The UN-armed Citizen VS Government


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
That is what you are going to see in a minute. The country is question is NOT a backward un-educated country by any means. But the UN-armed CITIZEN is having islamic rape shoved down their throats. The UN-armed citizen is having islamic codes shoved down their throats.

The UN-armed citizens of this country are seeing THEIR religious RIGHTS and symbols DESTROYED to quash complaints by NON citizens. Is their leader crazy? What kind of leader would abuse the rights of his/her own CITIZENS for immigrants?

Two things PROVE out in this video. One, When government takes your guns you have NO recourse to abuse or harm to your personal safety and security.
Two, When you have NO recourse government CAN proxy ANY group to be a threat to you.

Anyway these ARE citizens protesting their government and government is NOT listening. Do you really want to wait until YOU have an outlaw government for this abuse? You have guns for a REASON and THIS is it.

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