is no gay gene. Libs and sinners just made up the sex gay to try and create a new sex and gain political points. Now, they're trying to create a new gender of men who want to be women and vice versa. The libs are telling these people that it's okay, but it's not. Jesus says it's a sin. Thus, they begat aids.

Dude, we've had homosexuality since ancient times. Just because it doesn't fit nicely with your book about Talking Snakes, isn't our problem.

As for the wall, there's nothing wrong with saying BUILD THE WALL. Jesus said to not violate the law and he fulfilled the law, but didn't abolish the law. He left the law for people to decide.

Yup, Jesus hates Mexicans, just like you do. Fun fact about Jesus, you can make him believe any backwards ass bigotry or racism you have. He never makes you a better person, just validates the awful person most of you are.

You're not a decent person. Your first sentence gives you away. How many ways until Sunday does it take to spell this out for you?

Quite the contrary, I've never tortured a heretic, burned a witch, molested an altar boy, collaborated with the Nazis, started a crusade or done any of the immoral things Christians have done over the centuries with the apparent approval of your God (Since he never zapped a one of them with a lightening bolt.)

Then you bring in what is un-Christian behavior with nothing to back you up. What happened to those people who wore the MAGA hats? They were beaten up for no reason. Speaking of fairy tales, even Jussie Smollett's fake story had his perps scream MAGA.

Naw, they were beaten up for a very good reason, they were bigots. As for Jussie, yeah, I guess it's bad he lied, but not a big deal, really. trump lies every day and you guys think he's Right With Jesus.
Jesus always. I doubt he tells them to hate gays. It's the act he hates b/c his father only created men and women. They only think they're gay and the libs promote that.

As for Mexicans, huh?

Exactly my point. Of course, Jesus wouldn't respond to people fleeing war and poverty, screaming BUILD THE WALL!

But a lot "good Christians" do exactly that, proudly wear their MAGA Hat with their crucifix.

The stupidity of "We don't have gays, we just hate the icky butt sex" is kind of silly.
View attachment 257528

Funny thing, Dave, I don't need 2000 year old fairy stories to make me a decent person.

You seem to want to claim to be a decent person but then engage in decidedly un-Christian behavior... MAGA.

I really have no expectation you will do the decent thing, though. Your sort never does.
The decent thing? Oh, you mean like posting in a thread whose topic is utterly harmless and meaningless to you and doing nothing but insulting people because they believe differently than you do? Callously trying to use their faith to shame them into supporting your political agenda?

Oh, wait -- that's not the decent thing, is it?
Jesus always. I doubt he tells them to hate gays. It's the act he hates b/c his father only created men and women. They only think they're gay and the libs promote that.

As for Mexicans, huh?

Exactly my point. Of course, Jesus wouldn't respond to people fleeing war and poverty, screaming BUILD THE WALL!

But a lot "good Christians" do exactly that, proudly wear their MAGA Hat with their crucifix.

The stupidity of "We don't have gays, we just hate the icky butt sex" is kind of silly.
View attachment 257528
If only the pretend Christians were decent to others.
Many are. But you don't accept their decency because it doesn't support your political agenda-- so you pretend it doesn't exist.
The decent thing? Oh, you mean like posting in a thread whose topic is utterly harmless and meaningless to you and doing nothing but insulting people because they believe differently than you do? Callously trying to use their faith to shame them into supporting your political agenda?

Oh, wait -- that's not the decent thing, is it?


NO, you superstitious idiots are not harmless to me. your dumb leaders keep fucking things up by electing Republicans.
The decent thing? Oh, you mean like posting in a thread whose topic is utterly harmless and meaningless to you and doing nothing but insulting people because they believe differently than you do? Callously trying to use their faith to shame them into supporting your political agenda?

Oh, wait -- that's not the decent thing, is it?


NO, you superstitious idiots are not harmless to me. your dumb leaders keep fucking things up by electing Republicans.
I'm a citizen. I don't have leaders.

It's funny, isn't it? The very people you fear will impose Christianity as a national state religion are the people who recognize the Constitution prevents such an imposition.

So it looks like your hysterical victimhood fetish is quite unnecessary.

Your side, on the other hand, views the Constitution as something to be destroyed so your official religion -- Marxism -- can be imposed on the unbelievers.

That's not going to work out the way you want.
Dude, we've had homosexuality since ancient times. Just because it doesn't fit nicely with your book about Talking Snakes, isn't our problem.

It's old as the hills and still a sin except now they can get married. To the contrary, it is a problem along with the talking snakes and Hollywood values.

Yup, Jesus hates Mexicans, just like you do. Fun fact about Jesus, you can make him believe any backwards ass bigotry or racism you have. He never makes you a better person, just validates the awful person most of you are.


Jesus and I do not hate Mexicans and are not backward ass bigots. I don't want illegal Democrats and this means building the wall.

Quite the contrary, I've never tortured a heretic, burned a witch, molested an altar boy, collaborated with the Nazis, started a crusade or done any of the immoral things Christians have done over the centuries with the apparent approval of your God (Since he never zapped a one of them with a lightening bolt.)

I already mentioned your immoral Hollywood values several times already. There is no objective morality on your part. Just read the lies in your post.

