The Trump Fox News can't handle anybody that isn't pro Trump

It's hardly breaking new that Fox has a right wing bias. What I find so amusing is how the rest of the media, save talk radio, is completely in the hands of the left and carries their weight on a daily basis, yet, you guys get so freaked over Fox doing the same thing for the right. You never hear any leftards complain about the bias at PMSNBC or CNN or the NY Times and, well, I could go on and on and on.
Yeah, instead of engaging her they ran away with their tails between their legs. Probably because they can't think on their feet. They need a script or they are lost.
It's hardly breaking new that Fox has a right wing bias. What I find so amusing is how the rest of the media, save talk radio, is completely in the hands of the left and carries their weight on a daily basis, yet, you guys get so freaked over Fox doing the same thing for the right. You never hear any leftards complain about the bias at PMSNBC or CNN or the NY Times and, well, I could go on and on and on.
Really Taz? And you can say that with a straight face? Both CNN and MSNBC have both sides of the political isle on their shows and you know this. This alternative reality you people live in, someday will come back to really bite you in the ass and it needs to stop.
Yeah, instead of engaging her they ran away with their tails between their legs. Probably because they can't think on their feet. They need a script or they are lost.
Fox News with its ignorant fan base has no clue on how to engage fair and balanced dialog outside of their propaganda format. If their base was ever to hear apposing opinions, they'd probably go into a cardiac seizure.

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