The Truth Shall Set You Free


Craig Williams
Feb 23, 2013
There are some of us who have read, Jesus said " shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32. But for others truth is something best to be avoided.

Like the time when Mitt Romney believed he was speaking to a gathering of conservatives who devotedly accepted when Mitt strongly implied he believed that 47% of the American people want to collect government entitlements rather than work.

Of course, anyone with common sense understands this is not the case here in the US, but Mitt felt safe saying this to a hand picked audience of his avid supporters. So when the video of Mitt's political rabble rousing hit the airwaves, something else hit the fan.

A bartender, who was working the event, is finally coming forward. He is the man who caught Mitt's unguarded moment among friends, and exposed this truth about Romney's misguided, neoconservative beliefs and those of like mind who supported his candidacy. It was an insignificant man who was in the right place at the right time with a camera, and because of this, he was a big part in denying Romney the Presidency.

As a lesson, we can see that in some cases the truth can set you free, but Mitt found it is more likely to bite a person in the a$$. Mitt Romney discovered this when he spoke his true feelings about the 47%, and with any number of other public gaffes (accidentally exposing his bigotry).

His oafish behavior was expected by many voters and was the result if his cloistered upbringing. He boldly accepts conservative teachings that all those beneath his station are significantly inferior and are less deserving of the rights he and those like him enjoy.

The neoconservative voters have long agreed with Romney's belief in the one percent's superiority, and that the middle class should be grateful for the scraps we receive as our trickle down rewards. But last November many moderates didn't agree and the video taken by the bartender was a big reason.

Worker who taped Romney?s ?47 percent? comment comes forward | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Talk about truth and you start lying. Fabulous. What is it with people?
The batender simply helped Mitt cut his own throat with the moderates he needed to win in November.
The batender simply helped Mitt cut his own throat with the moderates he needed to win in November.

Which is why Romney won the Independents. his problem is he lost his base and low information voters.
The batender simply helped Mitt cut his own throat with the moderates he needed to win in November.

Which is why Romney won the Independents. his problem is he lost his base and low information voters.

No, I'm pretty sure Mitt's problem is that he fuckin sucked seeing as he has a pretty progressive background in politics, like Romneycare... Then flipping his position from full repeal of Obamacare to doing minor changes.

As long as people are defending Mitt and calling conservatives "the fringe" the Republican party will continue to shrink.
The batender simply helped Mitt cut his own throat with the moderates he needed to win in November.

Which is why Romney won the Independents. his problem is he lost his base and low information voters.

No, I'm pretty sure Mitt's problem is that he fuckin sucked seeing as he has a pretty progressive background in politics, like Romneycare... Then flipping his position from full repeal of Obamacare to doing minor changes.

As long as people are defending Mitt and calling conservatives "the fringe" the Republican party will continue to shrink.

Like I said, he lost his base.
Mitt simply let us, through that video, into the closed world of the country club right wingers. They detest the rest of the population, of all colors, ethnicity, wealth status, anything.

They believe they are superior in every way to all who make less than them, and they believe the rest of the poplulation is simply mooching off their wealth.

It is quite disgusting, quite un-Christian, and frankly I feel no sympathy towards people who mingle with those types of crowds.
Holy shit! A post I agree with from you! For all our sakes I hope the Republican party gets it together.
Mitt simply let us, through that video, into the closed world of the country club right wingers. They detest the rest of the population, of all colors, ethnicity, wealth status, anything.

They believe they are superior in every way to all who make less than them, and they believe the rest of the poplulation is simply mooching off their wealth.

It is quite disgusting, quite un-Christian, and frankly I feel no sympathy towards people who mingle with those types of crowds.

Mitt simply let us, through that video, into the closed world of the country club right wingers. They detest the rest of the population, of all colors, ethnicity, wealth status, anything.

They believe they are superior in every way to all who make less than them, and they believe the rest of the poplulation is simply mooching off their wealth.

It is quite disgusting, quite un-Christian, and frankly I feel no sympathy towards people who mingle with those types of crowds.


The neoconservatives will never accept your descriptions of manipulators and manipulated. They will still maintain that the Democrats are the manipulators.

At the same time they will claim the Democrats are too stupid to manipulate anyone.

The Democrats have no national unity; they are regional at best, with some agreement on a few issues. Except for those few issues the Democrats are fragmented and a political party in name only.

The GOP on the other hand, has a national agenda to which all members must subscribe. This unity and focus on purpose has brought about the decline of middle class and has convinced the middle class to be willingly participants in their own destruction.

The Republican Party may be down presently, but they are not out as long as they can maintain Congressional gridlock and keep the pressure on to keep economic recovery out of reach. Given the short memory of most voters, it is surprising the Republicans didn't do better in 2012. However, staying this course of obstructionism is the GOP's ticket back to the top beginning in 2014.

