The tunnels were are are not a threat

Hamas has every right to defend itself against aggression.
That is international law.

Israel does not have the right to rule UNDER Gaza. No matter how low down Zionists are in their morality.
Ruling Gaza is the last thing we need, those useless primitives can do nothing but digging tunnels, and I don't think we really need them ATM.
Hamas has every right to defend itself against aggression.
That is international law. Israel does not have the right to rule UNDER Gaza. No matter how low down Zionists are in their morality.
The plaintive crybaby whine of the Losing Side, having gotten its arse kicked, and having lost the tunnels it worked on so hard, for so long, hoping to use them to kill Israelis. Tough shit.
Hamas has every right to defend itself against aggression.
That is international law.

Israel does not have the right to rule UNDER Gaza. No matter how low down Zionists are in their morality.

Israel has the right to defend itself against agression. That is international law. That is why the tunnels have to be destroyed.
Hamas has every right to defend itself against aggression.
That is international law.

Israel does not have the right to rule UNDER Gaza. No matter how low down Zionists are in their morality.

Israel has the RIGHT to go into Gaza to find those tunnels leading into " Israel proper" :lol: we hear so much about

Israel has the RIGHT to stop Rocket Attacks.

Israel has the RIGHT to defend themselves against agression. That is International Law. Israel does NOT have to put up with their iimorality any longer :D
Tunnels were illegal and invaded into Israel.

Hamas has not justification for the maze of tunnels into Egypt or Israel. No international court will find them legal. Hamas is guilty and any action that hamas takes involving the use of the tunnels just adds to the guilt.

Israel had every right and obligation to destroy the tunnels. They are protecting their land and their people.
"Waa waa waa".

You Zionists ain't half whiners. A tunnel is defensive, as is a bunker, as is a trench.
You can try to shout this down as much as you like, but it is so.

Yes you can shoot from a bunker, a trench or a tunnel, but that requires your enemy to present himself for the shooting of. Stay out of Gaza.

As to the tunnels into Israel, well, seems like a good military tactic to try to out flank an opponent. Makes you wonder why no one ever thought of it before, eh?

Now if Egypt can find and close down the bits that reach into Egypt, then Israel can find and close down the bits that reach into Israel. No harm. No foul. No 1800 people dead (plus attacking aggressors of course).

Suck it up guys. :)

The attacks by the IDF on Gaza were mostly to destroy the launching spots for rockets and to KILL Hamas leaders and rocket launchers.

Outflanking an opponent with a tunnel is an offensive, not a defensive military tactic.
If someone builds a tunnel into a high security zone or into a bank, they would be thrown in jail. It is crime.
Building tunnels into another country is a crime. Any plans for using the tunnels is a crime.
There is not way of claiming such tunnels have any legality.
They are a defence:

Gaza Ceasefire: After 1,800+ Dead, What Led Israel to Stop the Assault ? and What Comes Next? | Democracy Now!

The only threat to Israel is that they prevent Israel killing people from the air at will.

Please tell us why Hamas dug tunnels into Israel? This is Why;

Report: Hamas planned Rosh Hashanah attack through Gaza tunnels | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

The next claim from these Pro Palestinian Morons is going to be that Israel had no right to close the tunnels ! :lol: :cuckoo:

Hamas planned to use the tunnels it dug from Gaza to Israel to execute a massive attack on southern Israel, an Israeli newspaper reported, citing unnamed Israeli security sources.

So Israel would use, to execute a massive attack on Gaza, the roads and the skies.
Does that make the roads and skies "Terror Roads" & "Terror Skies"?

And you say a massive attack on Israel would be bad thing. Why, because it is likely that in trying to do harm they may harm many civilians?

How is that different from what Israel has been doing?

A tunnel is a tunnel.
If Israel closes them at the border, just as Egypt did, then they go nowhere, but around in circles in Gaza. So no issues there.

They were not the reason Israel invaded Gaza and killed 1800+.
That was an afterthought of an excuse, as Israel didn't even know much about them before it went in.

Hamas wasn't launching several thousand rockets from the tunnels. The IDF knew where many of them were being launched from and they destroyed those places. They also returned fire when fired on and destroyed their hiding places.
Please tell us why Hamas dug tunnels into Israel? This is Why;

Report: Hamas planned Rosh Hashanah attack through Gaza tunnels | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

The next claim from these Pro Palestinian Morons is going to be that Israel had no right to close the tunnels ! :lol: :cuckoo:

Hamas planned to use the tunnels it dug from Gaza to Israel to execute a massive attack on southern Israel, an Israeli newspaper reported, citing unnamed Israeli security sources.

So Israel would use, to execute a massive attack on Gaza, the roads and the skies.
Does that make the roads and skies "Terror Roads" & "Terror Skies"?

And you say a massive attack on Israel would be bad thing. Why, because it is likely that in trying to do harm they may harm many civilians?

How is that different from what Israel has been doing?

A tunnel is a tunnel.
If Israel closes them at the border, just as Egypt did, then they go nowhere, but around in circles in Gaza. So no issues there.

They were not the reason Israel invaded Gaza and killed 1800+.
That was an afterthought of an excuse, as Israel didn't even know much about them before it went in.

Hamas wasn't launching several thousand rockets from the tunnels. The IDF knew where many of them were being launched from and they destroyed those places. They also returned fire when fired on and destroyed their hiding places.

Your " point?" Are you suggesting Israel had no right to destroy those tunnels that were going into Israel? :lol: :lol: Are you suggesting they Weren't shooting Rockets? You ARE Delusional ( or Psychotic ). :cuckoo:

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