Naw, they were beaten up for a very good reason, they were bigots. As for Jussie, yeah, I guess it's bad he lied, but not a big deal, really. trump lies every day and you guys think he's Right With Jesus.

How can you tell if someone is a bigot from their hat haha? It just goes to show you are making up more lies and are a Smollett supporter which makes you an indecent person. That is coming through loud and clear in your post. You should be ashamed.

Honestly, the tomb is empty and we are not even one week past, so you are going haywire over it.
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I'm a citizen. I don't have leaders.

It's funny, isn't it? The very people you fear will impose Christianity as a national state religion are the people who recognize the Constitution prevents such an imposition.

I'm sure the Japanese Americans thought that when they were all being carted away to Manzinar.

I'm sure that Hollywood leftists thought that when they were all blacklisted under McCarthyism.

No, the only way to keep you Xians from imposing your stupidity on the rest of us is to fight you tooth and nail every step of the way.

Your side, on the other hand, views the Constitution as something to be destroyed so your official religion -- Marxism -- can be imposed on the unbelievers.

That's not going to work out the way you want.

Yeah, it probably will, because people will get sick and tired of working themselves to death to make the rich richer... The ironic thing is, you guys are doing this to yourselves... and are too dumb to realize it.

40 years ago, would anyone have taken Bernie Sanders seriously?
It's old as the hills and still a sin except now they can get married. To the contrary, it is a problem along with the talking snakes and Hollywood values.

Hey, so do you have any reason why it's a "sin" other than your imaginary Sky Friend says so? Didn't think so.

Jesus and I do not hate Mexicans and are not backward ass bigots. I don't want illegal Democrats and this means building the wall.

Yes, you do, obviously, since you are afraid they'll vote Democratic. They are probably more down with Jesus than you are. Half of them name their kid Jesus.

How can you tell if someone is a bigot from their hat haha? It just goes to show you are making up more lies and are a Smollett supporter which makes you an indecent person. That is coming through loud and clear in your post. You should be ashamed.

Honestly, the tomb is empty and we are not even one week past, so you are going haywire over it.

There never was a tomb. Jesus never existed.

I don't support Smollet. I just think the reaction to it has been stupid. I live in the Chicago Area. 85% of murders are unsolved, largely do to the incompetence and lack of trust in the Chicago Police Department... but man, they turned over every stone to prove this guy faked his attack! Because he's one of those evil Hollywood types you whine about.
It's old as the hills and still a sin except now they can get married. To the contrary, it is a problem along with the talking snakes and Hollywood values.

Hey, so do you have any reason why it's a "sin" other than your imaginary Sky Friend says so? Didn't think so.

Jesus and I do not hate Mexicans and are not backward ass bigots. I don't want illegal Democrats and this means building the wall.

Yes, you do, obviously, since you are afraid they'll vote Democratic. They are probably more down with Jesus than you are. Half of them name their kid Jesus.

How can you tell if someone is a bigot from their hat haha? It just goes to show you are making up more lies and are a Smollett supporter which makes you an indecent person. That is coming through loud and clear in your post. You should be ashamed.

Honestly, the tomb is empty and we are not even one week past, so you are going haywire over it.

There never was a tomb. Jesus never existed.

I don't support Smollet. I just think the reaction to it has been stupid. I live in the Chicago Area. 85% of murders are unsolved, largely do to the incompetence and lack of trust in the Chicago Police Department... but man, they turned over every stone to prove this guy faked his attack! Because he's one of those evil Hollywood types you whine about.
Because he's one of those evil Hollywood types you whine about.


bond's answer to Hollywood values ...
Hey, so do you have any reason why it's a "sin" other than your imaginary Sky Friend says so? Didn't think so.

See, that's the thing. You claim imaginary and magical Sky Friend when you have no evidence of God being imaginary nor magical. It means you are lying.

It's a sin because it says so in the Bible. Eventually, the believers are suppose to get rid of their sins by believing and striving to be fruitful citizens. The final step is for Jesus to make them holy.

Yes, you do, obviously, since you are afraid they'll vote Democratic. They are probably more down with Jesus than you are. Half of them name their kid Jesus.

They are illegal, so should not be able to vote or get jobs. However, this is not the case; It starts with fake IDs. Our California driver's licenses aren't real ids anymore. Even the DMV won't accept them as identification haha. They only issue them and starting in 2020 they will issue separate real-ids if you can prove that you are a citizen. Obviously, a wall would help keep them real.

Besides, the end of the world could be stalled by building a wall. We want to keep borders sacred to delay and prevent one-world government, i.e. socialism-communism.

There never was a tomb. Jesus never existed.

I don't support Smollet. I just think the reaction to it has been stupid. I live in the Chicago Area. 85% of murders are unsolved, largely do to the incompetence and lack of trust in the Chicago Police Department... but man, they turned over every stone to prove this guy faked his attack! Because he's one of those evil Hollywood types you whine about.

See what I mean about lying. You lie to make yourself look good and deny you are going into the abyss forever.

You are prolly a closet Empire watcher. I haven't seen one episode, but will try one this weekend to show you I am open minded haha.

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