The Two Primary Take-Aways From Trumps Iranian Nuke Deal Announcement


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
1. The Left fully support the worlds leading sponsors of terrorism over America. Iran can cheat on the deal all they want, pacification is all the Left has to offer. Chamberlain smiles.

2. The Left inadvertently admit that America is the one and only nation that provides leadship for goodness, peace and liberty. The whining about the world is now doomed is hilarious.
Obama and Kerry pushed this bad deal through even bypassing the house and their vote to not go forward with it all to try and add something to Obama's empty legacy box...Now all Obama has to show for his term in office are gender neutral bathrooms....
only idiots think its a bad idea to keep your enemy close.
other take aways frm the Iran deal
It was not a treaty but a non binding agreement
Iran did not sign it,
How can you break a treaty that never was
First takeaway is how can Trump tell so many lies in a message that is so important
leave it to Sitforhair to break an agreement between countries.

EXCELLENT way to be trusted by your allies.
Obama and Kerry pushed this bad deal through even bypassing the house and their vote to not go forward with it all to try and add something to Obama's empty legacy box...Now all Obama has to show for his term in office are gender neutral bathrooms....
jon cary might want to put his legal defense in place

he might have some legal issues coming up with the Logan Act
leave it to Sitforhair to break an agreement between countries.

EXCELLENT way to be trusted by your allies.
Trump's poll numbers are up in three different going nuts to say they are outliers...but this is what the people want from a watch out for us not sign some stupid treaty that everyone knows was stupid...
leave it to Sitforhair to break an agreement between countries.

EXCELLENT way to be trusted by your allies.
There was no agreement between our countries, our senate never ratified it. The Iranians are free to keep the deal but it’s only between them and obie.
Iran is and has been killing our troops with bombs from Iran...and Obama signs a nuke treaty with them...and you fucking asshole libs are pissed Trump did the right thing and got us out of a suicidal treaty?
You are not thinking!!!!!!
leave it to Sitforhair to break an agreement between countries.

EXCELLENT way to be trusted by your allies.
There was no agreement between our countries, our senate never ratified it. The Iranians are free to keep the deal but it’s only between them and obie.

There is no tucking deal you retard! That shit deal died the day Trump took office because it wasn’t ratified. The democrats wouldn’t even sign on to it.

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