The true manipulators will eventually win and take it all.
Mitt simply let us, through that video, into the closed world of the country club right wingers. They detest the rest of the population, of all colors, ethnicity, wealth status, anything.

They believe they are superior in every way to all who make less than them, and they believe the rest of the poplulation is simply mooching off their wealth.

It is quite disgusting, quite un-Christian, and frankly I feel no sympathy towards people who mingle with those types of crowds.


The neoconservatives will never accept your descriptions of manipulators and manipulated. They will still maintain that the Democrats are the manipulators.

At the same time they will claim the Democrats are too stupid to manipulate anyone.

The Democrats have no national unity; they are regional at best, with some agreement on a few issues. Except for those few issues the Democrats are fragmented and a political party in name only.

The GOP on the other hand, has a national agenda to which all members must subscribe. This unity and focus on purpose has brought about the decline of middle class and has convinced the middle class to be willingly participants in their own destruction.

The Republican Party may be down presently, but they are not out as long as they can maintain Congressional gridlock and keep the pressure on to keep economic recovery out of reach. Given the short memory of most voters, it is surprising the Republicans didn't do better in 2012. However, staying this course of obstructionism is the GOP's ticket back to the top beginning in 2014.

The true manipulators will eventually win and take it all.

“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”
--Washington Post, August 29, 2012
The Democrats in pure political tactics have brilliantly dominated the messaging campaign, to the point that in general the Republican Party is viewed as the stupid rednecks and the filthy rich. And the Democrats have brilliantly painted their party as the alternative to the rednecks and the filthy rich.

Reality based or not, those are the images most have.
Mitt simply let us, through that video, into the closed world of the country club right wingers. They detest the rest of the population, of all colors, ethnicity, wealth status, anything.

They believe they are superior in every way to all who make less than them, and they believe the rest of the poplulation is simply mooching off their wealth.

It is quite disgusting, quite un-Christian, and frankly I feel no sympathy towards people who mingle with those types of crowds.


The neoconservatives will never accept your descriptions of manipulators and manipulated. They will still maintain that the Democrats are the manipulators.

At the same time they will claim the Democrats are too stupid to manipulate anyone.

The Democrats have no national unity; they are regional at best, with some agreement on a few issues. Except for those few issues the Democrats are fragmented and a political party in name only.

The GOP on the other hand, has a national agenda to which all members must subscribe. This unity and focus on purpose has brought about the decline of middle class and has convinced the middle class to be willingly participants in their own destruction.

The Republican Party may be down presently, but they are not out as long as they can maintain Congressional gridlock and keep the pressure on to keep economic recovery out of reach. Given the short memory of most voters, it is surprising the Republicans didn't do better in 2012. However, staying this course of obstructionism is the GOP's ticket back to the top beginning in 2014.

The true manipulators will eventually win and take it all.

Why do you choose to be one of the manipulated?

Getting off your knees and thinking for yourself is a great place to be :up:
The Democrats in pure political tactics have brilliantly dominated the messaging campaign, to the point that in general the Republican Party is viewed as the stupid rednecks and the filthy rich. And the Democrats have brilliantly painted their party as the alternative to the rednecks and the filthy rich.

Reality based or not, those are the images most have.

The Democrats have fallen into a pile of sh!t the Republicans engineered, and through no skill of their own, come out smelling like a rose. In reality, the Democrats have no message. They are stymied by a Republican House majority that has kept this country mired in a recession that began over four years ago.

At present the "audacity of hope" is the best the Democrats have. The only reason they can tread water with that is the GOP's message of "the same old shIt, just a different century," isn't flying with the majority. Yet.

After another two years of Congressional gridlock, the voters will forget recent history, as usual, and the GOP will come storming back. Their message will not have changed, it will still be "the same old sh!t, just a different century" but the voters will have forgotten what that same old sh!t was.

The middle class will once again eagerly vote to screw themselves, the same old sh!t...
The Democrats in pure political tactics have brilliantly dominated the messaging campaign, to the point that in general the Republican Party is viewed as the stupid rednecks and the filthy rich. And the Democrats have brilliantly painted their party as the alternative to the rednecks and the filthy rich.

Reality based or not, those are the images most have.

I think that's true for the most part, and your last sentence is the key. The absolutist elements in the GOP clearly have simply no idea how big a part image plays in politics, and they keep trotting out (and worse, defending) "messengers" who play right into the Democrats' hands. They seem to somehow confuse effective messaging with capitulation, and no attempts to reason with them on this gets through, because they immediately turn defensive.

And you can say that straight to their face and they'll deny it. It just doesn't get in, no matter how obvious it is. Weird.

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